Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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You'd think it's a possible in the sense of it seeming certain there will be no AC13 console relase, but unlikely in that Ross recently indicated that the main sticking point was retailers, and whether they would move so quickly (especially if they have had no word from 505 regarding consoles)

Could you expand on that? Or has Ross explained it somewhere? Thanks!
Could you expand on that? Or has Ross explained it somewhere? Thanks!

there are a few posts where Ross has mentioned he sells to retailers, not the public, and has indicated specifically that with a cheap rival game, the big ant wholesale price of DBC is a sticking point for retailers...

I don't know what I am doing wrong... but these are the only ones showing up in the search that I can find:

Consumers don't buy the game, retailers do.
The prospect of a cheap game is enticing
We have a quality product, we will not discount it

I wish you were a retail buyer, life would be a lot easier, I'd just sell all our inventory to you at full price regardless of the competition, job done :)

but I recall seeing others.

I don't think it's reading too much into those to say the release date may not be entirely in Big Ant/Tru Blu's hands at this time, regardless of strategy... If the retailers get wind that there will be no AC13 console, I am sure that would change things massively in Big Ant's favour in terms of removing pressure to discount, but whether they would be able to move by tomorrow, who knows.

Though I think the comments support the above conclusion, the next conclusion may well be trying to build a 3 course meal out of a packet of chips: but alongside Ross' comments a while ago about UK unit sales being high but margins low due to supermarkets selling at low cost (hence Aus the more profitable market), this could explain the (worrying) absence of any UK pre-order links.
I agree with your interpretation Mr Blocker. And it makes sense from a retailers point of view (without considering quality of the games). With two cricket games coming out in a traditionally small market as a retailer you'd assume one would sell better than the other, which still won't mean many sales. Which would you prefer to order? The super cheap game with the Ashes brand which you can potentially mark up a significant percentage. Or the full price unlicensed game.

This is probably an overly simplistic way of looking at it. But you can see why Tru Blu are playing their cards close to their chest
You'd think it's a possible in the sense of it seeming certain there will be no AC13 console relase, but unlikely in that Ross recently indicated that the main sticking point was retailers, and whether they would move so quickly (especially if they have had no word from 505 regarding consoles)

You could also take the opposite stance that with no word from 505 regarding consoles and given the ongoing Ashes, retailers would want a console based cricket game in their stores for Xmas ASAP and it therefore strengthens BigAnt's position.
Ross said in that interview with 'TWISTIE3' that the release date will be known by the end of November, so according to my calculations we should know the release date sometime next week otherwise anything after next week will be in December which doesn't correspond with what Ross said.

As November comes to a close there's no doubt that we will let people know exactly when they can get it.
You could also take the opposite stance that with no word from 505 regarding consoles and given the ongoing Ashes, retailers would want a console based cricket game in their stores for Xmas ASAP and it therefore strengthens BigAnt's position.

that is exactly what i said -

If the retailers get wind that there will be no AC13 console, I am sure that would change things massively in Big Ant's favour in terms of removing pressure to discount, but whether they would be able to move by tomorrow, who knows.

- no console AC13 helps Big Ant - but it's uncertain whether the retailers could move quick enough to allow a release announcement tomorrow (the initial premise discussed above) in the absence of official word from 505...


Ross said in that interview with 'TWISTIE3' that the release date will be known by the end of November, so according to my calculations we should know the release date sometime next week otherwise anything after next week will be in December which doesn't correspond with what Ross said.

he certainly did, but the comments regarding retailers are after that, hence the comment i made that it may not be in their hands regardless of their initial or even current strategy...

i'm not accusing big ant of dishonesty or anything, just saying that the scenario outlined above (announcing their own release date tomorrow) is attractive but may not be feasible, in light of ross' comments regarding retailers - even if ross wanted to do so all along, or specifically in response to ashes release.


i could be wrong about this... but it seems logical to think retailers make purchasing decisions a fair while in advance (for logistical issues like distribution and storage) and that therefore if Big Ant are still negotiating with retailers in any territory, the window of opportunity for the game to be in store in that territory before christmas must be pretty small.
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retailers would want a console based cricket game in their stores for Xmas ASAP and it therefore strengthens BigAnt's position.

I can just see the people at game now pulling their hair out because they have no new cricket game to sell on console!! Seriously? I don't think so!
If the games release is only waiting for retailers, why not start selling the game directly? Or would that be legally not allowed?
If the games release is only waiting for retailers, why not start selling the game directly? Or would that be legally not allowed?

they couldn't get the economies of scale in terms of distribution to make it worthwhile, and it would destroy future relationships with retailers...
I wonder how long it takes for the game to be shipped for Australia to the UK?
Surely as AC13 is only on steam ATM and advertised in the cricketer as PC only retailers would want a game on console they can sell, therefore getting people in store and actually buying something!! Seems ludicrous, clearly lacking in logic, feel sorry for Ross,you have a great product that deserves to be sold at a full price and these pricks are now giving us more reasons to wait??


I wonder how long it takes for the game to be shipped for Australia to the UK?

And how much it costs? Could end up paying as much for shipping as you do for the game!
And how much it costs? Could end up paying as much for shipping as you do for the game!

Oh, no I meant how long for Big Ant or Tru Blu (whoever deals with distribution) to send the game to UK retailers.
Surely as AC13 is only on steam ATM and advertised in the cricketer as PC only retailers would want a game on console they can sell, therefore getting people in store and actually buying something!! Seems ludicrous, clearly lacking in logic, feel sorry for Ross,you have a great product that deserves to be sold at a full price and these pricks are now giving us more reasons to wait??

i'm sure they do, but until now they thought they had one, and a cheaper one, and seem - according to ross' posts i quoted - to have wanted big ant to discount DBC in response, which they were understandably reluctant to do, and it does seem to have had an effect on their release plan. (don't think we can say it's the only thing "holding up" release, but that it's had an effect seems unquestionable)

bottom line is, release might not even be held up, given big ant haven't given a date. but the posts seem to indicate that AC13's cheaper price has been a bone of contention with retail. if that is now removed, by there being no AC13 on console, it should help big ant push back on price, and help us all get the game quicker...

but i would be surprised if all that could happen in time for a release date announcement tomorrow - that was all i was really saying originally.

at the same time, i am sure ross has been talking to retailers for ages, so stuff like "here in 2013" or the comment to Twistie won't have been released in a vacuum so to speak, but knowing where he was at with retailers at that time... which makes an announcement next week and a 5th or 12th december release pretty likely, one would think... though i am beginning to get twitchy about the UK release given no pre-order info anywhere
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Oh, no I meant how long for Big Ant or Tru Blu (whoever deals with distribution) to send the game to UK retailers.

Ah u see, I did wonder if the game releases in Oz first whether it would be better for us in UK to buy from there or wait for UK release, you kno what the Royal Mail is like in December!!!!!
I can just see the people at game now pulling their hair out because they have no new cricket game to sell on console!! Seriously? I don't think so!

I can just see the people at EB Games now pulling their hair out because they have no new cricket game to sell on console!! Seriously? Well actually yes I am, cricket is a massive sport in Australia and console games are very popular Christmas presents so in all likelihood it would be very good for all concerned.

Sometimes you need to think beyond the duckpond mate!
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