Everyone screaming for a release date, personally, on the next patch any of these things:
Bowling (everyone is asking for this - I have been coming back to the forums every other day reading what people are saying and I know everyone asks for it).
But other than bowling, how about different pitches in the nets? Allow you to play on a practise wicket in England or India or Australia? Just to give an example of how different pitches will play, editing how old the pitch is?
I think that would be really interesting.
Isn't this asking for too much? There weren't obliged to include nets in the first place, but did so as a token of appreciation.
There has already been a lot of time invested on the CA nets and given the fact that it's free of cost for us but not for them, let's not get make any more demands/request. Human wants are unlimited, but we gotta control it sometimes