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Originally Posted by varunschuey

This strategy had to be kept under wraps until Ashes 13 was cancelled as you did not want to show your hands to the opposition but you can be more open now.

Says who?

Intellectual question Snowy? Way to go!!!

I hope you are aware that there is no competetion anymore with Ashes being cancelled. Logic therefore dictates that Big Ant can be more open without the fear of their rivals taking advantage.

Please focus on quality posting rather than quantity and sounding like an old broken record singing the same tune and blind following which is actually detrimental to both proper discussion on the forum and to the game in general.

I dont understand the difference between Fegan's Hang in There and Stay Tuned to your Release Date? = 2013 and Fan Botting posts attacking anybody who wants to have a sane discussion.
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(in before bigant)

This message cannot be seen by bigant as it does seem you have been brainwashed sufficiently.

:clap:clap Bravo Bravo Fanz Bravo. You win mate, not sure what yet but keep looking in your mailbox ok.
I hope you are aware that there is no competetion anymore with Ashes being cancelled. Logic therefore dictates that Big Ant can be more open without the fear of their rivals taking advantage.

Do you think the publishers would appreciate the developer openly releasing all of the information that goes towards making the final release date decision? Genuine question.
Intellectual question Snowy? Way to go!!!

I hope you are aware that there is no competetion anymore with Ashes being cancelled. Logic therefore dictates that Big Ant can be more open without the fear of their rivals taking advantage.

Please focus on quality posting rather than quantity and sounding like an old broken record singing the same tune and blind following which is actually detrimental to both proper discussion on the forum and to the game in general.

I dont understand the difference between Fegan's Hang in There and Stay Tuned to your Release Date? = 2013 and Fan Botting posts attacking anybody who wants to have a sane discussion.

Not having a go at you bud, but just think of it this way!..

1. BigAntStudios will have numerous NDA's set with the publishers and therefore Ross is not being able to answer questions that we are asking.

2. NDA's can be specific.

3. If and when Ross can say something he would definitely say and will tell us.

4. Let Ross and Co work out and then i am sure will be given the insight to our answers, at least in general.
Pssst... Take the hint...


...tired of your shitck now. Find a new angle, or delete your account.

We get it.


About as funny as this...

More significantly for you new zealands world cup bid is "done"
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Not having a go at you bud, but just think of it this way!..

1. BigAntStudios will have numerous NDA's set with the publishers and therefore Ross is not being able to answer questions that we are asking.

2. NDA's can be specific.

3. If and when Ross can say something he would definitely say and will tell us.

4. Let Ross and Co work out and then i am sure will be given the insight to our answers, at least in general.

Has Ross been gagged by the publishers? Is he dancing to their tune??
Do you think the publishers would appreciate the developer openly releasing all of the information that goes towards making the final release date decision? Genuine question.

This is not a typical Developer - Publisher relationship as Big Ant took a self funded and finished product to Tru Blu for publishing.

More importantly, publishers would want to curb negativity, and promote Good PR, positive word of mouth. The response from Big Ant to my points would go someway in achieving that without compromising anything as there is no competetion at this moment.

Please be a little bit open minded and I am sure you will see the bigger picture. I know you want to impress Ross but constructive and critical views are always needed for the greater good.:thumbs
Has Ross been gagged by the publishers? Is he dancing to their tune??

If you can understand the sense of business then you would know how NDA's are set!, The clauses are very nit picky. Breaking NDA'a means serious Gross misconduct.

Surely if you are working somewhere you will sign a contract and by signing you saying that you will not break those regulation sets.
Good Morning Ross,


Please shed light on your perspective about the above listed points and any other factors that you are considering so that we are all part of this journey together, can have the right expectations and stop 'Making up SH-IT'.

You are completely delusional if you think game devs are going to post comprehensive breakdowns of their upcoming business strategies in response to pissy bullet point lists from random internet posters.
You are completely delusional if you think game devs are going to post comprehensive breakdowns of their upcoming business strategies in response to pissy bullet point lists from random internet posters.

Couldn't expect anything more from a Hooker. Could I?
This is not a typical Developer - Publisher relationship as Big Ant took a self funded and finished product to Tru Blu for publishing.

Yes but it is a long standing one, and they clearly have protocols in place.

I appreciate you wanting to find out more information, but in an attempt to be open minded, you're being extremely unrealistic.
You are completely delusional if you think game devs are going to post comprehensive breakdowns of their upcoming business strategies in response to pissy bullet point lists from random internet posters.

Would be hilarious if Ross indeed now posted his strategies in response to varunschuey :D
Not having a go at you bud, but just think of it this way!..

1. BigAntStudios will have numerous NDA's set with the publishers and therefore Ross is not being able to answer questions that we are asking.

2. NDA's can be specific.

3. If and when Ross can say something he would definitely say and will tell us.

4. Let Ross and Co work out and then i am sure will be given the insight to our answers, at least in general.

My concern is that Ross and his team are either over confident or fixated on certain things only, thereby ignoring the macro economic factors. It is also possible that their judgement is clouded by over thinking.

I agree with you about the NDAs but Ross can definitely dispel the above concern by:

1.Acknowledging that the points that I highlighted have been taken into account.

2.Revealing harmless information and inform that he cannot go into specific details because of NDAs.

I do not mind if the game comews in 2013 or 3 more months down the line as my desire is to see this game being profitable and getting established as a franchise with sequels which would be the best thing for fans like us in the long run.
My publisher does not want me on any forums, specifically here, it's been a bone of contention for years. He'd be very happy if I never posted again anywhere.

I have commercial restrictions of course and I try my best to give info that takes that into consideration.

If it were not for the ignore troll button I wouldn't be here for sure, I suggest people avail themselves of it more often, it works and removes the turds from the swimming pool.
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