Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Two of my loves in life are cricket(real/game) or Starwars and this idiot Jedi Warrior has pissed on my loves and must die.:p PS I still want to see what happens if he get's 100 votes.;)
India has a bigger market ?:facepalm LOL it is the most pirated country interms of gaming !
selling this game in India and Pakistan will be a waste of time because they will just pirate the game and sell for like 50 rupees lol.
I think MattW was actually playing on the second lowest difficulty.

On the highest level, which he played in the nets, apparently he couldn't touch the ball. Also, MikeM, who has played this game a lot, missed on a lot of occasions. If you want it to be more accurate to real life, raise the difficulty.

But how does this account for the high run scoring when the game is simmed, like will be more a majority of matches in career mode?

The scorecard I saw was for a Shield match in career mode which was mostly simmed, including entirely AI batting innings where there was no human bowling (the human was batting in a 'specialist' number 11 batting position but didnt get put on to bowl - bug from the old build I understand...).

Stupidly high run rates will be a game breaker as far as Im concerned.

This was something I was really happy to see rectified to a certain extent in IC10 (for simmed innings, T20, AI batting in tests and ODI's). Would be disappointing to see this go backwards.

Here is the link for the post with the scorecard:
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Given it was the old build, you shouldn't take too much from it.

In the old build, there was a massive issue with overthrows (funny now in relation to AC13), that caused the majority of the wickets to be run outs. This could also potentially be the cause behind the run rates. Until we see if the same issue exists in the final build or not, I wouldn't be too concerned personally
And F.Ross gets another century,,,well no Biggs McCullum this time

Well done Ross,,,looking forward to the news before Friday...

It was confirmed....both by Ross and MattW(who btw was playing in that video)

No it wasnt. There has been no confirmation about anything to do with unrealistic run rates. Just that the build they were playing on was old.

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