Don Bradman Cricket 14 - first impressions thread

I found a huge game breaking fault guys, i can't sleep much as all i do is play this game. It's like 5 hours then 4 hours sleep and then work 9 hours and then 4 hours on the game and repeat.

Had a great test match Me(Aussies) vs WI. I made 166 all out on pro, with best from Haddin again with 42. then i bowled them out for 101 with Johnson getting 5 for 24. I then batted and spin got me again, if you can be like one out when the spinners come on all good but 3 or 4 then you are in trouble if you play spin like me. I made just 62 all out:facepalm but i bowled them out for 112 and won the match by 15 runs what a test.

I made 180 all out just before work with my new best sure of 58/68 balls and i ran him out.:facepalm

Loving this game so much but i want to write a few things that need a little work.

1. Runout bug.
2. Bowlers pace, even the AI fast men drop from 140s to 130s/120/ in as little as 10 overs. I also had Johnson be so tired in his second inns that he started at 120s as he was tired from the first inns. Bigant please have a look at this as i don't think it's all ways the pace of the ball because i will say some balls look 130s but it says 112km.
3. the pace of the ball if it's in the air, i do understand why Bigant made the ball go slower as it would be harder to catch on manual catching is on but i still think it's need to be tweaked. Also when the ball hits the pad or the body of the batsmen could be faster then more LB would happen.

The AI fields and AI Bowling patterns.
As others have said why have a slip when 90% go to the keeper.
When i scored my highest score of 58:D i had 95% scoring rate on the legside as the AI bowl like Leg 45%/ Straight 30% and off at 25%. Any test captain would be very pissed with his fast bowler if this happened in real life.

Sorry for the long post just had a lot on my mind as i want this game to be as good as i know it can. Still overall this game is a masterpiece with a hand full of of small problems where to be honest only cricket nuts like me would care and a few bugs. It's still to early to review it but i am getting a idea.:clap
its helicopter shot not shop but what about sledging

Sorry, spelling mistake. Corrected.
I would imaging that if you play the game online you just swear into the microphone. Best ask the Aussies about this one. :)
Its a love hate thing isnt it? Get so effing annoyed and just quit. Then you mull it over in your head for 5 minutes and you just want to try do better, its so simple yet so effective this career mode
Sorry for eves dropping or whatever the term is on the internet. I am so happy to see ppl enjoying the career mode the way it is because when @BigAntStudios revealed that's how the career mode would be, a lot of ppl were upset and said they wanted a management kind of thing.
Sorry, spelling mistake. Corrected.
I would imaging that if you play the game online you just swear into the microphone. Best ask the Aussies about this one. :)

no worries it has happend to me alot of times so you havend got the game yet
This is my current match, video processing on YouTube. Pakistan vs Australia test match. Difficulty: pro.


Got 6 wickets with Hafeez and 2 by Ajmal on a batting friendly pitch (@Jadel there was some turn so you might want to watch the video). Three Australian players scored 50s, weirdly 2 of them were number 10 and 11. :lol It was difficult to get them out because they would be very defensive or just leave the balls.

The fast bowlers got hammered and although the ball swung a bit, there was not much in the pitch. Also, I am not the best fast bowler in the game yet. I had a few confirm LBWs but was out of reviews so couldn't get them :p Also, missed out on 2 catches.

I'll be uploading each days play as episodes on YouTube. My batting is up now but I'll continue the game tomorrow, record it and upload it again.

Fast bowling really needs to be mastered. Any bad deliveries are really hammered by the AI.
This is my current match, video processing on YouTube. Pakistan vs Australia test match. Difficulty: pro.


Got 6 wickets with Hafeez and 2 by Ajmal on a batting friendly pitch (@Jadel there was some turn so you might want to watch the video). Three Australian players scored 50s, weirdly 2 of them were number 10 and 11. :lol It was difficult to get them out because they would be very defensive or just leave the balls.

The fast bowlers got hammered and although the ball swung a bit, there was not much in the pitch. Also, I am not the best fast bowler in the game yet. I had a few confirm LBWs but was out of reviews so couldn't get them :p Also, missed out on 2 catches.

I'll be uploading each days play as episodes on YouTube. My batting is up now but I'll continue the game tomorrow, record it and upload it again.

Fast bowling really needs to be mastered. Any bad deliveries are really hammered by the AI.

This is really what I've been waiting for video wise. Thanks a bundle!

Aside for the extras, the scorecard is reasonably realistic, perhaps a bit too aggressive but definitely plausible.

How did you find the type of shots the AI was playing?

Also happy to see no run outs :)
This is my current match, video processing on YouTube. Pakistan vs Australia test match. Difficulty: pro.


Got 6 wickets with Hafeez and 2 by Ajmal on a batting friendly pitch (@Jadel there was some turn so you might want to watch the video). Three Australian players scored 50s, weirdly 2 of them were number 10 and 11. :lol It was difficult to get them out because they would be very defensive or just leave the balls.

The fast bowlers got hammered and although the ball swung a bit, there was not much in the pitch. Also, I am not the best fast bowler in the game yet. I had a few confirm LBWs but was out of reviews so couldn't get them :p Also, missed out on 2 catches.

I'll be uploading each days play as episodes on YouTube. My batting is up now but I'll continue the game tomorrow, record it and upload it again.

Fast bowling really needs to be mastered. Any bad deliveries are really hammered by the AI.

Exactly what i have been waiting for! Much appreciated. To hear you say they defend and leave is good to hear!

The strike rates are not bad either!

Little tweaks and this really does seem like the game we have all waited for!!

Also the day by day videos is a great idea. I think the AI mentality is really shown through tests!
This is my current match, video processing on YouTube. Pakistan vs Australia test match. Difficulty: pro.

Got 6 wickets with Hafeez and 2 by Ajmal on a batting friendly pitch (@Jadel there was some turn so you might want to watch the video). Three Australian players scored 50s, weirdly 2 of them were number 10 and 11. :lol It was difficult to get them out because they would be very defensive or just leave the balls.

The fast bowlers got hammered and although the ball swung a bit, there was not much in the pitch. Also, I am not the best fast bowler in the game yet. I had a few confirm LBWs but was out of reviews so couldn't get them :p Also, missed out on 2 catches.

I'll be uploading each days play as episodes on YouTube. My batting is up now but I'll continue the game tomorrow, record it and upload it again.

Fast bowling really needs to be mastered. Any bad deliveries are really hammered by the AI.

100+ runs partnership by tailenders. Does that happen often?
I found a huge game breaking fault guys, i can't sleep much as all i do is play this game. It's like 5 hours then 4 hours sleep and then work 9 hours and then 4 hours on the game and repeat.

Had a great test match Me(Aussies) vs WI. I made 166 all out on pro, with best from Haddin again with 42. then i bowled them out for 101 with Johnson getting 5 for 24. I then batted and spin got me again, if you can be like one out when the spinners come on all good but 3 or 4 then you are in trouble if you play spin like me. I made just 62 all out:facepalm but i bowled them out for 112 and won the match by 15 runs what a test.

I made 180 all out just before work with my new best sure of 58/68 balls and i ran him out.:facepalm

Loving this game so much but i want to write a few things that need a little work.

1. Runout bug.
2. Bowlers pace, even the AI fast men drop from 140s to 130s/120/ in as little as 10 overs. I also had Johnson be so tired in his second inns that he started at 120s as he was tired from the first inns. Bigant please have a look at this as i don't think it's all ways the pace of the ball because i will say some balls look 130s but it says 112km.
3. the pace of the ball if it's in the air, i do understand why Bigant made the ball go slower as it would be harder to catch on manual catching is on but i still think it's need to be tweaked. Also when the ball hits the pad or the body of the batsmen could be faster then more LB would happen.

The AI fields and AI Bowling patterns.
As others have said why have a slip when 90% go to the keeper.
When i scored my highest score of 58:D i had 95% scoring rate on the legside as the AI bowl like Leg 45%/ Straight 30% and off at 25%. Any test captain would be very pissed with his fast bowler if this happened in real life.

Sorry for the long post just had a lot on my mind as i want this game to be as good as i know it can. Still overall this game is a masterpiece with a hand full of of small problems where to be honest only cricket nuts like me would care and a few bugs. It's still to early to review it but i am getting a idea.:clap

This post is spot on, you really do see all the glaring issues when you play for a long time in the test mode. There are quite a few more than you mentioned too.

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