Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I do recall a post somewhere that BA intended to release in November (presumably around the 1st test). With the Ashes 13 delay, BA were thrown into a holding pattern. Since it wasn't cancelled and it seems some distributors backed Ashes 13 over DBC14. Meaning it became a struggle to get the game into stores at the same time.

The presumption was that AC13 would be cancelled earlier. Sadly, this didn't happen until after it was release. Now Ross has been hard at work trying to get retailers back onside as they are taking the view that 'all cricket games are shit'.

So, I doubt there was a date set once AC13 missed that first date because nobody knew what the hell was going on.

This is probably the closest to the truth to come from someone outside the tent.

I have our game covered in all media, in Cricket game terms probably only second to Ashes 2013.

If it was Trickstars' aim to keep this alive for as long as possible so as to milk as much from 505 as they could then it was a spectacular con job really. Pretty well executed.


Does anybody else think that Mike Fegan released Ashes 13 in its state as a big middle finger to Big Ant? Ross?*

*I'm partly serious on this as it wouldn't surprise me

Nah, he never disparaged anyone ;)

Seriously, I don't figure in their planning at all, I probably upset their little applecart in a minor way, probably not much more than a nuisance really, but the evidence of the Ashes game itself is that this was always going to be a cash grab and not a releasable product.
All parties are nearly agreed on the way forward and I will post what that is as soon as I am able.

And to pre-empt a lot of questions, I think it would be safe to say you're not in a position to publicly 'predict' when this will be?
Nope, I would have said that if I could.

I could make a guess but in doing so could be hung drawn and quartered for guessing it wrong.

I expect 6pm Friday the "where's my CA" will start.
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thanks for the response Ross. I guess what I was trying to ask was did you use the extra time given by AC2013 debacle to continue honing your own game or have you tried to stick to all dev targets regardless of what they were doing. Has the extra time lead to a better product do you feel. Has the option of delaying the game until next cricket season ever been an option?
Nah, he never disparaged anyone ;)

Seriously, I don't figure in their planning at all, I probably upset their little applecart in a minor way, probably not much more than a nuisance really, but the evidence of the Ashes game itself is that this was always going to be a cash grab and not a releasable product.

Just on this, some people may have missed it since the thread has now been moved. I do think some people should read this Deep Analysis Ashes Cricket Game by Silverthorne just to have an understanding exactly what Trickstar did and how lucky we are as cricket gaming enthusiasts that DBC14 is on the horizon.

My understanding of programming is rudimentary at best and even I can see just how early September it was.

I'd be happy to wait until 2014 if it means a better of financial success for a developer who actually gives a damn.

PS... however, hoping EB has my steelbox for me to pick up soon though :thumbs
Seeing the time left for this year to end, it would really be a miracle if Ross and Co. can release this game worldwide in 2013. It would be better if everyone here realized that and stops expecting a release this year. If Ross indeed pulls it off, then that would be like a surprise gift for all of us (and we can call him Santa Ross after that :p), if not then one can say it always seemed so from today onwards.


I expect 6pm Friday the "where's my CA" will start.

Do we need a controller to use the next CA update to its full extent???:D
thanks for the response Ross. I guess what I was trying to ask was did you use the extra time given by AC2013 debacle to continue honing your own game or have you tried to stick to all dev targets regardless of what they were doing. Has the extra time lead to a better product do you feel. Has the option of delaying the game until next cricket season ever been an option?

We kept adding to the patch and balancing the game up until November.

We have canvassed all release options, we have had too. I personally want to see the game on shelves as soon as possible and have been doing nothing else but work to that end since Ashes was released. Hopefully the Poms can go down 3-2 and make things interesting, it's not good to have no competition :p


Do we need a controller to use the next CA update to its full extent???:D

Nice try :)
Just the box?

You know, I thought to myself that I should clarify that it will include a game in it because I'm sure some smart-ass would say that. That's what I would have done anyway...

So thank you Matt :clap
Late October or early November was our original target.
Was this before Ashes's initial delay, because, although I never saw the original post myself, you had apparently stated it to be "before October"? This was a big thing a couple of months ago.
Seeing the time left for this year to end, it would really be a miracle if Ross and Co. can release this game worldwide in 2013. It would be better if everyone here realized that and stops expecting a release this year. If Ross indeed pulls it off, then that would be like a surprise gift for all of us (and we can call him Santa Ross after that :p), if not then one can say it always seemed so from today onwards.

If Ross wants us to stop assuming 2013 he would have said so. Until I hear it from him I'm hoping against hope that it will be before christmas....let alone before 2014. Nieve yes, Wishful thinking yes- only one man knows (or has a good idea anyway)
Ross, please do interact with DBC fans on the facebook page, much as we appreciate your coming on here and answer our questions, or someone from Big Ant Studios can address their quiries, they are in the dark and running wild
Ross, please do interact with DBC fans on the facebook page, much as we appreciate your coming on here and answer our questions, or someone from Big Ant Studios can address their quiries, they are in the dark and running wild

Is it really bad? I thought most FB pages were bad or had comments turned off.

---------- it is obvious you are announcing the date this Friday then....

Thanks for that :rolleyes
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