Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Nice attempt to be a joker there ;) Although I have no clue what you meant.
Look, it's really unbelievably simple.

At the time Ross initially said "2013", it's perfectly reasonable that he was dead sure the game would be finished and ready to release at the end of the year, and with Ashes 2013 due out in July and the Aussie leg of the back to back Ashes series beginning in November, it's perfectly reasonable that a 2014 release would have seemed exceptionally unlikely.

But then Ashes 2013 missed the July release, meaning both games were potentially looking at the same release window, and then when Ashes suddenly released out of nowhere it turned out to be possibly the most hilariously shitty and unplayable bundle of mangled database code the world has ever seen.

Conclusion :

i) it was perfectly reasonable for Ross to say 2013 when he first said it, because it would have seemed a very safe bet.
ii) It's perfectly reasonable that he didn't anticipate the Ashes 2013 shitstorm, and it's perfectly reasonable that he might change his release plans for DBC as a result.
iii) And finally, having copped a load of crap from people on here for saying 2013 in the first place, it's perfectly reasonable that he would want to avoid giving any further dates until he is 100% certain.
I understand all of that, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that this thread is the only real source of info for when the game will release and whenever I come to check it then it still just says "2013", even 3 weeks before the end of the year when it would have been so easy to make a statement explaining if/how the AC fiasco has altered the plans and edit it into the first post here so it's clear to everyone (including occasional visitors who don't see all of Ross' posts) what the situation is.
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Barmy's my best buddy, we go way back!

That's the problem with newb's that choose not to read... anyone that's been here longer than two seconds would understand that I've had numerous run-ins with Barmy and had many a post deleted, not just by him but the other mods/admins here too.

Just because we don't agree on some matters does not extend to having to disagree on *everything* each other says - in my opinion that's the difference between being a troll and not.
I understand all of that, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that this thread is the only real source of info for when the game will release and whenever I come to check it then it still just says "2013", even 3 weeks before the end of the year when it would have been so easy to make a statement explaining if/how the AC fiasco has altered the plans and edit it into the first post here so it's clear to everyone (including occasional visitors who don't see all of Ross' posts) what the situation is.

Ok.... Lets say in a perfect world Ross told you the release date..... What then mate??

Knowing the release date does not change nor allow your impatient hands to get on the game any sooner...

As I say to my daughter when she is being a pest...'Go to your room'
Ok.... Lets say in a perfect world Ross told you the release date..... What then mate??

Knowing the release date does not change nor allow your impatient hands to get on the game any sooner...

As I say to my daughter when she is being a pest...'Go to your room'
You've misunderstood me completely. I'm not being impatient.
You've misunderstood me completely. I'm not being impatient.

A short statement on the Ashes debacle isn't a bad idea, but then if you believe Ross there is still a chance of the game being released this year.
Seemed that way... Maybe I took the quite out of context...

Anywho carry on.
I understand all of that, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that this thread is the only real source of info for when the game will release and whenever I come to check it then it still just says "2013", even 3 weeks before the end of the year when it would have been so easy to make a statement explaining if/how the AC fiasco has altered the plans and edit it into the first post here so it's clear to everyone (including occasional visitors who don't see all of Ross' posts) what the situation is.

I agree that he could have done that, but it's quite something else to state that by not doing he's failed in his professional responsibilities and owes you an explanation, like you're his line manager or a BigAnt shareholder or something.
Barmy's my best buddy, we go way back!

That's the problem with newb's that choose not to read... anyone that's been here longer than two seconds would understand that I've had numerous run-ins with Barmy and had many a post deleted, not just by him but the other mods/admins here too.

Just because we don't agree on some matters does not extend to having to disagree on *everything* each other says - in my opinion that's the difference between being a troll and not.

I don't think people on this website understand what a troll is, half the people here are asking questions genuinely albeit the same ones.
I have to say admittedly I'm not normally a user of forums etc, but I joined this forum this summer when the first problems with ashes started and began to hear about bigant cricket as it was then, from day one it has always looked the better game, and certainly has better people behind it, I've not known a Company be as open and honest as the guys at bigant, the CA is fantastic, videos screenshots and bobbleheads have amused and impressed in equal measure, I, like most here am itching to play this game, and am as frustrated as anyone else that it isn't here yet, however things happen in life we have no control over and I genuinely believe everything is being done to get the game out, this forum has gone from being full of great ideas, creations debates and friendly banter to something I'd expect from my kids, please guys, if you've got something constructive to say, say it by all means, someone on here will always be there to answer you, but stop with the, when's release, you're a dick, he's a liar etc, its pathetic and has quickly ruined what was once a fun place to spend the odd hour discussing the game!
I agree that he could have done that, but it's quite something else to state that by not doing he's failed in his professional responsibilities and owes you an explanation, like you're his line manager or a BigAnt shareholder or something.
There was never an intention to come across like a manager/shareholder entitled to an explanation - but as a potential customer I can have an opinion.

I'm looking forward to the game as much as anyone though so I'll shut up and stay tuned for any updates :p.
No disrespect but when I hear people saying falling back on the excuse "this game is good because its a solid base for future iterations", just like people tended to do with AFL Live, I don't buy it. A game should be taken on the merit for what it is. Not what it can develop into.

Because most games don't develop exact sequels, yet alone sequels made by the same developer. Especially in the current market where companies (especially small Australian companies) seem to be going bust at the drop of a hat.

AFL Live: For a sports game it was average, and definitely not a complete realistic intepretation of the sport of AFL. It had a massive emphasis on tackling to 'simulate' contested footy. When instead in real life contested footy is largely as a result of the players struggling to pick the ball up cleanly because of the physical pressure of other players and the ball not being round and bouncing all over the place. This emphasis on tackling left the average gamer searching for a AFL simulation, which is what the game was marketed as, scratching their head in bewilderment.

Certain aspects of the game were too easy and could be taken advantage of. Example being set-shots. Online, it was common for players to manipulate the creation of unbeatable custom teams which ruined this experience.

The graphics were also sub-standard too in relation to the norm at the time IMO.

Still, it was a fun game to play, and because it was the only AFL game around, it had to persevered with. I played a heck of a lot of the game cos I love footy. But as a simulation of a footy game on its own: 6/10.

Sure it had the potential to be a basis of a great game, but this doesnt mean anything in the current climate of developer changes, rights, licenses etc. And the catastrophe that is AFL Live 2 is testament to this.

Don Bradman Cricket 14 will quite rightly be judged for what it is. Not the potential for what it can be. And so be it. It's being marketed as a cricket game simulation, not as a developmental base for future iterations. And the time of release, if it's good it's good. If it's bad it's bad. The customer doesnt lie. And excuses like 'oh its just a developmental base' or 'its an old build, patches will fix this' generally dont make it all the way to the general public's ears and their wallets. It's the perception of the game from public showcasing and reviews when it comes out that count.

(That's probably why Im a bit bewildered Big Ant let the debacle of having the old builds/unfinished game on display at the premiere happen, but meh who am I to comment)
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Very reasonable points Super. I certainly agree that when it does eventually arrive, we should initially look at it for what it is and not what it could be. Although, there should be comparisons made to previous games, so we have a basis upon which to review it.

Just one point...Ross has been pretty open about it not being a 100% simulation though. Ultimately it is a video game, so he has spoken towards a balance between simulation and fun.
That's a fair point about judging DB14 on its own rather than a base, you can't play it and say its great cos the sequels gonna be great, but we really can't judge DB14 yet until we've played it. The people who have played it seem happy with it, it has no competition to compare it to, yes it's gonna gave things missing for some people, but really as long as it plays right, who cares. Whether its the first game of a series or the only game, as long as I still wanna play it after a fair bit of time Ill be happy. From what I understand they support their games long after they've released them, and every game they've done has been better than the last, so if this is the best cricket game ever that'll be good enough for me.
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