Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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chances are that this game will release in early 2014 and be renamed as dbc15 , so that the game can sell well until the cricket world cup 2015 downunder ... not a bad idea it ? :P
Still no release date. Me and punk look right afterall. Keep repeating that it was finished months ago does nothing to appease us either, i think ac will get released before this. After the holier than thou attitude of big ant who would have thought...
Well AC13 might be if we do have a December release but I'd been assuming up to now that it wouldn't be that late.
To be honest there's no point anyone cashing in their "I told you so" chips until we actually know. After 7 October and before 31 December is all we've got at the moment.
... Keep repeating that it was finished months ago does nothing to appease us either

"People will play the final game on the 7th November, the release will be at the time that is most advantageous to the profitability and sustainability of the franchise which is in the best interests of everyone."

Which makes more sense as regards a strategy I wonder? Being most advantageous to the franchise, or appeasing you? :)
Haha funny to see blocker losing his cool, but he is right the point he was making is that many things were said that have been contradicted. fact of the matter is the game probably isn't finished but what has happened is ross has built a little friendship with some of the forum members making them think they are tight friends or something to feed their little egos so if anything goes wrong or any negative light is shed on the game then the cavalry can come in to defend ross with pretentious comments. The funny thing is just because ross posts and feeds the ego's of certain members people think he's "one of us" or he's a developer no different to any other developer and thats what people are forgetting here.

and btw this is in no way trying to paint ross in some bad light as he's doing what he's got to do which is absolutely 100% fair enough and in a way he has also helped us but the and I'm not saying ross done this intentionally the above was just the easiest way for me to explain it. Also this isn't anything against ross at all I was just stating what the nature of the forum has become once anything negative is said, thats alll :)
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I bet we are all feeling different levels of patience as the weeks go by so slow on here. Like i said before it's been a long year here on PC as i have been here from the start.
PS I agree with barmy a december release looks likely now.:spy
"People will play the final game on the 7th November, the release will be at the time that is most advantageous to the profitability and sustainability of the franchise which is in the best interests of everyone."

Which makes more sense as regards a strategy I wonder? Being most advantageous to the franchise, or appeasing you? :)

Probably releasing it in the period where there was no licenced rival in the market. Instead its going to be released at the same time as their only rival in years of an empty markrt. Great logic!
lot of factors need to be considered here... 1. will ashes 13 release during ashes
2.if released during ashes ,then it depends on how ashes has affected the little market for cricket game ( a bad ashes game can do nothing but harm dbc and push back the release )

if the ashes game do release in november then dbc might think of december , if the released ashes game is aweful then dbc might release next year ..
so it all depends on ashes 13 from now on
bad ashes game can do nothing but harm dbc and push back the release

yep. and they expect ashes to release... they want to avoid the $20 game... which will stink up the market.

and that's why 2013 was dropped from the last youtube video, and that's why it was conspicuous by its absence in the comment about releasing at the best time.

not saying it won't release in 2013, but it's fairly obvious to all but the most deliberately obtuse that it's no longer a certainty.
I still believe it would be in 2013 unless people @ Nov 7 play session come up and say, 'Oh, it is not the cricket game which we played! This is messed up'.

Personally, I would not mind even if this gets released as 'Boxing Day' specials. It is purely upto Ross's team to put this in market at the right time, be it Nov or Dec or Jan!
It wouldn't make sense to miss both the Ashes and the Christmas market. I cannot believe it's not 2013.

I strongly feel this game will release early 14 to avoid ashes 13, and to have a decent run in the market. However i am willing to wait for game like this. :thumbs
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