Don Bradman 17 review - Buyers beware!!

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what I dont understand is that they are still failing to admit that there are glaring issues that need to be rectified, and are still saying that "majority users have no complaints while only a small minority are reporting issues". I dont think thats the case. A vast number of people have reported these issues, so please accept it and work on the issues.

HArsh and unfair. Yes they've said only a small number are reporting issues, but then that's probably accurate actually. People who aren't having issues aren't commenting on here. They've also said they're looking into the issues and trying to rectify them, but give them a chance. Game only officially got released a couple of days ago, and since then it has been a weekend, the week before Christmas at that. (Yes even in Australia they have weekends.)

Unfortunately comments like yours just serve to annoy the BA staff who are reading the forums, and aren't going to incentivise them to help resolve issues quickly are they?
if you read through these 20 pages and all the pages of the "first impressions thread" I can count many, many many, bad experiences and only a handful of good ones. it feels to me like the other way around, majority reporting issues and minority are not. also would you happen to be a part of the "BA Staff" having seen that you just joined yesterday? :P
if you read through these 20 pages and all the pages of the "first impressions thread" I can count many, many many, bad experiences and only a handful of good ones. it feels to me like the other way around, majority reporting issues and minority are not. also would you happen to be a part of the "BA Staff" having seen that you just joined yesterday? :P

Ha God no. I'm an accountant from the UK, not a games developer in Australia! But that's my point, people who are having a bad experience are far more likely to go onto an online message board to comment. (As indeed I have, because I'm having some issues myself which I've reported in the bugs thread without attacking the company.)

I'm just not sure that falsehoods about BA refusing to accept there are issues is particularly helpful.
You just have to remember that it's getting fixed soon.
Yes the game has problem so I think just give it a little time and it will be all fixed soon.
The mindless chat dont help anyone.

Tomorrow for my own pleasure and in a bid to help, I'm going to document a playthrough/review in a thread.

Capture all the highlights and issues along the way and post them here.

Hopefully this will serve has some entertainment for some and help for others!
what I dont understand is that they are still failing to admit that there are glaring issues that need to be rectified, and are still saying that "majority users have no complaints while only a small minority are reporting issues". I dont think thats the case. A vast number of people have reported these issues, so please accept it and work on the issues.
Or they a working through their weekend day and night to get things sorted.....and for those who think I am just a fanboy or a flog....there are some people who actually know things rather than stabbing wildly in the dark with a blunt ego and a clawhammer.....this isnt a war crimes tribunal with your admit this admit that: bottom line...bring it back.
Regarding the stats question: No there is no way to view the career stats for a players entire career - at least no way that I've found. You can view the stats for whichever tournament you happen to be playing (Australia shield 2018; IPL 2020; etc) but there is no section to see what your player or any players career statistics look like. My career average in the club cricket is something like 21.55 but if I look at my stats I only see my runs scored from the current season which makes it look like my ace average should be up around 50. There is also very little in regards to stats - just runs scored and balls faced plus a few fielding things. Nothing like centuries, half centuries, top score etc.

I have also got to the stage where my career can't continue without the game crashing which means the only mode that works for me as of now is casual match. With that also crashing 25% of the time. I'm happy to be patient but I would like to know that this is getting fixed before my 7 day return period is up. If it isn't getting fixed anytime soon I will return it and buy it later when it drops in price. Right now it seems pointless me owning the game since I can't play it at all.
Or they a working through their weekend day and night to get things sorted.....and for those who think I am just a fanboy or a flog....there are some people who actually know things rather than stabbing wildly in the dark with a blunt ego and a clawhammer.....this isnt a war crimes tribunal with your admit this admit that: bottom line...bring it back.

The fact that they are "working through the weekend" only suggests that they released the day before the weekend... this is not amazing, this is not "above and beyond", and they are most certainly not "the best devs ever" for doing so... this is the real world, it suggests they HAD too because released a sub-standard product...
The fact that they are "working through the weekend" only suggests that they released the day before the weekend... this is not amazing, this is not "above and beyond", and they are most certainly not "the best devs ever" for doing so... this is the real world, it suggests they HAD too because released a sub-standard product...
Oh I didnt expect you in here....I am just giving my pov just like you on a public forum. You have your pov I have mine. What you read into my pov is just your pov.
Clearly looks like the game was not tested properly/not ready for release... granted that all games have minor bugs after release, but there are some major flaws here, which can render the game unplayable. If they knew this was the case, then why did they release it? just to hit "the date"? or did they not know about these issues at all? in which case they may need to recruit some new members for their QA/testing team.
Overall, you have no idea what you are talking about! Might I point out, you are playing on a different console, with a copy bought in another country from a different medium... Also, its exactly as expressed in my posts, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the time to write them!!!

Also, look at all the people on the forums who have the same problems as myself, go look in the bugs thread... What I have written is EXACTLY how my game plays, even the devs mentioned that this was in fact happening somewhere... (cbf to find that post this early :P)

PS4 Pro is not that much of a diff console to have such different experiences. Copy bought in another country with different currency doesn't mean anything - you're still running the same game base code.
Just because you wrote down the points doesn't mean you're now 100% accurate and everyone has the same exact experience as you.
Yes, some of the points you've said have merit and I agreed with you but you seem to be insistent that only your views hold merit.
Yeah I wonder if another 12 months of development could have yielded a superior product. Maybe better mocap, more extensive stadium creator, tighter game at release, all that jazz.

DBC14 has held up so well to this day and I just hope this game doesn't damage bigants reputation.
PS4 Pro is not that much of a diff console to have such different experiences. Copy bought in another country with different currency doesn't mean anything - you're still running the same game base code.
Just because you wrote down the points doesn't mean you're now 100% accurate and everyone has the same exact experience as you.
Yes, some of the points you've said have merit and I agreed with you but you seem to be insistent that only your views hold merit.

Read what you wrote properly... Read the bold parts below...

Wow... I'm not going to do point by point comparison but the OP's review is totally inconsistent with my experience with this game. I've played it for at least 4 hours now on PS4 and while there are issues, the game is nowhere near what OP's talking about.

Few things I do agree on -
- I did have crashes on PS4 Pro (US PSN version + whatever latest patches it had)
- Did start off with CE-300075-9 or something error. Was a Block not ready err code)
- Did have issues downloading teams but finally worked

Rest of it seems nonsense tbh. Things like he couldn't run faster or everyone dives etc. Does OP have pirated copy?

Overall, the game is nothing like what OP is talking about.

The reason I suggested that "Overall, you have no idea what you are talking about!", IS BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT MY GAME IS DOING!!

Of course my views are the only views that hold merit... WHEN I'M TALKING ABOUT MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WITH THIS GAME...

Do you even realize your having a go at my post for the exact same thing that you had just done in yours??????????
The fact that they are "working through the weekend" only suggests that they released the day before the weekend... this is not amazing, this is not "above and beyond", and they are most certainly not "the best devs ever" for doing so... this is the real world, it suggests they HAD too because released a sub-standard product...
may i also point out that game was leaked in UAE prior to launch forcing publisher to bring date forward, would it of fixed all issues you know what probably not, it screams a rushed release, now i like the game bugs and all, look it will be amazing after patches..i can help but feel for Bigant seriously points have been made how about a change in tactics lets try to offer constructive feedback.

so in comparison how does this hold up against DBC14 superman fielders anyone? limited strokes? all was there when DBC 14 released now look its one of the best cricket games ever released, maybe a new game engine was written and some code lines are missed who knows im no game developer i wouldnt even know where to start, so im not going to bag them out. if you think you can make it better go right ahead front the cash pay the staff and put it out. i get your upset youve paid cash yes your entitled to feel annoyed, but offer help by posting bugs/feedback in a positive manner youll be surprised at the better response you will receive im sure.

One last thing Diablo 3 when it first released was the biggest pile of garbage you have ever seen, and it was worse that DBC, i also own this game on both pc and console thats how much i like the game! but over time and through patches its an amazing game supported by a development team dedicated to the game....sound familiar?
may i also point out that game was leaked in UAE prior to launch forcing publisher to bring date forward, would it of fixed all issues you know what probably not, it screams a rushed release, now i like the game bugs and all, look it will be amazing after patches..i can help but feel for Bigant seriously points have been made how about a change in tactics lets try to offer constructive feedback.

so in comparison how does this hold up against DBC14 superman fielders anyone? limited strokes? all was there when DBC 14 released now look its one of the best cricket games ever released, maybe a new game engine was written and some code lines are missed who knows im no game developer i wouldnt even know where to start, so im not going to bag them out. if you think you can make it better go right ahead front the cash pay the staff and put it out. i get your upset youve paid cash yes your entitled to feel annoyed, but offer help by posting bugs/feedback in a positive manner youll be surprised at the better response you will receive im sure.

One last thing Diablo 3 when it first released was the biggest pile of garbage you have ever seen, and it was worse that DBC, i also own this game on both pc and console thats how much i like the game! but over time and through patches its an amazing game supported by a development team dedicated to the game....sound familiar?

Pretty sure the game leak in UAE was with actual physical copies of the game (correct me if I'm wrong here), meaning they had been sent there already, also (again, correct me if I'm wrong here) I believe the release date was moved forward before the leak...

What is your description of helpful feedback? I posted the problems I was having, which I then edited to make more palatable (minus a bit of rage)... now, having provided all the feedback I deem necessary, I am discussing stuff on the forums... I'm not going to spend the next 6 months saying "BA is great!! Just have faith!! Blah Blah Blah!!!"... That doesn't achieve anything... Nor am I going to sit quietly and not say anything on these forums until its fixed...

Should I be giving them advice on how to code? What to include in the game?? Marketing tips???
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