Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Is it .... how about in jan and feb ???? 2014

like ross has always told us they will be releasing the game when it seems to be most profitable to them ...

most of us here felt that dec would have been the most profitable time for them to release ,but it didn't happen due to ashes disaster

in Jan with only one ashes test remaining and the series almost to be decided by then ( by the looks of how ausies are playing ) with few one dayers to go , the intrest of people would be diminished by then .. And in Feb Australia will be travelling to south Africa and with no cricket at home ,it probably isn't the best time to release ...
like ross has always told us they will be releasing the game when it seems to be most profitable to them ...

most of us here felt that dec would have been the most profitable time for them to release ,but it didn't happen due to ashes disaster

in Jan with only one ashes test remaining and the series almost to be decided by then ( by the looks of how ausies are playing ) with few one dayers to go , the intrest of people would be diminished by then .. And in Feb Australia will be travelling to south Africa and with no cricket at home ,it probably isn't the best time to release ...

I think Jan is not bad idea....If you read others comments...There are some games which has surprising sales in JAN.....As most of them do per-orders for Christmas.........So no problem in releasing in Jan.....Already media covered DBC14
I think Jan is not bad idea....If you read others comments...There are some games which has surprising sales in JAN.....As most of them do per-orders for Christmas.........So no problem in releasing in Jan.....Already media covered DBC14

ross has said a numerous times that he wouldn't want to take a gamble with this game of his. Releasing this game in Jan would seem like a gamble to me .

this game wont be releasing in Jan unless the ashes series is tied 2 all with one game to go and there's an massive intrest for cricket in 1st week of Jan ..
Some of the Ross posts suggests that its not going to be released in 2013 :(
Yeh....I'd rather listen to someone that actually lives in Australia and actually knows theyre talking about..
Australia absolutely stuff England and regain the Ashes -> People in Australia lose interest in cricket? Erm......Alright then? :rolleyes
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This would surely be a disappointment for the people who are following DBC14 related post ever since it was not DBC. But this wont be a problem for BigAnt as their target audience has now shifted to a larger domain rather than forum like this.
Funny thing is, for every person on these forums that he annoys to the point they won't buy the game from not getting a release date told or something, it's probably 100 more sales they make overall for following their marketing strategy..
We are just wasting our time here as we are not any more important and anything that would be declared will be on a different and a larger platform.
This would surely be a disappointment for the people who are following DBC14 related post ever since it was not DBC. But this wont be a problem for BigAnt as their target audience has now shifted to a larger domain rather than forum like this.
Because it's not like Ross has been posting pretty much everyday for over a year.

What more do you want?
We are just wasting our time here as we are not any more important and anything that would be declared will be on a different and a larger platform.

Yes it will. But I strongly believe that Ross will also announce it here because he cares :)
How many people that come to this forum are not going to buy DB14??

Considering the amount of comments I'd say all will buy it no matter when its released, take a chill pill people.
I've resisted for so long posting in this thread. But here is my opinion and you may feel its a load of tripe, but here goes.

I don't think DBC14 has been ready for release for the last few months, I think and hope the bigant team have been ironing out problems and eliminating bugs, which I'm happy about. The ashes debacle has probably given them a welcome excuse for not releasing.

I think the game is ready now but Xmas is in the way. For me though a January launch would not be bad. The aussies will have regained the ashes by the looks, which pains me to say it but will be a good thing for this game. We all know what happens to the interest in cricket in aus when the national team is losing, (empty stadiums in last two matches of the previous ashes down under).

Interest in England will be ok, most of us continued to follow England through the 90s, so are used to getting a stuffing, and we dont lose interest in the game quite so easily.

I'm not going to lambast Ross for not releasing this year, it was his intention to, but things like this get delayed all the time, and I would rather everything that can be done to ensure the game plays as good as it looks is done.

One of the biggest reasons I'm not fretting about the release date is the amazing cricket academy they have given us. I've spent hours and hours on that thing. It might sound a bit sad but I edited someone elses Devon Malcolm last night and was chuffed to bits when I'd finished him. I've probably spent more enjoyable hours on ca than I have for the previous five ps3 games I've bought in total.

I'll stop rambling now, and finish by saying this game is going to be the best cricket game ever released by a country mile, so just let Ross do his thing, chill out and wait for it, without bitching and moaning meanwhile.
Completely agree Freddie. The CA has been fantastic, and how many devs have ever done something like that before? Agree with the cricket interest scenario to, the 90s were a very bad time to be an English cricket fan, but the grounds were still full and we still brought graham Gooch cricket and Brian Lara!!

I've no idea whether it was ready or not in the past but I'd tend to think Ross is a pretty stand up guy, so unless its a publisher issue he's probably been as honest as he's able to be.


What time zone are you in and is it still 1997 there?

Yea I'm well sorted, but you're twisting me melon man
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