The trailer looks very good. A couple of players with slightly larger heads than the rest and a somewhat rigid look to a few movements, but those are nitpicks. In general a brilliant trailer to start off the full on promotion of the game. Well done.
As to the release date. When I was in EB a couple of days ago, I had quite a bit of a change of heart and my thoughts regarding this game. I Pre-ordered the steel case and after the girl at the counter looked it up on their system, she basically told me that it's listed at 31st December, which she thought a bit odd. Then she said, that games are unpredictable, they can turn up early, late, or arrive right on an expected release date.
Obviously I don't think she seriously thought it'd turn up on New Years Eve, but the tone of the way she said it sounded to me like she thought that one way or another, you as a consumer can not really hurry up a producer, developer or a retailer. You can tell them what you think on a site or Facebook, but at the end of the day, they'll make whatever business decisions they want anyhow and there won't be a thing you can do about it.
Except keep your eyes out for news and get on with the rest of your life. Sure I'm on here still looking quite often, but the hopeful expectancy and rabid hunger for news is pretty much gone.
It's probably extremely frustrating for most of you who are still hoping for a 2013 release and I can understand that. It seems if December is missed, January is a bit of a game-release graveyard, so wouldn't be surprised to see a late February move, but it's all turned to relaxed speculation for me.