Cricket Leagues - Announcements

Hello guys my New Age Friendship Cup will be the last league for now. My 9th std vacation is done with in a few days an important chapter in my life starts thats 10th standard.

I know I have hid my studying identity previously or even lied when was asked but I really feel comfortable around here now more then what I did previously. As every one knows 10th std is the first step towards your goal and dream :) It was wonderful being here and I will be back as usual when I have enough time but I feel will be off for a long amount of time now.

To all MODs - If Umair wants to run PCPL Season 2, you can allow him as he has taken my permission. Hope I will be back to entertain you all soon with the 6th season of any PC members related league. Will miss you all and good luck to all for their individual life.
It seems that Matt is no more interested in MCC. Anyone interested in managing his team?
Hey guys,I'll be a little inactive from today till 10 May due to exams,but will try my best to get online for posting the lineups and all.
To my earlier message about my 10th std beginning soon I just took admission for my classes and it begins on 13th of May. I still have a months vacation and it seems thats more then enough for another season in my league :)
I'm currently looking for a new manager for the Mid West Rhinos, in the Zimbabwe Premier League. You will get to start at the beginning of a new season. You can post your Interest in the ZPL thread. Thank you. :thumbs
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Coming Soon

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Hell ya!! My laptop charger is broken and I need a new one could be off for a day till I fix it :facepalm Spending last few minutes as the battery dies out :p
I'm going out at my granny's place for a couple of days i.e (Monday & Tuesday). OPL auction is in progress. So could anyone manage my team's auction while I'm away. I'm looking for a good temporary manager who seriously knows how the auction has to be done.

Anyone here. :)
Well guys continue with the talks about my league in my league thread. All will be updated in 4 days of time as my university exams start tomorrow :) See you then

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