Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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All of this because people are simply impatient or horribly misinformed.

Read the first post people.
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Absolutely ridiculous over reactions.

Honestly, some of y'all are getting a little embarrassing to read in this thing... Stay the journey, folks. If you really think Ross and the gang aren't going to stick the landing on this thing based on the last 12 months, I'm going to assume you haven't been reading this forum as long as I have, that's the only explanation.

Few folks in this thread just need to stop reading tea leaves and drinking he-who-shall-not-be-named's patented "Make It Up Juice"
I wouldn't mind seeing a scorecard actually, that would be neat... I have it on good authority from quite a few months ago I was top scorer in another cricket title... But yes, a BigAnt vs. PlanetCricket ODI scorecard would be interesting!
For a bit of perspective based on the AFL Live release. There was virtually nothing for ages, people on BigFooty were starting to question whether the game would release before June. Then bang out of nowhere we get an April 21 release date announced on March 18.

Do posts like this sound familar
No offense to Ross as it's probably not his doing. But I feel the handling of this game has been very un-professional. So much secretive stuff going on and not telling us the release date until so close til the actual release. It's just annoying and you don't see this sort of stuff happening with bigger releases.

In fact I just found a post that is as true back then as it is now

FROM ROSS: I'd like to think that it isn't that other games have shown more or shown things earlier, it's that other games have been shown differently to ours and that you have had different access to the Dev team via myself.
Come release date it won't matter. All that matters on release date is how the game plays. And from pretty much all reports of people who've played it, there's nothing to worry about in that regard.
It may satisfy us now, getting more videos and knowing every little nuance about the game. But no sane person is going to be sitting at their console playing it, thinking "This is brilliant, but i wish we got more snippets before release."

Just sit back and relax and trust that Ross and HES no what they're doing.
...totally, also for what it's worth who gives a sh#t if it releases in December? It's still cricket season and nearer shopping season for most families. Honestly, it's probably a better BUSINESS decision in December anyway. The few muppets here that have been guessing release dates for months now only have themselves to blame for getting all wound up over such a trivial thing.

Lets not forget these guys are the professionals. Yeah?
and that's why 2013 was dropped from the last youtube video, and that's why it was conspicuous by its absence in the comment about releasing at the best time.
The 2013 was dropped because the video is being looped on those television screens Ross posted a photo of in the store where you can play the game on the 7th - why would you put a vague '2013' date on something when you have an exact date to play it.

I'm 100% on November.
mattk there is no doubt that ross does know what he is doing and all of this at the end of the day is just speculation, however with AFL correct me if i'm wrong but there is no rival aus footy game. I think the reason people are speculating and acting worried/concerned whatever you want to call it is because we don't have a clue what AC13 is doing for all we know they could be announcing their release date/marketing end of this month, that would be a spanner in the works
Anyone thinking that at THIS STAGE BigAnt and TruBlu are worried about what Ashes is doing, are insane in the membrane.
Not to mention, the $20 for Ashes is online stores and the UK - at EB, JB, etc. where they would have local stock, they still are quoting full retail prices.

If they have to avoid cheap copies of Ashes, that's irrelevant to the Australian market where it isn't cheap.
If Ashes 13 was releasing in time for the Australian series they probably would have been in contract with retail by now. Its worth remembering Ross has contacts who would inform him if they heard something about A13 releasing.

As far as I'm concerned A13 is not releasing. And like MattW says if it does then it certainly won't be any less than $60 in the Australian market. That is hardly going to price DB14 out of the competition. I'm no expert but as far as I'm concerned if DB13 doesn't release in 2013 I'll eat my hat.
For a bit of perspective based on the AFL Live release. There was virtually nothing for ages, people on BigFooty were starting to question whether the game would release before June. Then bang out of nowhere we get an April 21 release date announced on March 18.

Do posts like this sound familar

In fact I just found a post that is as true back then as it is now

Just sit back and relax and trust that Ross and HES no what they're doing.

People have a way of ignoring history and just making stuff up, there is no point having this conversation, let's not let the facts get in the way.....


why would you put a vague '2013' date on something when you have an exact date to play it.

This is true. Indeed the first cut had the tail image with 2013 and I specifically requested it be removed as it was to be looped.
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Anyone thinking that at THIS STAGE BigAnt and TruBlu are worried about what Ashes is doing, are insane in the membrane.

No, it makes sense. Not that it exists, but not everyone in this world going to know all these minor details of DBC like we PC members do. For a third person gamer, if ashes 13 & DBC are put in front, he is likely to choose to prefer authentic ashes as first preference!

I also believe MF has gone too much hiding that game is never going to be released. But AC 13 should definitely a genuine concern for the rival franchise, very understandable that Ross would want to keep that factor away before release. It is indeed very professional too!
No, it makes sense. Not that it exists, but not everyone in this world going to know all these minor details of DBC like we PC members do. For a third person gamer, if ashes 13 & DBC are put in front, he is likely to choose to prefer authentic ashes as first preference!

I also believe MF has gone too much hiding that game is never going to be released. But AC 13 should definitely a genuine concern for the rival franchise, very understandable that Ross would want to keep that factor away before release. It is indeed very professional too!

THIS is exactly the kinda made up nonsense that I'm talking about. Honestly, some of you need to read aloud this stuff before typing it out. None of this is likely to be even remotely true or has any evidence to back it up! Please show me examples of two cricket games in the market place at the same time and people swamping the one with the Ashes licence! Nonsense. Gamers will select either the cheapest one (if there's two of em out) or the one with the best review or whatever buzz there is online. People aren't as dumb as you think they are, basically... As those that 'get it' have pointed out the in-store demo is exactly the type of thing that will create that mainstream buzz along with actually playing the thing, rather than being told about it.

"Ashes" poses zero threat to BigAnt right now because there's little to no chance the game is going to get any serious promotional activity because it's most likely a mess. As Matt pointed out in the other forum, it's most likely going to get dumped at a low price point into bargain bins and that's assuming they're even close to getting it working on a console platform.

Take a look at all the announcements that BigAnt have been making, all the licensing and new products they're putting out and if you STILL think they're worrying about some broken, unseen product that may-or-may-not come out in November, you're crazy. It's not even on their radar. In the real world, the only cricket game coming out 100% in the next 3 months is DBC14 whether that's in Nov or Dec it's irrelevant. Whatever the date, it'll get promotional activities and special edition treatment fitting of a real product. That's a fact.

Ashes, at this stage, may or may not be a REAL product and it ain't keeping anyone up at night worrying about it, least of all BigAnt.
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