day/night match


School Cricketer
Nov 21, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
why isn't there a day/night matches in england stadiums like oval, cardiff and lords
The lack of flood lights at some might explain it.

Cha Ching ....... Correcto Answer of t3h Day .

In England , they do not play Day Night Matches. The British Like their cricket in natural Light .
Cha Ching ....... Correcto Answer of t3h Day .

In England , they do not play Day Night Matches. The British Like their cricket in natural Light .

Somebody knows very little about cricket in england. Of course theres day night matches in england (altho theyre more like day dusk matches as it doesnt get dark till late during british summer time). There are a few grounds with permanent flood lights but most use portable ones. There was even talk of a day night test at lords next year but the ecb and bangladesh boards wouldnt agree on a pink ball.
Pink is a girly color & it surely would look funny being the center of attraction in the Gentleman's game.

I have a teacher who mostly wears a pink striped collar shirt and has a pink mobile.

I'm serious. :p
so can't they put floodlights available in england, in the patch. If that is possible
Guys alot of reason for the lack of day/night matches are the surrounding areas!

For example at Lords and the Oval they are given credits ( times allowed for floodlights to be in use)

The grounds then have to select which matches they choose to use these for!!

Basically due to the housing around the grounds!!

Floodlights in patch??

Just a patch would be good rite now!
i know patch would be good enough. But when i was playin the demo on my PC i played the game until it reaches 8:00 in the game and i saw floodlights at lords. So y not get a floodlights in regular version of the game
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