Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I've resisted for so long posting in this thread. But here is my opinion and you may feel its a load of tripe, but here goes.

I don't think DBC14 has been ready for release for the last few months, I think and hope the bigant team have been ironing out problems and eliminating bugs, which I'm happy about. The ashes debacle has probably given them a welcome excuse for not releasing.

I think the game is ready now but Xmas is in the way. For me though a January launch would not be bad. The aussies will have regained the ashes by the looks, which pains me to say it but will be a good thing for this game. We all know what happens to the interest in cricket in aus when the national team is losing, (empty stadiums in last two matches of the previous ashes down under).

Funny that, I remember sitting amongst 80000 people and 45000 people respectively for both those games...
The aussies will have regained the ashes by the looks, which pains me to say it but will be a good thing for this game.

Yeah, the marketing and promotion of DBC down under probably couldn't have been timed much better with the way the Aussies are playing at the moment.
Please don't ignore comments on facebook people got 12,000 likes and its increasing very fast...someone from your marketing team should update all those fans of DBC on facebook...
Yeh....I'd rather listen to someone that actually lives in Australia and actually knows theyre talking about..

You the one who always said release date 2013 what happen now. Remember I said couple month ago game not coming this year no body trust me now talk
You the one who always said release date 2013 what happen now. Remember I said couple month ago game not coming this year no body trust me now talk
yes because at that time there was no reason for it to come in 2014. Now it has.
For people who expected something this week, I'm putting together a trailer for DBC14 from all the older footages(proper ones). This will include most of the known features so that people who are new to DBC can get a better idea of this game that the official trailer didn't provide.
I'll post it here between 6.00am-11.30am Melbourne Time tomorrow.
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So, how long do I need to play GTA-V & replay it before this game is released?
yes because at that time there was no reason for it to come in 2014. Now it has.

Nothing has been confirmed yet, so 2013 is still a possibility, until the first post states "2014" it's still 2013, Ross will release when he thinks it's viable to do so, until then we wait... it's definitely coming, we will be playing DBC14 it won't be another Ashes debacle!!!

Steve S.
Nothing has been confirmed yet, so 2013 is still a possibility, until the first post states "2014" it's still 2013, Ross will release when he thinks it's viable to do so, until then we wait... it's definitely coming, we will be playing DBC14 it won't be another Ashes debacle!!!

Steve S.

First week of December is just about up. If BA wants to release it in 2013 shouldn't they start marketing now? Sure the people on PC know all about it but what about the buyers who are not on PC? They make the bulk of the consumers. So I am guessing the game may go into January 2014. Still not too far away, unless it goes to February or March.

(These are just a curious question & comments. Not intended to teach basic marketing to BA or anyone).
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