Dhoni's gloves

I don't think he knew. And the very fact that the illegality of his gloves were found out after playing with it all summer, at such a late stage in the tour shows that the crime committed is hardly substantial. I think Dhoni would probably have plead innocent since he may not have been aware of the rule and the match referee probably took all that into account.

It doesn't matter if he knew or not.. It's like not convicting someone of murder simply because they didn't know the rule. It's their own fault, they should know.

I strongly feel that Dhoni got off VERY lucky. I've used both types of gloves as I said and the extra strip of material assist diving catching a hell of a lot. They are a fairly big advantage and he's lucky to get away.
Ya he is lucky to get away.He should have a Jail for 10 years..
Common grow up.That was not a big deal..And its all already happened.You can't do anything about it now!
I know..But that was mistake from Officials..If he would have got penalized for it,I never complained..
Its not a big Deal...I say that Jayasuriya used more wider bat in 1996 world cup..But who gonna measure it..Its all part of the game.And they don't make real difference..
Means If you give Jhonty Rhods's shoes to Munaf then also Dadaji can't field.I know i am not making sense.
That's a pretty terrible metaphor since you don't use shoes to throw or catch.

If gloves are illegal, then yes the game must be stopped, how can we allow Dhoni to have an unfair advantage?

Ya he is lucky to get away.He should have a Jail for 10 years..
Common grow up.That was not a big deal..And its all already happened.You can't do anything about it now!
There's a good chance that he noticed his gloves were different, but he wore them anyway, so he could easily have been suspended or fined.
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Just wondering, who is the manufacturer that made Dhoni's glove?

So we all know who to not buy cricket equipment from ;)

I must have Lol at that..:rtfl

That was his home made..:p
I don't know why people keep discussing.Its all happened and you can't do anything about that..:D
Ya he is lucky to get away.He should have a Jail for 10 years..
Common grow up.That was not a big deal..And its all already happened.You can't do anything about it now!

Oh shut it. He got away with it and lets leave it at that. He is extremely lucky because the gloves he was using do give the keeper a great advantage on diving catches. He should have gotten a fine.

Don't see how you can argue against that.
I am not arguing mate..I know he did mistake..I don't care he knew that or not.but that wasn't fair..But My point is Officials should have punished him.That was mistake from Officials.If officials would have fined him or baned him then i have never complained.
But if they missed it then you can't just fire on Dhoni..Anyway Bro I don't like him at all.so i am not defending him..
Just wondering, who is the manufacturer that made Dhoni's glove?

So we all know who to not buy cricket equipment from ;)

Gilly & Dhoni = same manufacturer

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