Don Bradman Cricket 14 - first impressions thread

I hate being always right. (Even when i'm wrong i'm right).

I think it was blocker that said a patch will take months. Looks like the first one is only weeks away.

GO BigAnt.

Yep... Very surprised it's so quick. What do I know... I only design software for a living... Slowly, evidently :)
Finally had a quick little hit in a test match. The overall tempo felt very nice. First impression though, is that the AI fields are a little too defensive early on in an innings.
Yep... Very surprised it's so quick. What do I know... I only design software for a living... Slowly, evidently :)

Lol, Finance software by any chance? I'm a oracle developer so would know that feeling.

God just reminded myself why I hate my job..
Frustrated with batting to the point of on the verge of taking game back. Mainly in career but sometimes in other modes too, my batsman continually won't play a shot on most occasions and I'm out bowled or LBW:mad Is it a timing thing?faulty game maybe? I thought controller at first but have since changed controllers. Can anyone help?

If you press in the right trigger he will leave the ball, my guess this is happening to you a lot. I had this at the start also, i worked it out on Xbox 360 in the nets and on PS3 just found what i was doing wrong. Be soft on the right stick or this will get you out. PS I would love this changed in the next version of the game if they can.


Has anybody run off overthrows?

2 Runs so far. This could be tweaked at the same time as the AI throwing at the stumps to much.
It's not reasonable to assert this.

HBK and Mike are here to find out what people like, what they don't, and also scout for bugs. That, and to help people out with issues.

I have said we will patch, fix, and add features where we can, I can offer no more than that and think our service second to none. We already have a submission underway based on feedback from here regarding career mode and are leaning on people to get it out ASAP.

The game is full of stuff from here. Whenever have you had that kind of demonstrable influence over a game?

The game's good, together we are going to make it great.

That made me almost cry Ross;):cheers, you are a legend dude.


Finally had a quick little hit in a test match. The overall tempo felt very nice. First impression though, is that the AI fields are a little too defensive early on in an innings.

They also don't have to many fields, i don't now the number but double would be nice. That and the AI Wicket keeper/ AI fields are the area i think need looking at the most. PS The AI are still top in this game, even on pro that's a challenge and i am loving.


On the flip side of overthrows, I've had the AI run while I was busy appealing for LBW.

Have you had a LBW yet that was given and you wen't for the review and it was going down leg. I was dancing and i can tell you i can't dance well.:D
Okay so I finally got the game today. Played a Five 5(Local Multiplayer) and a T10(Just batted in this one).

What I think after playing a couple of matches:

I could only score 62 in the T10(Pro Difficulty),I wasn't playing seriously I'll have to admit. But I didn't find it too difficult to be honest. The difficulty is just about right.
I was able to hit a variety of strokes including Cover drives,late cuts,Pulls,flicks,a straight six and even a Scoop.
AI didn't bowl too leg side-ish to me(Team England it was). 50-50 I would say.
Direct hit's ofcourse are a problem.

I was pretty awestruck on seeing the Indian Team which was auto-replaced. Didn't have many Current players and attributes were pretty low too(T20 Lineup ofcourse).

In Local Multiplayer(With broadcast cam) the Controls seemed as if I was still using the Behind the Batsman Cam. Do I manually need to invert batting controls??

An important thing which I found missing were quick singles. I wasn't able to just run the ball down the gap and take a single. Could someone please enlighten me as to how it can be achieved?

The thing I absolutely hated were the preset fields. I have to say they are awful. Who keeps a forward short leg and three slips in T20's?? I couldn't find a single aggressive field set for the offie without a handful of close in fielders. Please take a leaf out of the Preset fields from Cricket 07 with one of my Gameplay Patches. The most realistic possible in a Cricket game.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing the game. It's great already and will probably get even better after the patch comes out.

Thanks a lot Big Ant. Great job. :thumbs
Well my decision to hold out for the PC version lasted exactly one day. My will power stat is quite low.

Anyway, first impressions are good. The 6 year old boy even had a bit of fun - although I'd rather try to explain how babies are made than the rules of cricket to a 6 year old.

I think I'm going to spend a hell of a lot more time in the nets and match practice. I've decided to go straight to veteran difficulty. First match I was 3/1 dec. and they were 0/4 off 0.1 ;)

I think it's important for people to learn how you must manage your play in the game (not just the controls). I think people are expecting to play only the way they believe is right rather than figuring out the most effective way as per the design of the game.

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