Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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i tried pestering GameUK and Amazon UK on twitter today, unsurprisingly it got no response whatsoever from either...

tbh with the ashes about to have a test in adelaide of all places, if the retailers can't pull their fingers out to let an announcement this week you wonder what they're thinking.
Pssst... Take the hint...


...tired of your shitck now. Find a new angle, or delete your account.

We get it.


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i tried pestering GameUK and Amazon UK on twitter today, unsurprisingly it got no response whatsoever from either...

tbh with the ashes about to have a test in adelaide of all places, if the retailers can't pull their fingers out to let an announcement this week you wonder what they're thinking.

There are some very burnt folks out there.

Retailers, particularly large ones, do not like customers coming in to find the goods advertised in National catalogues not there, it embarrasses them and pisses the customer off. There are also huge fines to be paid by the distributors to the retailers for this mistake. The individual employee that is the "buyer" will also get the "please explain" as to why they allowed it to occur.

Everyone in the chain from Trickstar onwards is pretty pissed off and "not in the mood" as they have plenty of other stock that they know they can shift. It's a battle, it's crime by association, no-one wants to be even remotely associated to the worst game to ever be released.

Cricket games are about as welcome at retail as a Fonz in a swimming pool.
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Pssst... Take the hint...


...tired of your shitck now. Find a new angle, or delete your account.

We get it.

Biggs I think The Fonz is in love with you, better tell him you love the ladies quick ok.:eek:


The publisher normally will get that sort of info, I have a few stores that mostly show the general trend so I call them to see how it's going.

It flattened out two weeks ago for all of the obvious reasons and started picking up again yesterday, but not anywhere near the rate it was at in the preceding weeks.

Hoping for a new trailer this Friday with two special words at the end Ross.;)
Can I say this game looks magnificent Biggs. And your track record is immense.

I reckon it will blow Bigant's game out of the water most definitely.

I'm behind you all the way, i know the gameplay will be first class, the graphics will be from the future and sound will be like an angel crying in your ear.

So "bigg-up" biggs.

C'mon everybody!

This was the single biggest creep out of the week, lock your door Biggs at night ok.:yes


Coming soon? stay tuned? pipe line?

To be honest if it's a month after the first trailer like most of Bigant games I would still be happy. PS Making it a new years Jan 2014 present.

PS I am not saying I would not love the game in the next 3 weeks just keeping my thought open so if it is 2014 I will not be so hurt.

PS By the way I have Ross vs Fonz at 25(ross) vs 4(Fonz) Rap battles, Fonz you no player.:lol
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Ross im very worried that I can't seem to preorder this game anywhere in London, Im not worried whether the release is 2013 or 2014 but i would just like to place a preorder so i can get it asap as its released....what is happening to the uk market??????
It's still baffling that people expect him to publicly release all the information that goes towards making a decision. He shares what he is able/willing to share. Seriously baffling.
Yeah, this isn't some democratic process. We're not shareholders.

Jesus Christ, people. Get a clue.
@79C Yea Im happy if its even Febuary, ideally earlier but hey it looks great and Im happy to wait for a good product.

Same here mate, I have waited this long so in the end what's a few more weeks/months to us. More great Fridays and Ross vs Fonz rap battles, let's hope they don't switch to your mummy jokes soon.:rolleyes
Good Morning Ross,

I understand that you are still undecided about the Release Date and that you want to do it at the time which is most profitable.

This strategy had to be kept under wraps until Ashes 13 was cancelled as you did not want to show your hands to the opposition but you can be more open now.

Rather than just stating that Ashes has poisoned the market, I request you to list out the specific factors that you are considering in an effort to finalize the release date.

I had highlighted the following points a few days ago but got no response. I hereby request you on behalf of the larger audience to respond to these points as it would then give us an insight into your release strategy, deter trolls and most importantly make the final leg of this 15 month journey (On Planet Cricket since Oct 2012) more pleasurable for all the supporters of DBC.

1. The Cricket Hype with the actual Ashes happening down under and the Aussies being competitive makes the market ripe for cricket games.

2. The Christmas Sales that can be tapped into by releasing in December.

3. Ensuring that the Savings and Christmas Gifts do not get spent on PS4 and Next Gen games thus reducing potentially large sales volumes for DBC 14.

4. The game will still be sold months after release and it will have a second wave when you release it on Next Gen. The marketing for the PS4 version of DBC 14 will also reignite the sales for the Current Gen version.

5.The Retail Prices for Current Gen games will start reducing once the Next Gen consoles and games are out and that will reduce the profitability of this game.

6.The market will remain poisoned by the Ashes fiasco and will only recover once a better game is released. Moreover, releasing in 2013 will also ensure that the public will not perceive it as a patched Ashes 2013 game which was cancelled. However, if you release 2-3 months down the line, a large section of the public will definitely have suspicions that its a rebranded and patched version of the same Ashes 2013 game.

7. More Trailers and Developer Chats/Videos to create a buzz in the market and hype up the game. This will result in consumers querying retailers about preorders and availability which in turn makes the retailers more favourable towards this game.

There is no ideal timing anymore but you need to make the most of the positive aspects such as Christmas Sales, Real Ashes Hype and the second wave upon Next Gen Release.

Please shed light on your perspective about the above listed points and any other factors that you are considering so that we are all part of this journey together, can have the right expectations and stop 'Making up SH-IT'.
^Deja vu?

Could have sworn that exact same post was on the previous page.
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