So, what you're saying there is that on easy you'd get just as hard a delivery from Warne as you would on hardest? That's basically asking people to play hardest difficulty only. The essence of easier and harder difficulties is that you'll be having an easier or harder experience.
purely from DBC perspective batting difficulty only affects batting, and AI bowling by match difficulty.
from general perspective
Yes a googly from warne should be 2500+ rpm regardless of your batting difficulty or match difficulty, and should turn square if the pitch favors it regardless of difficulty.
your experience of hitting it will be determined by your batting difficulty, your user input and
judgement of stroke play.
"the chance of my mistiming or making a mistake should vary depending on the flexibility given to imput across the difficulties", is just a more complex way of saying your mistiming or mistakes should be dependant on late or early timing. Timing. That is exactly what I'm talking about.
The idea that mistiming should have the exact same effect on lower difficulties as high is patently wrong. Simply because if PLAYER A get no better and attempts to play two separate games - (One on Easy) (One on Hardest), then PLAYER A will mistime by a greater degree due to bowlers or batsmen doing their job BETTER. If the do it the same, then it's the same input timing required, hence same difficulty.
Now if PLAYER A is mistiming more on Hardest, then the ball will go different parts of the field if hit, as he'll hit it later or earlier.
User input isnt just timing, its a combination of shot selection, timing, footwork, to that particular ball.
for ex: if i were to play a go over long on with a doosra, the timing, the footwork, my decision of goign against spin etc should take a toll on it.
"Difficulty should only depend on the user input and judgement, along with the flexibility provided at that difficulty level." you say? That "user input", IS TIMING along with judgement of the right shot!

"Along with the flexibility provided at that difficulty level". That flexibility will manifest itself as what outside of a perfect shot? Later safe shots? Nicks, Early safe shots? Lobbed catches? That's what I'm talking about. What do you mean by flexibility exactly there?
flexibility is assist or range given to footwork, timing
like say if footwork varies by the clock at hardest, give it a license of say 45 degree at lesser diff,
for ex: if i choose 1 o clock foot work, while the delivery requires 2 o clock, let the game still choose the right footwork for the delivery at lower diff, and at higher diff let it play with the 1 o clock footwork and play out what happens.
The other part is timing window let it be larger in easier and narrower in harder ones.
which will in turn also play a part with judgement in a sense it will be harder to make a mistake in timing and footwork in easier diff due to footwork assist and wide range in timing.
so what will happen outside of flexibility is the same across all diff, you mistime in and play with a wrong footwork despite the assist provided you will edge or lob or chip, or play out what will happen at that timing and footwork. Easier only eases you to play the game, not change the results you will get when you make the mistake. so as assist decreases the game will be harder in higher diff and the chance of mistake increases. so you will have to play with accurate timing, accurate footwork to be able to avoid the mistakes.