Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Taking a leaf out of your book I can only hope England make NO changes and do NOT adapt to the changing circumstances they now find themselves in.

Again that's utterly disingenuous. At no point have i said things cant or shouldnt change - i was pointing out the poll was not the source of here in 2013. And i was further pointing out that you knew how bad Ashes could be when you said no chance of missing this year.
Until we have absolute confirmation (and not just personal inklings) from Ross regarding missing/hitting 2013, all of this is fairly academic
I will think very hard before sharing the last year of dev as we have, I think next time we will do as we always have - three/four weeks prior to release let you know what you're getting and when. Less angst all around.

That's a shame because, although it may not be for everybody, I've really enjoyed finding out about the small features of the game over time that add to the detail of it. They're things I might not have realised otherwise, and the journey has added to my excitement.
Again that's utterly disingenuous. At no point have i said things cant or shouldnt change - i was pointing out the poll was not the source of here in 2013. And i was further pointing out that you knew how bad Ashes could be when you said no chance of missing this year.

Ross did not know 505 games would release the game and release the worse cricket game ever at the same time. Trickstar f--ked up Bigants plans Blocker and now he is trying to pick up the pieces as simple as that.

In the next week or two we will know if it's this year or next, I would except it as 2014 and hope for 2013 like many of us. PS All you are doing is giving yourself a headache mate.:cheers
Unprofessional compared to my peers? That's a stretch.

Game development is not an exact science, sooner people get that the better. Biggest game ever, six months delayed.

I didn't create the poll.
AC13 was obviously a complete mess from start to finish and Trickstar were unforgivably terrible... I'm not comparing you to them.

I understand that game development is a difficult and unpredictable process.

GTA V was delayed, but that announcement of that delay was in January when the game was originally meant to release in (I think) May. They gave nearly four months notice.

With DBC though, for months it's seemed that a 2013 release is what to expect. I assumed you had created the poll due to you being this thread's OP and being the last person to edit the first post... If the poll suggesting a 2013 release was inaccurate then you have the ability to remove it and should have done if it wasn't going to release in 2013.

If a delay is announced for DBC or a 2014 release in a statement tomorrow, then that's only giving around 3 weeks notice from the expected latest release date, which I think is unprofessional.

If the game does release in 2013 then it's going to be a sudden "It's coming next week!" sort of deal which I don't think is great planning, I also doubt that it would be easy to get the logistics of a console release (i.e. getting it into stores around the world) arranged by the end of the year.
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Considering you're almost always pestering or verbally assaulting Ross and clearly have not read all the info he has given, I would say he is well within his rights to be "highly offensive" towards you. One could say he gives as good as he gets...

As for those game reviews...AFL Live was severely limited by the funds they had available after purchasing the licenses and so could not put everything they wanted into it or fine tune it properly as they would have been given a set time-frame to develop and release the game by the AFL and their publishers (TruBlu). As far as Pirate Blast goes, there are very few remotely decent games on the Wii anyway besides the ones you can use during parties such as Big Beach Sports.

Check the videos and info again, there are so many features in this game its impressive. And this has been 4 years in development not an (admittedly) rushed game like AFL Live. Don't dismiss this game before its even out because it will be the best cricket game ever and you will be left with egg on your face after all this negativity. Saying that NoLeName is trying to tell you "what to think" is absolute rubbish, he like myself looks to be asking you to stop being a prick and wait until the game is out before being excessively critical or better yet if you have no intention of buying it GET OFF THIS FORUM.

You have been anything but fair this whole time, if you pointed out things that didn't look right in a pleasant manner I guarantee Ross would have been perfectly willing to listen to your suggestions/criticisms, but because you have gone about it in a nasty and negative manner everyone has had enough. I don't know about yours but my mother always told me if I didn't have anything nice to say, then I should keep it and my attitude to myself.

So I ask again, reserve judgement until the game is released and you've given it a decent play over a couple of weeks. Then if there are things you feel need work I'm sure Ross would be happy to listen to suggestions for game patches and future iterations. And if you do not intend to purchase the game and are just here to be a nasty little troll, then do us all a favour and please stop passing comment on things you clearly have little to no understanding of.

As the moderators think this bullshit is ok I will respond once agan.

This is a message from an evil little mind, from someone who has no grasp of what I was saying and enjoys being sycophantic.

Your abuse is pathetic.
And he was the only person other than Chief or Fegan who knew how terrible Ashes might be. Yeah circumstances change, got zero problems with that, and I fully accept nobody on earth could have known how "big" Ashes' crapness would go profile-wise, but Ross did know it had strong potential to stink up the market.

I think it's fair to say that the impact was beyond anyone's prediction. Firstly how bad the game was. Secondly the fact it was sold and then withdraw. Thirdly how much mainstream media coverage that event garnered.
I do think this thread shows a loss of perspective at times. It will be ready when it's ready. We can argue all day about when we think the best time to release it but Ross has been upfront about changes to their plans and why and I don't think it's fair to criticise on that basis.
I'm not getting at your personally but I do find some of the heightened emotions present in this thread both alarming and sad. Alarming because ultimately it's a computer game and sad because Ross has effectively said it's too much hassle for him to have such a long lead-out interacting with fans so it won't happen next time. We did that.
It just feels like lose lose at times for Big Ant Studios. If they say a date they get criticised for missing it and if they don't say one they get criticised for not giving one. At this point I would happily close this thread and puts the words "release date" into the mod queue filter so I can delete any post that contains them.
It will happen when it happens.


As the moderators think this bullshit is ok I will respond once agan.

This is a message from an evil little mind, from someone who has no grasp of what I was saying and enjoys being sycophantic.

Your abuse is pathetic.

I think most people would struggle to see what is so abusive about the post you have quoted other than a few home truths.
I'm just disappointed with the lack of professionalism from Big Ant by keeping their customer base in the dark in this way

Yeah next time they should do what the other professional devs do and not come here to tell us what's going with their games or to trawl through thousands of frequently incredibly shitty posts looking for feedback.
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No because they're telling us the release date isn't certain and why and what they're trying to do about it. Completely different.
No because they're telling us the release date isn't certain and why and what they're trying to do about it. Completely different.

But the majority of game developing companies give a release date a good 3-4+ months in advance and normally keep to it or at least give a lengthy time before delaying (lets ignore the fiasco of Ashes 13).

Edit : Sorry, I seemed to miss what they're trying to do about it?
It's almost as if it wasn't abusive at all...

I think Mr no name I am going to call him has had enough but like you and others have said most of us have not been that mean to him. Sure there has been some jokes(Mother Jokes) but in the end he has his opinion and will not listen to any of us.

PS last I will say of this(I hope) is please Mr no name just make up with ross, maybe a virtual hand shake and we can all be grown up again and well wait.
But the majority of game developing companies give a release date a good 3-4+ months in advance and normally keep to it or at least give a lengthy time before delaying (lets ignore the fiasco of Ashes 13).

Edit : Sorry, I seemed to miss what they're trying to do about it?

Most do but Big Ant have had short announcement to release period for many of their titles as far as I know.
As for what they're doing about it Ross has posted that they're working very hard to get the game out before Christmas, talking to retailers, distributors etc but it's made harder by the fact that some backed Ashes Cricket and need to be convinced to take Bradman Cricket.
I, like the majority of users on this forum, would love a DBC release prior to Christmas. I have a young kid, a nagging wife and desperately need something to avoid doing household chores over my upcoming summer holidays.

However if for whatever reasons Ross & Big Ant decide the game is not ready, there is sweet nothing any of us can do.

We're all seen what a trainwreck of a game looks like if the product if poorly developed. Let's all take a deep breath, sit tight and play nice until we hear something substantial, then enjoy the finished product when unveiled.

Finally, not sure if many have given Ross the due credit on this forum and are grateful for the volume of regular and honest updates about the game. He doesn't have to be on here at all, but he does his very best to answer as many queries as possible. Thanks very much.

I'm sure even "The Fonz" deep down inside, would love his own happy days moment alone with Ross on the back of his ride if given half the chance.
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