Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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just to clarify, it was done for the purposes of a joke. there isn't a single post* by snowy or biggs i haven't read.

as blackadder liked to start the day with a complete d-ckhead to remind himself he was best, so i like to read every post here.

beats work.

*well, ones before i joined, obviously.
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He's been slipping lately. Needed to be said so he ups his game... Before he deleted it, quashing my opinion like the Trojans.
I was relating the * to d*ckhead there. It wasn't making a lot of sense...

yeah... i added the second * later, and didn't think about the first (which became the second). i just didn't want to be called out on a factual innacuraccy. it would make me cry.
You'd think you'd be well used to those tears by now... Best you play it safe and pop us back on your block list, Blocker.
Ross: Will you make release date announcement within this month??
Seriously, will you two shut up now with this pathetic play ground bickering?! "Oooooowwwww my dads bigger than yours". "Well my dad is a kickboxer". "Mines a street fighter". Kiss and make up or just leave each other alone.
Seriously, will you two shut up now with this pathetic play ground bickering?! "Oooooowwwww my dads bigger than yours". "Well my dad is a kickboxer". "Mines a street fighter". Kiss and make up or just leave each other alone.

Is this love I am feeling as I read Biggs vs BD comments.:lol
PS Let's get back to the game and do what we all have been doing for ages, well nothing.:lol. PS Update to CA tonight ross said on Bigant forum.
caps lock broken, contortionist? i can only GET sermons when they're randomly capitalised.


Would love to chat with you about the game, when you're ready to dial back the crazy.

That would be appreciated by everyone. My inbox agrees.

Edit: Chris Gayles Gif
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good news!

Good news? Great news!!!!

Off topic I know so tell me off if you must but does anyone know where I can get a bunch of cricket DVDs? Like I want a stack of cricket dvds just sitting there for rainy days. Its bloody hard to come by in NZ, I've got a few but not many.
Ebay mate, but PM me and let me know what you're looking for, might be able to help.
Funnily enough Biggs and block are both highly regarded in my book, its so hard to see the ones you love fighting each other, please guys think of the children, they're the ones who suffer!!!

Keep calm and think, what would Tindoolkar do??

Is the CA update coming today??
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