CricSim Champions League

Champions League....Again

I couldn't find the old thread so I've created another. Could I please have the names of the 2 teams that have qualified for the Champions League.

I'm not sure if the squads are still the same as the one you sent me Rickyp in October. There may have been some trades, I'm not sure. If the teams have changed could you please re email me the correct squads for the two participating teams. The tournament will start in about 2-3 weeks at the conclusion of the Sticksports competiton.
just out of curiosity, how long do we have to submit our teams?

otherwise, I believe its the pakistani legends and melbourne bitters (correct me if im wrong), if you pm me your email ill send you the stc files for them
Cmon Bitters and LEgends (wow never thought id be saying htat :p)

Cmon make pc proud!
Fender said:
I couldn't find the old thread so I've created another.
Is the search function really so hard to use?

I've merged your two threads
So Legends and Bitters it is. The Groups are almost ready for release, just awaiting final confimation of teams from StickSports. I can tell you though that the Melbourne Bitters will be taking on the Victoria Bitters (Take Forum) In the group stages.

Who will be the best Bitter?

For all the latest info go to:- Champions League

PS: Sorry Kev totally forgot about the search button, wont do it again.
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The Fixtures are now in.

Check them out!!!!

Good Luck Legends and Bitters.

Check out the Legends when they play here next Sunday or head over to Takeforum to watch the battle of the Bitters.
Fender said:
Thanks Embi,

Should be a cracker of a match.
Yes Cheers for getting it together, an excellent idea, time for the bitters to become a world class team!
No we won't! We are the champions and will crush you puny team!

That is, if it is a FC tournament, is it?
The Spin said:
No we won't! We are the champions and will crush you puny team!

That is, if it is a FC tournament, is it?
Yes it is, that's the reason we are in it!

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