Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I really see bugs testing as the only reason not to release .

You really see do you? You got spies in BA's office? Please stop posting baseless comments.
This topic had been the talk of the forum for the last two weeks or so and Ross has given a VERY clear picture about the issue.
Inspite of that, you tell us that you really see? Infact you are blind in that case.


Haha true that but DBC wasn't available at that point. Maybe he would have gone with DBC14 instead of AC13 in that case.
Anyone going "well, people will buy what is best!" need to remember one simple fact: people aren't rational. Assuming anything from the general public about buying patterns of niche games is silly; because they'll most likely do the opposite of what you expect.

e: Also, talking about "the game we love!" in relation to DBC is dumb because most of us haven't yet played it. I'm not sure if that was this thread or not, but I think that it needs saying anyway. I'm looking forward to DBC, but I can't directly talk about the quality of a game I've not played!
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Would moving to 2014 be viable for big ant? All the sneak peak videos have coming 2013 at the end and even ross's signature says the only cricket game to buy 'this year'.. would a delay do more harm than good? Has the other game really muddied the waters enough to miss the lucrative Xmas market? With Australia on the up in the ashes this should be the ideal time to start marketing the game.
From a sales point of view, a December release is still the most viable. However, the ball really is in the retailers' court. Fingers crossed they finally accept the full cost this game probably deserves and it gets out on the shelves this year.
Big ant Studios can u have us a little hint about its release date???its in 2013 or 2014??

Because they'll tell you because you are more important? Just chill everyone must slack off. If you watched the World Premier then you will realise that this game is worth the wait. Don't assume that just because you ask you will receive, everyone wants the game but we have to wait until they announce the release date, So can we please start posting IMPORTANT stuff.
From a sales point of view, a December release is still the most viable. However, the ball really is in the retailers' court. Fingers crossed they finally accept the full cost this game probably deserves and it gets out on the shelves this year.

Exactly..and we should all do our bit by spreading the word and sharing the hell out of the videos and screenshots across Facebook, Twitter etc.. Any news on the trailer?
couldnt all of this been avoided by simply beating ashes 2013 onto the market. Surely the game was ready to go....or was it?
couldnt all of this been avoided by simply beating ashes 2013 onto the market. Surely the game was ready to go....or was it?

That would have meant releasing outside of cricket season in key markets. Not exactly a smart move either.

And can we just ditch this 'the game isn't ready' bullshit? People played the finished product (excluding the Day 1 Patch) a couple of weeks ago.
are you telling me that BA didnt use the extra time given them by the delay of AC2013 to tidy up their own product- its the only reason I can see why they wouldnt have tried to beat them on the market. I thought this was the plan at one point. Yes I realise it is ready to go, but I have images of boxes and boxes of product ready to be shipped out and somebody with a red button saying "we are a go"... when the time is right.
Care to address the point of releasing outside of cricket season?

AC13 could have gotten away with it because itis attached to the specific event. Releasing Don Bradman Cricket 14 outside of cricket season in Australia makes no sense.
as people keep saying cricket games are a niche market- people who like these games will buy a good cricket product if they come across one at any time of year. Secondly I would hardly call the start of November with the upcoming return leg of the ashes series, completely out of season. Its all irrelevant now really, but is it possible (just maybe) that by waiting for AC2013, BA may have done themselves an inservice.
Like Ross said in another thread. It wasn't a case of simply beating Ashes out. Ashes would have just pulled the trigger and beaten DBC 14 out. Which would have been disastrous given how cheap and bad AC13 actually is. I believe if DBC released October 21, Ashes would have released that week as well.

Whats worse is that the possibility of a console release is still up in the air.

There are always few idiots,still u can understand the desperation as cricket games are rare ,so more so the reason for developer to release first and get the benefit.


You really see do you? You got spies in BA's office? Please stop posting baseless comments.
This topic had been the talk of the forum for the last two weeks or so and Ross has given a VERY clear picture about the issue.
Inspite of that, you tell us that you really see? Infact you are blind in that case.


Haha true that but DBC wasn't available at that point. Maybe he would have gone with DBC14 instead of AC13 in that case.

Why the f.c.k do u care? it hurts u if i give my opinion .
use ur brain if u have any before posting nonsense.

Release dates of most games are announced well in advance and the developer has said it is going to release in 2013.If they are sitting on a finished game Bug Testing games is what they should do ,Its no crime .
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Why the f.c.k do u care? it hurts u if i give my opinion .
use ur brain if u have any before posting nonsense.

You can't give an opinion on a fact. Ross has stated that the game is finished. So you sir are in fact the one "posting nonsense".
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