Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Yeah, I know, they all look the same.... It's happening to you too?
@thefonz will you be purchasing the game?

This is the only intelligent question I've seen directed at me recently. as it challenges me as a game sceptic.

at the end of the day, i will judge it on the basis of fair reviews and analysis. if it was out before xmas that would encourage me. :yes

otherwise it will be competing heavily with saving for a ps4 and other games next year.

of course if it is in fact a "turkey" i'll dish it up with some potatoes and a bigant sauce :D
Shall we stop giving thefonz the pleasure of replies to points and assertions he's already made several times. I must confess myself disappointed by the lack of originality.

unfortunately people seem to think baiting me is fun.

they are "bored" waiting for the game i think ;)
I love the last bit of that video:


Yeah, wrong thread but I thought some people here needed to see it to get their doses of "reality check".

I agree with fonz though, game is awesome and will be difficult for us to top.

Edit: had to put the quote in - he is a yappy little bastard isn't he. Go to bed.
These posts from bigant and barmyarmy are hidden because they are don bradman cricket 14 fanatics.
I'm seriously thinking of pre-ordering a second copy and offering it up for sale to any OS members who is willing to pay Australian price + postage to get their hands on the steelbook..

Not sure the wife will understand.. haha
Ruining the previously un-ruinable thread... Thy name is fonz.

I believe Batman speaks for all of us...



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I know someone who has a truck if it helps.

RE: Distribution, I have a pink bike with a noisy cat that rides in the basket. I'll get your game to the children of the world...
Nah, this is actually the spam and tosspot trap. It's good to have them always come to the one thread, easier to ignore.

Bees to honey. Always works, always. Indeed, there will be one here soon if his mum hasn't tucked him in.
This is the only intelligent question I've seen directed at me recently. as it challenges me as a game sceptic.

at the end of the day, i will judge it on the basis of fair reviews and analysis. if it was out before xmas that would encourage me. :yes

otherwise it will be competing heavily with saving for a ps4 and other games next year.

of course if it is in fact a "turkey" i'll dish it up with some potatoes and a bigant sauce :D

Fair enough and i do understand where you are coming from.

I guess everyone will be dealing differently with purchasing the game. E.g. some may have set money aside, others (like you) are competing between the PS4, other games & DBC14, others purchasing multiple copies...

I'm sure everyone has their own view on the game including yourself. However, I am buying the game, not because of the influence of the forum but because i want a game that is flexible in its own right and i'll enjoy. Of course, this is not guaranteed, but i will find out when the game comes out. I'm sure it will not be perfect, but nothing is in life. It would just be great to get a game of cricket that we can enjoy.

The release date does not really concern me, possibly because i have made my mind up already.

I just think everyone should just sit back and wait for the game rather than constantly asking for a date as such. That's my view of it anyway.
I just think everyone should just sit back and wait for the game rather than constantly asking for a date as such. That's my view of it anyway.

Dear admins/mods,

Such volatile and disturbing ideas deserve instant bans .. please make an example out of the poster

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