Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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I'm working on balance at the moment:

- reduce the rate at which batsmen regenerate stamina
- reduce the rate at which bowlers lose concentration
Hi Kurt, when you're not busy could you check your PMs? It's regarding an issue with the serial key.
Hmm, not sure why it would work slower. I made a change now so hopefully that resolves it...


- fixed fielder diving bug
- made simulations slightly faster
- tweaked static clouds (hopefully faster now)
- tweaked AI fielding

Patch 2.690 -
Full -


@kurtkz: Bowling marker doesn't appear when batting in this version
EDIT: Lag during gameplay has gotten worse.
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Need to download most recent version... haven't had the chance to dive in CH for a while.
@VampyreSquirrel: Thanks :) I'd advise you to download the full version and then extract the latest patch over it.
Will do Kurt. I'll get that going soon, really wanna see what you've done to the game in the last couple months. I've been reading the change logs, but haven't been able to get around to play.
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