Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Thanks itay - do you remember which bowler it didn't work for? I might have mixed up "over" and "around" the wicket.

I'll also check on the seam/spin edges. Swing bowlers generally get edges easier because the ball moves more, but I'll test it out again later.
Thanks itay - do you remember which bowler it didn't work for? I might have mixed up "over" and "around" the wicket.

I'll also check on the seam/spin edges. Swing bowlers generally get edges easier because the ball moves more, but I'll test it out again later.

@kurtkz: The angle adjustment doesn't happen immediately for both pace and spin bowlers (and you can't change the angle for the bowler not bowling the current over)

Also, the bowler is bowling a lot leg side deliveries around the wicket
I haven't seen a lot of edges of seam or spin bowlers either (swing bowlers have taken most of the wickets)

I got one to edge off Graeme Swann's bowling the other night, so it's possible. Went to the keeper, was very quick but it happened.
I got one to edge off Graeme Swann's bowling the other night, so it's possible. Went to the keeper, was very quick but it happened.

@BruD: Yea, I edged one off a spinner and the ball evaded the keeper and slip (off a straight drive) but that's about all I have seen so far (in terms of edges off spinners)
fired the game after a long time and it has fired a bug on me...

applied new patch and started t20 wc-zim vs sa and sim screen showed up...
RUN @ 20/07/2013 14:23:27

VERSION: 2.635

MESSAGE: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

STACK TRACE:    at Cricket.Main.GameStateChooseDelivery.SetField() in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateChooseDelivery.cs:line 1478
   at Cricket.Main.GameStateChooseDelivery.ProcessInput(Single ms) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateChooseDelivery.cs:line 2397
   at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 17944
   at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 4191
Hi guys,

new patch is ready (it should fix the bug Ashu raised):




- tweaked ball speed off bat
- tweaked batting, fielding and bowling AI
- added rev counter for spinners
- fixed bug where batsman gets drawn out of crease when leaving the ball
- fixed crash bug on starting a match

Haha, yeah, thought it might be fun to include it :P

I'll be releasing another patch today - slight reskin of the revometer, custom bat textures and a stadium model importer (and support for custom stadiums).
Hi all,

another small update for you on this chilly Monday morning :)



- tweaked rev counter look
- fixed bug in auto-select when choosing allrounders
- tweaked top & bottom edges
- made minimum field size in beach cricket/HK6 25x25m
- added stadium importer & support for custom stadiums
- added unique bats & updated texture preview tool


PS some details regarding making your own stadiums:

- file format must be .X (one file, but can have multiple meshes & textures)
- the ground must be at Z = 0
- the size of the ground should be around (-4000,-4000,0) to (4000,4000,any height)
- don't include adboards, skydome/skybox, grass or a pitch in the stadium, these are generated automatically in the game
- if you want a texture to act as flood light, make sure the texture name ends with _light (e.g. flood_light.png)
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