Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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I checked players.bdb and I found that some of the Indian players and other nations players including Virat's country column is empty... now I corrected it and now game works fine, I can select him as domestic player in indian t20... my players.dbd is downloaded from pat's original name, team link...

@RedKing: Can you send me your %APPDATA%\CricketHeroes\data\players.bdb file please? I'll take a look at it when I get a chance. Sounds like a bug :spy
This cross-posting is probably going to get me in trouble, but I'd like as many people as possible to see this -

If you were one of the unfortunate few to have purchased Ashes Cricket 2013, let me know. I'll give you a free, full copy of Cricket Heroes. PM your username and proof of your Steam purchase and I'll hook you up with a registration code.
@Umair2000: Hehe, maybe I can help. What are you struggling with at the moment? Is it timing the ball? Getting the batsman in the correct position?
Well i cant hit the ball+i cant place my batsmen :/
Hehe, OK, let's start from the beginning :)

Are you using the keyboard/gamepad?
Are you using the normal controls or the batting cone?
Hehe, OK, let's start from the beginning :)

Are you using the keyboard/gamepad?
Are you using the normal controls or the batting cone?

Keyboard and the default ones :D
OK, so the idea is to get your batsman in place before playing your shot. If there's away swing, move your batsman towards the ball. You can do this using the keys A (left), W (up), D (right) and X (down).

When you're in place, set your stance. I think the defaults are I (forward), O (back), K (forward, lofted), L (back, lofted).

Now that the batsman is in place, wait for the ball and then press one of Q/W/E/A/S/D/Z/X/C to play a shot. The shots are all in the help and depends on what stance you've taken.

I suggest playing on the easiest mode to start with just so that you can get a feel for when to play shots...
Is it possible to change x to s
Kurtz, I recently found that when ever I edit the roster in roster editor, it will not save the player nationality, nationality will save as blank in players.bdb file...
@Umair2000: yup, you can change it in Options->Controls.

@RedKing: Aah, thanks for the report. I should have a moment or two to fix ot this weekend.
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