DBC 17 Online difficulty is awesome now after patch 2

1. Difficulty option for online mode is not there (Legend, Pro, Amateur etc) It's too easy to time the ball and it seems like the game atm is running on "Pro" difficulty. Lengthcolour comes in bowlers hand before release too, easy misstimed sixes/fours etc.
2. Field Changes done are not registered sometimes.
3. Options for same field sets for all bowler/batsman is not there.
4. Different sound effect for different shots - Well timed shots should have a cracking sound(Just Like Dbc 14)
5. Sometimes batsman run and glitches to the same end and When u cancel run, they sometimes run in a circle.
6. The Cut shot animation against a bouncer from DBC 14? Can we have that back? :) it's there but we can only see it against a lofted cut, would be nice to have it on normal cut shot and would be realistic too :) right now it looks like a late cut kind of shot :)
7. Game is a bit buggy, game gets disconnected more often than previous version of the game. Perhaps because its new? However, want u to know still :)
8. The cover drive only goes to long off region. If we could have the ball going to deep extra cover depending on where u play it, it would be appreciated.
9. Playing online - if you're bowling and the batsman plays a shot, it comes very late. Kind of comes as a "immediate" hit for a shot that the batsman may have perfectly timed in his game... (Sent a video footage of this on messenger)
10. Backfoot shots are buggy. Can barely play them anymore. You can miss a straight ball or other kind of glitch happens
10. Yes... I have played the game and its awesome.

Updated with final list with new points. Gameplay footage is available for some bugs and can be sent to you if u wish. Hope this list helps u for the christmas patch u mentioned. Keep being awesome

//Ali Khan @BigAntStudios
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1. Difficulty option for online mode is not there (Legend, Pro, Amateur etc) It's too easy to time the ball and it seems like the game atm is running on "Pro" difficulty. Lengthcolour comes in bowlers hand before release too, easy misstimed sixes/fours etc.
2. Field Changes done are not registered sometimes.
3. Options for same field sets for all bowler/batsman is not there.
4. Different sound effect for different shots - Well timed shots should have a cracking sound(Just Like Dbc 14)
5. Sometimes batsman run and glitches to the same end and When u cancel run, they sometimes run in a circle.
6. The Cut shot animation against a bouncer from DBC 14? Can we have that back? :) it's there but we can only see it against a lofted cut, would be nice to have it on normal cut shot and would be realistic too :)
7. Gameplay servers are buggy, game gets disconnected. Perhaps because its new? However, want u to know still :)
8. The cover drive only goes to long off region. If we could have the ball going to deep extra cover depending on where u play it, it would be appreciated.
9. Yes... I have played the game and its awesome.

Updated with final list with new points. Gameplay footage is available for some bugs and can be sent to you if u wish. Hope this list helps u for the christmas patch u mentioned. Keep being awesome

//Ali Khan @BigAntStudios

Game servers? its peer to peer....

-Camera shaking while batting
This is a major concern in pro cam.

-Camera shaking while batting
This is a major concern in pro cam.

Does it happen for all camera angles or a specific one, say "Batsman Close"?

1 online difficulty
2 fast and easy feild editor
3 feild radar and shot radar in amature difficulty plz consider
4 a website or page for detailed stats of online matches
5 faster gameplay mean ability to skip replys and unnecessry online delys
6 ban system for pirates cheaters and online quitters
7 DLC and trading player will b great fun
8 ranking and level system,, more u win more u get virtual points or cash to get ability to raise skill and attributes of own team so that it makes a healty compitition to become best

1 online difficulty
2 fast and easy feild editor
3 feild radar and shot radar in amature difficulty plz consider
4 a website or page for detailed stats of online matches
5 faster gameplay mean ability to skip replys and unnecessry online delys
6 ban system for pirates cheaters and online quitters
7 DLC and trading player will b great fun
8 ranking and level system,, more u win more u get virtual points or cash to get ability to raise skill and attributes of own team so that it makes a healty compitition to become best
Stop posting same stuff. Go show this to someone else man.
Stop posting same stuff. Go show this to someone else man.

1 online difficulty
2 fast and easy feild editor
3 feild radar and shot radar in amature difficulty plz consider
4 a website or page for detailed stats of online matches
5 faster gameplay mean ability to skip replys and unnecessry online delys
6 ban system for pirates cheaters and online quitters
7 DLC and trading player will b great fun
8 ranking and level system,, more u win more u get virtual points or cash to get ability to raise skill and attributes of own team so that it makes a healty compitition to become best
Why are u complaining when u havent tried the game? Ur game comes next month on pc.
ALI KHAN 215 U R NOT DON of this page , so i m not bound to take ur permission its not complaint, just expectation from bigants as customer
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