Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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You should be happy with them, they account for a lot of your 'talking about' number ;)

Anyone saying anything about the product contributes, you're right. Always easier to be positive though! Being negative or reactionary takes up way too much time, as you've seen, people tend to migrate to those who can stay the journey.
We have a local company in South Africa showing the release date as 29 November 2013. I am just wondering, they must have gotten this from somewhere.
We have a local company in South Africa showing the release date as 29 November 2013. I am just wondering, they must have gotten this from somewhere.

They are just dreaming....Dreamers always show the date what they dream....But actual is still in guess , unless Ross reveal us.....:wave:yes......Hope Ross Understand our pain & fill us ../../.... Date...
We have a local company in South Africa showing the release date as 29 November 2013. I am just wondering, they must have gotten this from somewhere.

29th is a friday, right? Is that a usual day for games to release in SA? I was expecting a Thursday in Aus - not sure why, i think i read that somewhere. Depends whether it releases globally the same day or not.

I imagine its just a guess.
Until Big Ant announce one:


Look at you, battling away. I'm surprised that smiley hasn't been to changed to a slightly more dishevelled looking version... Perhaps rocking back and forth, crying...
Look at you, battling away. I'm surprised that smiley hasn't been to changed to slightly more dishevelled looking...

Quoting for BD - you don't get away that easy! :)
Love your work... Always. He's being so brave.
FYI, He's laughing AT you... ;)
Yes its a Friday, I think games tend to be released on Thursdays in SA however I am not sure. I don't normally pre-order games or buy them when they release but this is CRICKET. Can't wait to play the first test match.

It could probably be that they know its November and just picked the last week.

I am glad I only learned about this game in August. If I had to wait from 2012.... Would have been bad.
Love your work... Always. He's being so brave.

It is an exercise in futility to put the most quoted member on PC in your ignore list.... it just doesn't work :p
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