Don Bradman Cricket 14 - first impressions thread

I have basically stopped playing career mode because of my inability to bat.

Batting is incredibly tough in career mode. My advice would be to lock down one end during a test match, block plenty and try to get a single off the second or last delivery to get back on strike and wash and repeat. The longer you bat in a match, the better you get at reaction times and shots. Don't even bother with "power" shots until you've got you player confidence up a bit more...

I was able to get to 20 runs off about 50 deliveries before I was run out (my fault, stupid run) but that approach definitely helps. Also, playing a few "casual" matches on PRO or higher helps as well.

It's just practice, really. Getting used to the controls...
Firstly thanks to bigant for a wonderful absolutely hooked.

Hokay guys,time for a stupid question
How do i change the "line" of the bowl?..ive toggled the left analog(xbox) to the extremes of both sides but it keeps bowling straight?...when to move the analog... during or before delivery?
An icredibly frustrated brit right now ! Game looks excellent however seeing a few too many players getting caught in front of the wicket i.e midoff/mid on. Also players getting bowled playin completely the wrong line from release not beaten off the pitch or in the air
9. A very important one! The defensive shot should be revamped. It should be much more simple to play a dot ball. Something on the lines of "ducking/leaving" the ball. So, as in real life, if you're in no position to play a shot, you should be able to just block it. Currently, playing the defensive shot has the same mechanics as a playing an aggressive shot - which, if you think, doesn't make much sense.

Just when I was thinking your post was making so much sense I ran into this (and to top it you marked it as the most imp point).

All I would ask you is, have you ever played real cricket in life?? If you have, which I'm sure is true, you would know that playing a defensive shot can be equally or more difficult than playing an aggressive shot in real life as well. It all depends on the kind of delivery and your position. At time it's easier to hit a ball aggressively than to defend it. The game captures this facet of cricket 'perfectly'.

Watch more cricket dude.....batsmen get out on defensive strokes as much as they do on aggressive ones.


Firstly thanks to bigant for a wonderful absolutely hooked.

Hokay guys,time for a stupid question
How do i change the "line" of the bowl?..ive toggled the left analog(xbox) to the extremes of both sides but it keeps bowling straight?...when to move the analog... during or before delivery?

Isn't the line of the delivery controlled by the movement of the Right Stick??? I think the left stick is for the seam position.
Is there going to be a patch in the works? I can see a lot of promise in the game but it feels more like a beta release right now to me.

My issues so far

1. If I don't tell the NPC to sprint for runs he runs fast and then slows to a walk before reaching the crease and is run out when all it would take is one step or a grounded bat to stop the run out, why would he run fast until a bats length away from the crease then just stop and start walking slowly?

2. Bowling randomly changes from over/around the wicket after deliveries: it will show the highlight then without me pushing anything I will now have changed sides.

3. A lot of the time the ball doesn't seem to carry to the keep at all, I will bowl a 143kmph delivery and it will just drop once it's past the wicket and roll to a stop.

4. fielders fielding in close seem to drop every catch, fielders who are around mid on/off length away seem to take every catch even if it involves diving like a superhuman

5. The scorecard seems to bug out on me quite abit, I haven't isolated a specific time of when it is happening but often in career mode if I go to check the scorecard during the opponents first innings when my side has already batted it will show my sides innings as blank as if we have not batted yet.

6. Others have mentioned fielders hitting the bails, players who don't bowl opening the bowling (this may be a roster issue) and the various commentary issues (not major imo).

7. Batting collapses seem to happen every game, 50 over run rates are really low.

Batting is hard to the point of not really making any sense, bowling is easy. I'm a batting all rounder and in my first 10 games I have 20 odd wickets at an average of 14 in the shield, I've taken 7 wickets for 20 and I've taken a hattrick already in a 4 wicket maiden over. While I say bowling is easy I am still at a loss to whether or not delivery types actually do anything, the animations and flight of the ball seems the same if i try in/out swingers or cutters etc. It also feels like I can't control what line I bowl, if i move the stick at an angle to get it to go on a different line it seems to give me a poor delivery and it gets put away, right now all I do is bowl full yorkers and mix up pace and I just keep getting bowled or LBW.

Those are the main bugs I have found but I'm also wondering if a patch will overhaul the bowling and batting mechanics. As it stands I rarely seem to even get a front foot animation when playing front foot shots and with no feedback about timing it leaves me confused as to what was wrong with my shots (in the nets I can get "ideal" then "late" seemingly at random by pre empting or leaving it to the last minute to play my shot and still get ideal). It's also annoying not having a HUD of where the fielders are, especially when your the non striker and have to wait for the ball to reach a fielder to even tell where if there was a run or not. The manual also mentions you should hit the ball when it goes white but even on the rookie difficulty I don't seem to ever see the balls circle go white.

As I mentioned above the bowling system seems out of whack and too easy, I can't up the difficulty because of how hard the batting is and I take wickets without even knowing how to actually change my line properly or if my in swing/out swing have any effects.

I'm also wondering is there a way to check stats in a match and out of a match can I see my career players stats for his whole career rather than having to go to the competetion, then filter for my team and then find myself and only see my stats for that year of the comp? I would have thought being a stats driven game it would be showing my stats a lot more and in more places. It's odd the commentary team talks about how amazing my strike rate when bowling is but at no point can I see that in game?

Do I need to push start and then select simulate to my player after every over I bowl or is there a way to make it auto sim when my overs finished? Not a big issue but wondering if I missed something.

Sorry for the long post. I hate to make a negative post because I am aware of how hard it is to make a cricket game and how hard the developers are working and being a part of the community is great but I feel I must try to post my initial impressions of how I feel the state of the game is right now. If a patch can be made that fixes up the batting and at least a few bugs (they wouldn't be so major if the batting and bowling mechanics were improved) than this game could be amazing.


Firstly thanks to bigant for a wonderful absolutely hooked.

Hokay guys,time for a stupid question
How do i change the "line" of the bowl?..ive toggled the left analog(xbox) to the extremes of both sides but it keeps bowling straight?...when to move the analog... during or before delivery?

the right stick on it's upward motion controls the line, it's a bit difficult to control it properly though so I've just been bowling straight, whenever I try to do it slightly it just bowls wide or gets put away for me.

You also don't need to move the right stick down and hold it down before going up, you can push it down for the jump and release it then push it up again for the delivery. Bowling this way let's me get it perfect almost every time. Not sure if this is intended or not but originally I was trying to move it down then up in one fluid motion.
hello my name is ray i was notified by my mate about this game and from the moment i saw it i fell in love.i watching the gameplay vids on youtube and i must say the game looks absolutely stunning except for minor problems like the abitity to knock the ball around for quick singles,too much sliding by fielders etc that i believe would be fixed in the upcoming patches.
however i dont own a old-gen console or a high end pc i only have a xbox one.will this game be coming to next gen and when.
thanks it will be great if this can be confirmed
Most of those things are clutching at straws really except for 1 thing. The batting.

Batting is whack and it's dead set doing my head in. It is just impossible to pick up both line and length. You either get one or the other and YES! i know about the green circle around the ball.

You can still make runs if you premeditate playing on the front or back foot all the time but that kind of ruins the experience of the game because some of the shots just look ugly and unrealistic.

This is for pro difficulty and above. If you are waiting for the ball to be bowled before you pick which foot to play it off and what direction to hit in then you wont be making many runs and i find it hard to believe anyone that says otherwise.

The bowling is awesome though, pace and spin. The whole concept around the bowling is genius.
Just when I was thinking your post was making so much sense I ran into this (and to top it you marked it as the most imp point).

All I would ask you is, have you ever played real cricket in life?? If you have, which I'm sure is true, you would know that playing a defensive shot can be equally or more difficult than playing an aggressive shot in real life as well. It all depends on the kind of delivery and your position. At time it's easier to hit a ball aggressively than to defend it. The game captures this facet of cricket 'perfectly'.

Watch more cricket dude.....batsmen get out on defensive strokes as much as they do on aggressive ones.

I don't mean to get all puffy chested, but as an A grade player for the last 10 years I would respectfully but absolutely disagree with you here. Blocking should be relatively simple compared to playing shots (and not going out). You don't have to worry as much about a backswing or timing, it's really just the footwork to get right.

@Biggs, @MattW what are your thoughts on the bowling of the AI? Some people seem to be complaining about the line. I would expect around 4 deliveries outside or on off with 1 or 2 bouncers or angling into the stumps each over for a quality bowler. Cheers guys.
Most of those things are clutching at straws really except for 1 thing. The batting.

Batting is whack and it's dead set doing my head in. It is just impossible to pick up both line and length. You either get one or the other and YES! i know about the green circle around the ball.

You can still make runs if you premeditate playing on the front or back foot all the time but that kind of ruins the experience of the game because some of the shots just look ugly and unrealistic.

This is for pro difficulty and above. If you are waiting for the ball to be bowled before you pick which foot to play it off and what direction to hit in then you wont be making many runs and i find it hard to believe anyone that says otherwise.

The bowling is awesome though, pace and spin. The whole concept around the bowling is genius.

Give it time... No1 is any good right now. it's going to take awhile to get used to it as it's different to any other cricket game ever made..
I don't mean to get all puffy chested, but as an A grade player for the last 10 years I would respectfully but absolutely disagree with you here. Blocking should be relatively simple compared to playing shots (and not going out). You don't have to worry as much about a backswing or timing, it's really just the footwork to get right.

@Biggs, @MattW what are your thoughts on the bowling of the AI? Some people seem to be complaining about the line. I would expect around 4 deliveries outside or on off with 1 or 2 bouncers or angling into the stumps each over for a quality bowler. Cheers guys.

I seem to be getting bowled to on the leg side\leg stump 85% of the time and rarely on the off stump.


Give it time... No1 is any good right now. it's going to take awhile to get used to it as it's different to any other cricket game ever made..

one thing that I think will cause issues is that if it is just people adapting to a new system you don't really know what you've done wrong. Combined with a lack of in game feed back it makes it a bit more frustrating than usual. When I'm learning a new sports game I usually get feedback or can tell what I'm messing up but in this game it's hard to figure out exactly what your mistiming or doing wrong.
What i see is people try to tee off from ball one and thats not going to work most times, in other cricket games you could premeditate but this one you can't. Simple as that. Take time to learn and get to grips with it theres practice mode for that very reason it give you feedback on that.
Glad batting appears hard

People just want to master game straight away then complain game is too easy and boring a month later
I seem to be getting bowled to on the leg side\leg stump 85% of the time and rarely on the off stump.

yes this happened to me early on too because of my footwork but basically i only go back or forward now when it comes to footwork. I don't bother with sideways footwork very much because they end up too far down the wrong line of the ball.

one thing that I think will cause issues is that if it is just people adapting to a new system you don't really know what you've done wrong. Combined with a lack of in game feed back it makes it a bit more frustrating than usual. When I'm learning a new sports game I usually get feedback or can tell what I'm messing up but in this game it's hard to figure out exactly what your mistiming or doing wrong.

I dont believe its something that will get much better to be honest, there will always be a bit of guess work if you choose to pick both line and length after the ball is released, the reaction time is just too quick, you are best of choosing back or front foot pre-delivery and i reckon it is easier to make runs.

I noticed in the nets when you bat on the harder levels the circle around the ball comes up slightly quicker and you have just the perfect amount of time to pick front/back foot and direction. Not the same in matches though even though the difficulty is the same.

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