Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Ross i been playing nets for hours now and am wondering how do you hit sixes.
I only seem to get close by using advance button, is that the only way or am i missing something.

Hit it a couple of times with advanced buttons, Once withe aggressive button and got very close to it using just the sticks a couple of times.
Hit it a couple of times with advanced buttons, Once withe aggressive button and got very close to it using just the sticks a couple of times.

It seems it will be harder to hit sixes in this game. Time will tell, i am having hard times hitting big shots too. I do get "ideal" timing most of the time but no where close to hitting sixes.
Getting a Dutch post in a thread makes me happy :yes

We should compare notes, in fact... I'm betting I'm more deleted than you are. I had a post deleted just yesterday by Barmy then you said the exact same thing and it didn't get deleted. Clearly, you get preferential treatment :p

...I know Barmy loves me deep down, though.

It's not what you say, it's how you say it, clearly you are being way too reasonable with your approach.
I can't be drawn on the release date other than to say if you don't know the exact date by February then something more calamitous than the Ashes 2013 release will have had to occur.

What the.... are they using carrier pigeons to sort out the distribution of this product. How can it go from Boxing Day plan to end of Feb we will know the release date then add time on. This is getting ridiculous no wonder cricket games have a bad name. The guy at EB I spoke to today actually thought DBC 14 had been cancelled. When I cleared it up for him and said how disappointing it was that DBC 14 wont be releasing this year he actually and I quote said "Oh well that seems to be the way for cricket games this year". PS- no posters, no advertising no promotional stuff for DBC 14 whatsoever. He said June/July (not that I'm taking that into account. Worst part- he was the manager.
How about you actually read what he said again before going on such a ridiculous diatribe
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It should be obvious that if you've just had to announce missing one date you're going to be very cautious about any other suggested dates.

We can all roll out an anecdote about EB - there was a pre-order box on the shelves and a salesman well aware of the product when I pre-ordered.
Im simply saying to the average punter.... another cricket game delayed = another crap cricket game. Frustrated as hell by the seemingly endless wait for this game. Look if it releases in January then great.
Whereas the average punter still thinks our game is the Ashes game...
Im simply saying to the average punter.... another cricket game delayed = another crap cricket game. Frustrated as hell by the seemingly endless wait for this game. Look if it releases in January then great.

Then stick with that and not 'we find out the release date at the end of February'
Whereas the average punter still thinks our game is the Ashes game...

Very true, I was in a games store here in the UK yesterday, asked if i could pre-order DBC. The assistant said it had been cancelled, i then collared the manager who told me yes I could pre-order.
My point being, if the sales staff aren't up to speed what chance does the games player browsing in store have.
A new year is nearly here and hopefully the situation will change with the memory of Ashes 13 confined to where it belongs, the bin !!
to throw a grenade in the works, ross didn't say by the end of feb, he said by feb

I can't be drawn on the release date other than to say if you don't know the exact date by February then something more calamitous than the Ashes 2013 release will have had to occur.

that is, no later than Jan 31st...

you're welcome.


Very true, I was in a games store here in the UK yesterday, asked if i could pre-order DBC. The assistant said it had been cancelled, i then collared the manager who told me yes I could pre-order.
My point being, if the sales staff aren't up to speed what chance does the games player browsing in store have.
A new year is nearly here and hopefully the situation will change with the memory of Ashes 13 confined to where it belongs, the bin !!

which store please mate?
What I actually said is that you would know the date by February latest.
What I actually said is that you would know the date by February latest.

That mean to say for those who didn't get it.....99% we may get at most Jan 31st
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