Don Bradman Cricket 14 - first impressions thread

Try bowling first to AI on PRO and see how much they score. It seems AI puts up a decent total when you simulate the innings/match but doesn't do so well when you bowl to them. If that's the case would be great for this to be patched along with "Career mode" & "superhuman fielders" bugs.

That's the thing, I'm terrible on "PRO" at the moment, so I'm not going to toil away during a test match on that setting just yet. I might do a Amateur test later today and see how I go in the field, but my focus is getting my career player to at least a 50 during a match...

I can't speak to what will and won't be patched and I don't think you can expect them to patch things just because a few people are finding things challenging. You'll see Ross and Mikey talking about "Balance" quite a lot over the next few weeks and they'll be taking notes of everyones experience and tweaking accordingly over the next few months.

I wouldn't go expecting any major gameplay-specific patches in the next 3 - 6 months other than bug-fixing, the diving/run-out one seems to be all but taken care of, so I'd focus on catching and reporting those, rather than worrying about difficulty levels for now.
Try bowling first to AI on PRO and see how much they score. It seems AI puts up a decent total when you simulate the innings/match but doesn't do so well when you bowl to them. If that's the case would be great for this to be patched along with "Career mode" & "superhuman fielders" bugs.

I have bowled 2 times on pro in a test match, first time i bowled badly so they made 272 and then 169. Runrate for there inns was 4.82 and 3.95.
So everyone I've played online except for @MattW still uses the default on disc teams.... They've also quit early because my bowling attack is too much :p, again except for @MattW he put me all over the ground for a few overs there.
They've also quit early because my bowling attack is too much :p, again except for @MattW he put me all over the ground for a few overs there.

Yeah i guest that would happen... That's why i'm only going to play people who have been on here for a while.
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If you aren't able to play a single shot, there may be a problem with your controller - or maybe the way you are executing the shot.

It is stupid not good to blame the game as "faulty" if everyone is able to play his shots. Check the controller, try it on some other game to confirm if it is working. If it is indeed working, try following the tutorials to the letter. You should be able to play the shot. If, however, you aren't able to play the shot perfectly, it is clear that you need more practice. Whether you are willing to invest your time learning the new controls or not is another issue.

Sorry you must have misunderstood. I didn't think the game was faulty maybe just my disc. Anyway have worked I was pushing too hard on the right stick as someone else suggested. Thanks for your input all the same;)


If you press in the right trigger he will leave the ball, my guess this is happening to you a lot. I had this at the start also, i worked it out on Xbox 360 in the nets and on PS3 just found what i was doing wrong. Be soft on the right stick or this will get you out. PS I would love this changed in the next version of the game if they can.


2 Runs so far. This could be tweaked at the same time as the AI throwing at the stumps to much.

Thanks champ, I was pressing too hard on right stick which must have been forcing it inwards. Now loving the game and made my highest score of 18 this morning:)
Well played big ant:thumbs
Is there a reason why amateur difficulty was left unavailable for career mode? Ir a reason why it can't be patched in?
Is there a reason why amateur difficulty was left unavailable for career mode? Ir a reason why it can't be patched in?

To make career mode more challenging. I personally like it this way.
well if people wants to play career mode on amateur then I believe it should be patched in, when they improve then they can increase the difficulty during career mode.
I'm quite excited about hearing people's different reactions to parts of the game. Its nice that batting and pace/spin bowling all have different controls, and different difficulty levels. It should make career mode very interesting as people are funnelled naturally into doing what they are good at; exactly as it probably is in real life.

An example that comes to mind is MLB the show. I'm pretty good at pitching in that game; don't give up many hits and get a lot of Ks. However; I can't bat for the life of me; I swing at everything, even its a curveball that starts out below the zone, because I have no patience. This means that I can't force any walks while batting, which doesn't really help at all... I'll probably be the same in this game; I'll block for a few balls, and then try to tonk one and end up being out. It'll be nice to have that sort of thing in a cricket game; it'll be something new! Those who have the game can hopefully confirm whether this is the case; seems it from some of the career stories that I'm hearing!
The quick single is lovely, but even if you know how to play it the superhuman fielders make it too risky.

That plus the camera movement from Batsman Close to fielding takes about a whole second to change (not visible in the video as it's a replay) which made it even riskier. do I upload my videos from the game?? Haven been able to figure out yet. When viewing the interactive replay, I don't see an option to upload the video.

Oops....I just realized I should have taken the audio out of the quick single video before uploading....that's big big oversight :p
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Just completed my first online match (t10) against someone (no idea who).

Lost the toss and bowled. Having only played a few games on Amateur/Rookie so far, took me a little while to remember the rhythms of bowling without the on-screen cues. When I wasn't bowling no-balls I was getting hit straight down the ground for 4 a lot.

After conceding about 40 in 3 overs, I switched to a spinner. Couldn't remember whether to spin anticlockwise or clockwise, but whatever I was doing was working as he couldn't get the timing right - play and miss, hit on the pads, etc. He tried charging several times; I'm sure on some occasions he was stumped but it was never given (despite a review, which only checked for an edge).

Continued bowling spinners throughout the rest of the innings and he struggled to a score in the low 70s.

Came out to bat and tried to play it safe with lots of 1s and 2s, but kept misjudging the field and getting run out. Was in trouble at 25/5 or so after about 4 overs before getting a couple of good partnerships in including hitting a 6. Felt like I was going to win easily with under a run a ball needed but then lost a couple of crucial wickets and was 9 down still needing 6 or 7 runs to win. Came down to 4 off the last over, 9 down, and managed a single before a smack down the ground to win.

Never been so nervous/excited playing a video game ever before.
What a game EPIC !!:) thanks to the big ant team and mainly ross:) thanks for bearing us so much:D
Couple of quick impressions from being knee deep in career mode all morning...

Don't premeditate foot work

That'll get you every time, especially the quicker bowlers... I'm finding spinners easier to face while I get used to reaction times in the game but every time I've premeditated front or back foot I've edged it and been caught out, or caught in front for LBW. Waiting until the ball is delivered and pushing the footwork stick forward or back depending on the delivery then quickly executing your correct shot makes all the difference. Been able to score 25-30 runs fairly consistently now while I get used to the controller rhythm.

The minute you premeditate foot movement the game will get you, especially in career mode.

Block regularly

Take breaks from turning the strike over. Was batting with Matthew Wade and he was struggling against a spinner, had about 7 from 24 and every time I turned the strike to him he'd play and miss, almost get caught or simply defend, so I changed strategy and held down the end against the spinner while he batted at the other end, it seemed to work we out on about 50 odd until accidentally ran myself out, ugh... But that gives you a break from trying to score and let's you get used to a particular bowler making it easier to execute your footwork over longer periods.

Hope that helps...

What really impresses me in career mode is the aggressive captaincy from the AI, I've often hit spinners down the ground for a few fours on an over and the field changes right away, mid on and mid off go back and the captain will shove a silly mid off in my face making room more on the offside, daring me to hit over... It's really impressive, the only issue is the super-speed the fielders move and the fielders in the deep cover a LOT of space, so naturally you've gotta be careful hitting over the top in that situation, there is a need to turn down the speed all the fielders move, especially the bowlers ability to field off his own bowling makes it a little unfair

But there's so much clever stuff going on around those little niggles, you just forget about them and move onto the next delivery...
I have been practicing batting in pro mode in casual matches. I think I may finally be getting the hang of it. I need some help with driving the spinners down the ground. The ball invariably lobs straight up into the air. Any tips will be welcome.
I have been practicing batting in pro mode in casual matches. I think I may finally be getting the hang of it. I need some help with driving the spinners down the ground. The ball invariably lobs straight up into the air. Any tips will be welcome.

That means you are still playing the ball early. Play it late.

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