DBC 17 Batting post Patch 3

I'm actually quite angry about what has been done in the patch to batting. I cannot see the justification for changing things so completely. I have spent a lot of time in the game, and now I have to start from before square 1 unlearning all the muscle memory and visual queues and plans I had. So I'm at a stage where I was beginning to feel I was getting somewhere, and that it is now disappeared.
gone from quite angry to fuming. have dropped down to easy, and it's even worse. not only is timing still all over the place, but the shots just go wherever the fearsome tweak they want. you have no control. tried a straight drive and it went - with a middled sound and flying like a rocket to the boundary - through forward square leg.

@Ross said accessibility was the driver for DBC17 - we've ended up with a game about 3 people can mod and only 1 can bat.

gone from quite angry to fuming. have dropped down to easy, and it's even worse. not only is timing still all over the place, but the shots just go wherever the fearsome tweak they want. you have no control. tried a straight drive and it went - with a middled sound and flying like a rocket to the boundary - through forward square leg.

@Ross said accessibility was the driver for DBC17 - we've ended up with a game about 3 people can mod and only 1 can bat.


Had a lot of experience of this today and the evidence is in my story. Quite a few times I looked to play a shot down the ground with the correct footwork/shot position and the ball races through exactly where you said. There does seem to be something off with the implementation of the on drive.
I find that I can pretty much bat where I want following @grkrama 's tutorials....

not to be funny, but you nor g played a month on console... it's a big difference. i think my rebel tour videos show i was relatively to grips with batting pre-patch. since the patch i struggle to score 100 or last much more than 15 overs: even having dropped from medium to easy. (all the rebel videos were on hard or medium).

what bothers me the most is they've said nothing about it. was the change intentional? is it a bug? do i persevere and learn this system - which i really dislike - or wait till another patch which might change it again.
not to be funny, but you nor g played a month on console... it's a big difference.

what bothers me the most is they've said nothing about it. was the change intentional? is it a bug? do i persevere and learn this system - which i really dislike - or wait till another patch which might change it again.

It is a huge difference from pre to post patch. I have been favouring my bowling career since because of it. I just thought I was rubbish at batting
I echo the comments regarding batting, I have had to go down from easy to easiest and still struggle to make 50 let alone 100. I'm not the best at this or bast incarnations but you at least need to make the game fun. I'm getting into the 20's and then get out. It's even worse when it comes to ODI, I just can't even buy a run. Does the AI setting have an effect on this?
i just cannot understand the logic of fundamentally reworking a major system of the game a month after release, and not mentioning it in a patch note. which leads me to think it is unintentional or a bug - and even more so i think that because of things like the reverse cut coming out when you try and cut one too straight, or "middling" a straight drive through square leg. therefore i've little appetite to spend time time relearning this system because if they issue another patch it might change drastically again.

i can't believe i can say this given before the patch you couldn't hit large areas of the field, but batting now is just much much worse.
@blockerdave there's indeed a steep learning curve with batting post patch 3. IMO one thing that would help is if we get proper batting feedback in the form of LS & RS position when we played a shot along with the timing instead of the useless 'Ideal' for footwork, timing and shot selection.

I do think the tolerance range between stick positions to play certain shots is too narrow leading to weird results or shots which you never intended to play in the first place and that's what I mentioned in point 2 in OP. I would love to hear the opinion of someone who has both the PC and console version of the game to know if there are differences between the two versions.
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I've tried the various footwork suggestions from gkrama and cricket online, both good guys trying to help, but I'm not finding it to feel right at all. The on-drive feels almost impossible to connect most of the time and a wicket risk every time I try to play it. I mean I've used the angled footwork and players won't even step out to it, I'm talking top order players. I remember it was a harder shot to play aggressively in DBC'14, but not this hard. Does Big Ant not like the on-drive, perhaps considering it "cow corner" and not wanting it in as an uncultured slog shot like it can be in real life?

The late cut against spinners, I've tried to get the feet in the right place, tried various timings, have angled the footwork and none of it works for me. I know it can happen, have seen videos of it, but it's about as inaccessible to the masses as you can get.

The angled footwork could be brilliant, but sometimes it's working and other times it just doesn't happen.

I'm finding that batting timing seems almost like a movie with bad audio-synch, you have to play extremely early it seems and then the ball arrives and then the shots played, right after it leaves the hand and in real cricket it's playing it late that in most cases makes for a good shot.

All in all, they need to get out the console version of DBC'14 and have a damn good look at the timing, make the foot-work demands a little less stringent (at least closer to '14) and make sure all shots are accessible with reasonable timing and position.

Finally, surely they should have a look at shot power, which can be fine inside the circle, but sometimes glides extremely fast past that like the grass is smooth felt and the ball is on a pool table. I know there are many fast outfields in world cricket, but it just doesn't look realistic many times, I've seen a french-cut (nice to see them in there) and it flew off the edge, one bounce about 6 metres out from the boundary for four!
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@blockerdave there's indeed a steep learning curve with batting post patch 3.

There is, but you'd think it'd impact the top 1-2 difficulty levels a bit more and be much less significant and more incremental from the bottom to middle levels of the game.

I've tried the various footwork suggestions from gkrama and cricket online, both good guys trying to help, but I'm not finding it to feel right at all. The on-drive feels almost impossible to connect most of the time and a wicket risk every time I try to play it. I mean I've used the angled footwork and players won't even step out to it, I'm talking top order players. I remember it was a harder shot to play aggressively in DBC'14, but not this hard. Does Big Ant not like the on-drive, perhaps considering it "cow corner" and not wanting it in as an uncultured slog shot like it can be in real life?

The late cut against spinners, I've tried to get the feet in the right place, tried various timings, have angled the footwork and none of it works for me. I know it can happen, have seen videos of it, but it's about as inaccessible to the masses as you can get.

The angled footwork could be brilliant, but sometimes it's working and other times it just doesn't happen.

I'm finding that batting timing seems almost like a movie with bad audio-synch, you have to play extremely early it seems and then the ball arrives and then the shots played, right after it leaves the hand and in real cricket it's playing it late that in most cases makes for a good shot.

All in all, they need to get out the console version of DBC'14 and have a damn good look at the timing, make the foot-work demands a little less stringent (at least closer to '14) and make sure all shots are accessible with reasonable timing and position.

Finally, surely they should have a look at shot power, which can be fine inside the circle, but sometimes glides extremely fast past that like the grass is smooth felt and the ball is on a pool table. I know there are many fast outfields in world cricket, but it just doesn't look realistic many times, I've seen a french-cut (nice to see them in there) and it flew off the edge, one bounce about 6 metres out from the boundary for four!

I'm on PS4 and struggled mightily and still do though I've gotten a lot better. IMO the two reasons are lack of decent feedback so you have no idea what you are doing wrong and how to improve. Second is the extremely narrow tolerance range for controller input and if you miss it by just a little another shot is activated. That's why you end up playing a drive to mid wkt when you intended to play a straight drive or a pull shot when you want to play an on drive or a late cut shot when you wanted to play a glance or a hook shot when you intended to play glance and so on so forth. My personal favorite is seeing my batsman jump way outside off when I try to play a leg glance leaving stumps exposed and ending up bowled behind the legs. Though I've improved a lot this still happens way too regularly.

By the way never play late cut shot against spinners. It doesn't work as you will end up getting caught by the wkt keeper more often than not. I have logged it as a bug and am hoping it will be fixed in Patch 4.

@blockerdave do you have both the PC and PS4 versions? If you do why don't you highlight the differences to Big Ant folks so it's addressed in the next patch.
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Perhaps an updated batting tutorial or practice would help. Give us more feedback while practicing and naybe take it away in match.

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