Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I find it hilarious how everyone is doing big soppy posts about how it's been such a journey, a rollercoaster ride, plenty of ups and downs etc.

We have done absolutely nothing but talk shit for a year. The only people who can/should be saying stuff like that is Ross and the other blokes at BA Studios. The way some of the posts are sounding it's like it's the end of an era, someone's passed and we'll never see each other again. lol talk about dramatic...

Ashes 2013 past away last month is that enough:clap. PS Talking shit is part of being on a forum but I do see your point, each to there own dude.



first post so don't shoot me down.

I just wanted to give Ross a big thumbs up. Some criticism of his use of this forum has been given and even Ross has questioned his use for future forums. However, I have to say that I believe Ross has been refreshing in his approach to this forum. Honest, informative and funny are 3 words I would use.

We have had the pleasure of seeing the personality of this guy, not many in his position would do this and shame on them for that. Ross has listened to suggestions on here and shared his passion for the game. Passion that looks like it will be responsible for the best cricket game to date.

I know we are frustrated about the release date, but that is because of the hype that has been generated by the personality and passion of Ross. The release couldn't have been soon enough, we all desperate for a good game. However, i don't want a one off game I want Big Ant to be successful and make this a series. Regular updates and improvements like the FIFA series, look how far that has come since release. If Big Ant need to get the timing right to ensure a successful release of a bug free game to make the brand a success and to improve the chances of us getting a series of Don Bradman games then I will wait a few more months.

Now before I get shot down, I'm not kissing Ross' butt, I have enjoyed his comments and getting an insight into what really goes on. I'm sure Ross is as frustrated as us, but patience people.

Three words for Ross a dude, I like these two words for him. Troll Hunter.:clap
Hello Sir Ross. First of all, congrats on the massive success of your game. Cand wait to get my hands on :yes . I just wanted to know if the don bradman academy update (upcoming one) will be the last update before the release ?? Cheers :)
I don't normally go in for these conspiracy theories but might we assume this Friday's version of the Cricket Academy will be the last before the release of the game? Instead of version 0.99 they have gone for a nice touch with 0.9994.
Hello Sir Ross. First of all, congrats on the massive success of your game. Cand wait to get my hands on :yes . I just wanted to know if the don bradman academy update (upcoming one) will be the last update before the release ?? Cheers :)
Given the version is called V0.9994 (basically putting Bradman's average in) its safe to assume its the final update (i.e. its the build that will be in the game). Btw nice job giving Ross a knighthood :P
It's likely to be the last, I hope there won't be the need for patches but would never rule that out.
As far as the journey next time around, it's probably not a matter of not being here, it's more a matter of managing it better, and managing expectations. I've typed "off the top of my head" as it were, said what my intentions were, best guesses, etc. I probably need to reel that in.

That would be a shame!

The way Ross has interacted with us here since October last year is unprecedented and might not be possible for any other game developer let alone a CEO! I mean how easy it would be for Ross to keep coming up with the standard responses which you are used to from PR people, but Ross wants to be one of us and some people simply don't want to understand it.

And let us remember that now they have a publisher and if they did not want Ross to allow comments on the official trailer then how can you expect him to tell you what is going on behind the scenes?!
Always said it: Ross doesn't have to come on here but he does, the last 6/7 months have been a great journey, personally I think Ross has been very friendly, even to the point that I've apologised to him for stupid posts, he accepted, and it didn't carry on. I very much doubt he treats potential customers in the wider world with the same casual almost friend like way he does on here, therefore if you say something stupid you're goin to get battered! For those who slag him off/think he's done wrong, its simple, bugger off!! The forum would be better without you don't get anywhere with it and you're making it worse for people who just wait patiently, and give grown up commentary and feedback that is helpful to the development of this game. I said months ago the only thing Ross has done wrong IMO is give too much too soon,but rather than be grateful we have a forum full of pre pubescent angst ridden children posting nothing but tantrum filled babble! You're all gonna buy the game or you wouldn't be on here!
i hope we are getting the good news ....

Most probably we will be getting only the month of release. So December release will be extremely good news, and January release will still be good news. Don't think it will release after January. So it's just a matter of?these 2 months for us.
Hello Sir Ross. I just wanted to know if we have unlockables in the game like ashes cricket 2009 and international cricket 2010 had. And will the future dlc's have only stadium updates. :):clap
If it's December, I find it extremely unlikely he will tell us only the month of release as it would be too late.

I haven't been annoyed at the release confusion so far, as I know the barriers that they've had to releasing the game (although I'm slightly frustrated that we have two less cricket games in our hands than we expected by this stage). However, if they release in February or March I will be a bit disappointed as the play session has made me desperate to have this game in my hands as soon as possible.


Hello Sir Ross. I just wanted to know if we have unlockables in the game like ashes cricket 2009 and international cricket 2010 had. And will the future dlc's have only stadium updates. :):clap

I don't expect the future DLC's to have stadium updates, but it would be nice to be surprised, although I'm not particularly bothered where I play. Big Ant have a history of supporting their games after release, so DLC is likely, and their will definitely be consistent patches.
I did say only month of release because if Ross would be announcing the release date, he would have clearly said that he is making the release date announcement. He would not have called it as only news then. It would be breaking news :)
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