Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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eb games say Don Bradman Cricket 14 Release date: TBC 2014 so does that mean it coming out next year now or is the a place holder date.

It means that you should wait until an official announcement from Big Ant, just like we've been saying for months
eb games say Don Bradman Cricket 14 Release date: TBC 2014 so does that mean it coming out next year now or is the a place holder date.

It means that you should wait until an official announcement from Big Ant, just like we've been saying for months

Ross has stated the game's coming out in 2013.
A) Mind your language mate, it doesn't look so good against your name.
B) And yes, like NoLeName posted, you can't give an opinion against a fact. You tell me EA07 was bullshit, that would be an opinion. I wouldn't care less. But if you tell me the Sun rises in the west because your compass told you so, then you are contradicting the fact.

Forget that. Now back to your next post; *most games* you say but Ross has told too many times that they are not following the regular promotion style. Their games have always had a window of 5 weeks at max from release date announcement to the actual release and all their games have been a financial success.
If you want to know the logic behind it, it is because he wants to maintain the interest and hype which is easier to maintain during a short window.

Cricket Academy, as Ross said ages ago, has bugs because it has been split from the main game and thus is less stable. Whenever they added new features in beta, it would become even lesser stable as it depends on a lot of variables that are in the main game which aren't in the beta.
Hope that clears up your issue.*

*Conditions Apply: From your own words: You need to use your brain, otherwise you would just post nonsense again.

Lol these newbies so emotional about the game,u are like the english can give but cannot take anything.using ur words Are u blind eh.:p

can u verify the fact.No u can't .Its developer word which if go by release date is not very strict is it.
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It's all been said before Cricket_god. Just do yourself a favour, and read through Ross' posts and you'll understand why a lot of what you are saying is inaccurate or misinformed.
Of course Biggs did say 'Burke Street' instead of Bourke Street deliberately.

Haha... er... yeah... yeah... it was deliberate... absolutely *cough* :spy


...challenge accepted.

Do no balls count?

I'm also quite clearly referencing the AI here, not player vs. player.

The very fact I'm explaining this means I now have to kill a puppy and drink it's tears.
I'm not bashing Ashes, just presenting the game in all it's glory... anyway, I'm allowed too I'm a player and therefore am one of the "stars of the show".

F Ross is an undeniable talent. Got 150 runs off one ball! For New Zealand!*

*The art is to touch it towards a fielder at the boundary that has a fielder equally opposite side of the ground, it takes hours to get there and then *if* he picks it he will cause overthrows and the fielder on the opposite boundary will eventually get it and throw it back, this will be repeated until one of the fielders does not collect the ball and sadly your running will stop as it will be called a 4 by Umpire John Travolta.... night fever.. night fever...
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I'm not bashing Ashes, just presenting the game in all it's glory... anyway, I'm allowed too I'm a player and therefore am one of the "stars of the show".

F Ross is an undeniable talent. Got 150 runs off one ball! For New Zealand!

Offcourse we all love ashes cricket 2013 .Best game ever.
Posted this in the 'other' thread.

The problem I see is release DBC now or in 6 months.. either way the memory of Ashes 13 will still be in everyone's minds. Personally, with the first Ashes test going the way it went, Cricket is well and truely in the minds of everyone. Christmas is now exactly a month away.

Either you get it out now and at worst get 100% console cricket game sales and 50% PC sales (with a bit of favorable pushing of DBC to the prime shelves and Ashes 13 to the bottom of the barrel at worst case in retail stores), compared to releasing after the word has spread further about Ashes 13 and not even console users will want to purchase a cricket game.


Lots of people have said now, Now, NOW but not really justified the reasons why, apart from wanting to play it themselves. Prior to release of Ashes, there was reason to hold off until the last minute, but the first (ok.. 50th) punch has been thrown and an opening has been provided. Had it gone PC/Xbox and PS3 in retail stores from the outset, Ashes 13 would have absolutely crapped on the whole market. Right now, PC release only on steam has it out, has it getting the bad reviews and has it staining the market, but most of that market is, at the moment, totally untapped and quarantined from Ashes 13. Give it a week or two, even without a console or PC in store release for Ashes, reviews will be going around and the 'All cricket games suck' statements will start spoiling the market for the next 12-24 months.
Remember guys, as much as we want to analyse the market and try to determine when the release would be most profitable for the franchise, we really can't. We just don't know enough to do so. We don't really know where all the obstacles regarding the release date lie.

The best thing we can do is wait until the end of the week, if there is no release date by the end of November, plans have changed (as per the interview the other week) and we can ascertain that the game will be out at some point next year.

We don't know how the retailers have reacted to AC2013, we can't gauge whether retailers still want to pay full price for a cricket game. All we can do is wait!
If the game is delayed for marketing reasons ,How about releasing a good old fashioned demo, to make it popular? :cheers
when the game is as good as dbc from what we have seen in the vids,
they have everything to gain and nothing to be afraid off ,from releasing a demo,considering the lack of awareness of DBC14 outside PC among common folks.:thumbs

Also anybody fussing about cricket academy kindly remember the playereditor years in cricket07:spy
Posted this in the 'other' thread.

...Give it a week or two, even without a console or PC in store release for Ashes, reviews will be going around and the 'All cricket games suck' statements will start spoiling the market for the next 12-24 months.

Of course, the other side of it is to release a buggy DB14 and cement the "All cricket games suck" for not just 12-24 months but maybe 36-48 months.

Maybe what they should do is release all the good parts of the game and hold back buggy parts of the game and release it later as free patches.

If you have a solid product based on what they claim, people will rate it high and you will get sales on a solid product. Opposed to bundling it with buggy aspects of product and killing everything.
Heck, people might even pay for DLC if the product is good.
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