Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Why not just buy it from Steam? I don't understand people trying to make a really simple transaction so complicated. Just buy it from the Steam Marketplace, that's what it's there for... ease of use.

In other news, I won against Matt tonight playing the PC Steam version online. There will be a public parade tomorrow to celebrate this occasion, details to follow.
Why not just buy it from Steam? I don't understand people trying to make a really simple transaction so complicated. Just buy it from the Steam Marketplace, that's what it's there for... ease of use.

In other news, I won against Matt tonight playing the PC Steam version online. There will be a public parade tomorrow to celebrate this occasion, details to follow.

I knew we should have had an underarm button...

Did it behave itself with regard to Tasman lag?
Went down to the last over, after he declared in a 5/5 match. Typical overconfidence you come to expect from you West Island folk...

Yeah, it was fine connection-wise. There were a couple of odd things (me getting bowled and not being out and a run-out where basically the wicket-keepers head hit the stumps and was given out!) but other than that, seemed to go just fine, Matt's version seems to crash after the completion of matches, for what it's worth?

I have to play a little earlier when batting during online matches than I do offline, whether that's a connection thing or just my system, not sure.

Good to get a win, finally. Matt is very good with the ball in hand. Very.
Best option for Indian dbc14 maniacs is to :
Buy digital version thru Steam and
Order Steel book thrun EBay
For controller look for some other on eBay.

****** LESS THAN 36HRS LEFT******
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May be more than 36 hours (I am trying to find out but expect it to be 9am 26th June US time).
India release date for physical copies is showing June 30th, delayed for us?
India release date for physical copies is showing June 30th, delayed for us?

I have no control over the physical copies. I am sure if they are in store they will sell them on the 26th.
Matt's version seems to crash after the completion of matches, for what it's worth?
Based on other people with the PC version not reporting it, I'm hoping it's just some oddity with my configuration. Luckily every time I've had it crash on me while online, the save game has recovered it and continued. It really takes the sting out of it when you can still keep going with a match.

Anyway, it's all reported with the relevant Mike, so hopefully they can figure it out.

That is my guess as Steam is based in the USA - I will try to pull it forward if I can.
Worth noting that's US West Coast time as well.
I will try to pull it if I can.

My signature needing changing anyway...

I'm hoping it's just some oddity with my configuration

Mine did crash earlier when I tried to re-start a saved casual game I had stored... But I haven't had the problems you've had after the online matches.
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