Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I think most people would struggle to see what is so abusive about the post you have quoted other than a few home truths.

Hmmm. Home truths. Like you are an unfunny and cowardly manipulator of truth.

So did you edit the word "dickhead" from that post? And why haven't you answered my last private message?

And why did it take you over an hour to edit the "non abusive" post?

The words "hypocrite", "bully" and "extremely biased moderator" xome into my mind for some reason.

Now best suck up to Ross some more and agree that "trolls" are troubling your site.

A nasty attitude if ever I saw one.

This guy doesn't get it.

I've been through all this with you via PM and as I'm not over-fond of repeating myself I gave up replying.
I, like the majority of users on this forum, would love a DBC release prior to Christmas. I have a young kid, a nagging wife and desperately need something to avoid doing household chores over my upcoming summer holidays.

However if for whatever reasons Ross & Big Ant decide the game is not ready, there is sweet nothing any of us can do.

We're all seen what a trainwreck of a game looks like if the product if poorly developed. Let's all take a deep breath, sit tight and play nice until we hear something substantial, then enjoy the finished product when unveiled.

Finally, not sure if many have given Ross the due credit on this forum and are grateful for the volume of regular and honest updates about the game. He doesn't have to be on here at all, but he does his very best to answer as many queries as possible. Thanks very much.

I'm sure even "The Fonz" deep down inside, would love his own happy days moment alone with Ross on the back of his ride if given half the chance.

Very well said mate.

PS As Ross said maybe he has been to nice to us and to open, things could be different in the future as I bet ross does not want to go over this again and again for years to come.

PS I also have a Nagging wife and a hard job and would love to take my stress out on the English in a ashes mode in DBC14 but I will wait as we all have to or just leave if you can not happy the heat.

This guy doesn't get it.

I've been through all this with you via PM and as I'm not over-fond of repeating myself I gave up replying.

No you haven't been through all this with me.

A blatant lie.

At no point have you answered my reasonable and justified enquiries about how you decided to edit the "non abusive" post.

i've had quite enough of you and Bigant to last me a lifetime - time for some decent games on an honest forum I'm afraid.

Au revoir and enjoy the "freedom from trolling" that you obviously value so highly.
But the majority of game developing companies give a release date a good 3-4+ months in advance and normally keep to it or at least give a lengthy time before delaying (lets ignore the fiasco of Ashes 13).

Edit : Sorry, I seemed to miss what they're trying to do about it?
This is my take on the issue as well - delays are fine if more time is needed to complete the project, but it's vital to have clear communication with your customers about the planned release date of your product and give plenty of notice of any changes to what they would be expecting. Not what's happened here. Although fair enough, being active on the forums and looking for feedback is great.

AC13 isn't even worth talking about or drawing comparisons to, seems like Trickstar embezzled 505 to me.
Isn't that what you just quoted basically said they're doing...?

Not even close.

The BigAnt guys have given us shitloads of information about an ongoing project (and surprise surprise, ongoing projects are often subject to changes in circumstances) and responded consistently and promptly to feedback for months.

If there's stuff they don't want to reveal that's entirely their business - quite literally. All the more so if it's stuff they're not even sure about themselves.
Wow this game has driven people crazy! Kind of reminds me of a steven king novel/movie "Needful Things" where People start killing each other over precious items/games etc
Pretty funny a video game can cause such saying that however...can't bloody wait!!
may I respectfully suggest that you stop telling other people how to think and what to believe. There are issues with Bigant as there are with every games developer and pretending otherwise is not going to convince everybody of how great this game is.

Is there anything wrong with fair comment?

No, there is nothing wrong with fair comment. That's the problem; some of your comments just aren't fair. My aim isn't to tell you what to think or believe. I am not one of those "BA and DBC14 is the best ever" people but I do think Ross has handled this forum with complete honesty, and hence he has earned my trust.

For example, here is a review of AFL Live by gamearena - AFL Live Review - Game Reviews - BigPond GameArena and a review of Pirate Blast Pirate Blast Review for Wii: Pirate Blast Isn't A Blast - GameFAQs both by Bigant.

I think you are being a bit harsh on BA games there. I often disregard critic reviews as I find they can be pretty wrong. I haven't played Pirate Blast (and never plan to), however I have played AFL Live and thought it was a decent fist at a first game for a complex sport. Gameplay was good, and the building blocks were there for a long and successful franchise. Too bad Tru Blu changed developers for AFL Live 2 and screwed that one up. I have also played RLL2 and have found that to be a very good complete game. Gameplay is good, commentary is exceptional, likenesses are pretty good and career mode is nice. So personally I have found BA Studio's previous sports games enjoyable.

How much evidence would you need to persuade you that Bigant's games are usually mediocre? And given that, is your massive enthusiasm and that of a very small number of others on this forum actually justified?

My enthusiasm for this game is not dumbfounded. I'm excited for the game because in general it's cricket game, the videos we have been shown look promising, the CA has super depth and I am looking forward to all the features. Is there a problem with being enthusiastic about a game? I'm not one of those people with a super high expectation. I'm just expecting a cricket game that's playable, and we don't get them too often. I know for a fact that many of the forum members on here are on the same boat. You are in fact in the minority.

This forum is not owned or run by Ross and I suggest you have a close look at some of his responses to understand how biased you are being. He is frequently highly offensive towards people who even mildly question him.

I am simply explaining my point of view and providing some links to information that may be of interest to forum members.

My issue isn't with your point of view, but how you have expressed it. You can't really comment on Ross when you handle yourself worse. Ross only becomes aggressive when people shit-stir and make shit up. At times, you have done this and thus Ross has treated you poorly only because you have treated him worse.

Calling me a "dick" and a "troll" is not exactly an example of being "decent".

You have quoted me out of context there. I said you were "coming across" as a dick, at no stage did I call you one. My first post directed at you I was tired and was therefore a bit aggressive. I apologise, however if that's how you treat other forum posters they're gonna chuck the same right back at you.

I have jumped around a bit there, but I hope ultimately you get my point. You can keep doing what you're doing and how you are doing it now or you can change your approach. Otherwise we will continue to hound on you and you will get nowhere. Have a good one :)

EDIT: Ah well, thefonz is gone now anyway. Guess this post will fall on deaf ears.
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From the original post...

I see the "poll" has gone now though.

Look, it's really unbelievably simple.

At the time Ross initially said "2013", it's perfectly reasonable that he was dead sure the game would be finished and ready to release at the end of the year, and with Ashes 2013 due out in July and the Aussie leg of the back to back Ashes series beginning in November, it's perfectly reasonable that a 2014 release would have seemed exceptionally unlikely.

But then Ashes 2013 missed the July release, meaning both games were potentially looking at the same release window, and then when Ashes suddenly released out of nowhere it turned out to be possibly the most hilariously shitty and unplayable bundle of mangled database code the world has ever seen.

Conclusion :

i) it was perfectly reasonable for Ross to say 2013 when he first said it, because it would have seemed a very safe bet.
ii) It's perfectly reasonable that he didn't anticipate the Ashes 2013 shitstorm, and it's perfectly reasonable that he might change his release plans for DBC as a result.
iii) And finally, having copped a load of crap from people on here for saying 2013 in the first place, it's perfectly reasonable that he would want to avoid giving any further dates until he is 100% certain.


You have quoted me out of context there. I said you were "coming across" as a dick, at no stage did I call you one. My first post directed at you I was tired and was therefore a bit aggressive. I apologise, however if that's how you treat other forum posters they're gonna chuck the same right back at you.

Calling him a dick is perfectly fair comment. He is a dick.
Have you actually followed along with what Ross has being saying? He has been 100% honest with us all the way along with all the roadblocks that have forced him to change his release plans (he's stated a number of times that if it hadn't been for Ashes 2013 severely damaging the market we would probably be playing DBC 14 right now!!!). It won't be far off now, judging from all the positive publicity the game is getting so for now stop whining and let Ross and the rest of the guys at Big Ant sort it out.
As for creating hype, every game manufacturer does it before announcing the release date you dumbass.

Hey -----, I have a life and other things to do rather than sitting my fat ass in front of a computer and read all the posts on this forum. That's why the comment I made was to the Big Ant group and not to YOUR sorry ass. :)


,l,, seems more legit :p
Hey ------, I have a life and other things to do rather than sitting my fat ass in front of a computer and read all the posts on this forum. That's why the comment I made was to the Big Ant group and not to YOUR sorry ass. :)

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