Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I think dvst8 could have posed the "questions" better, however, not based on what he had said but my knowledge of him, I quickly and unreservedly apologised - more than I can say for many here.

You have conveniently left out the crux of what the conversation was/is - now that the game speaks for itself all the trolls have to hang their hats on is my style of posting. All I can say is report my posts if you don't like them, I've had plenty deleted, what's another.

Right for the wrong reasons still stands unless you tell me that you knew how bad Ashes was. I do not believe you did, indeed I think it's an undeniable Fact you didn't.

I think I have acknowledged repeatedly I didn't even expect AC to release, and was roundly abused for that, too.

The crux was whether if AC13 released did it mean there was a chance DBC might miss this year. I said there was and was called crazy, conspiracy theorist etc. The reason was frankly irrelevant.

When Penzias and Wilson found cosmic background radiation they didn't know what it was or why it was there. They still won the Nobel Prize for Physics...

Anyway my point was not to say I told you so - one of the few things I'd agree with Biggs on is that "I was righting" on an Internet forum is the height of douchebaggery - but rather that there is tendency for things to escalate unnecessarily because people misread or misinterpret things and get defensively aggressive. It's not just you by any means at all but when it's you it's exaggerated because the lapdogs jump in and the other person is defending themselves and reason goes out the window on both sides. It doesn't necessarily make that person a troll or everything they say ridiculous. Unless they were Fonz, he was just a tosser.

But as the last quotes in my post pointed out, two people saying more or less the same thing get very much different responses. You're very quick to jump on what you consider people calling you a liar... If they're the wrong person.

If duded, punk or myself said we didn't think the game was ready to go whenever, and the extra time was being used to fix bugs, you'd have torn us a new one.

FWIW I love the nets. I'm frustratingly poor but slowly improving. The new control scheme is great.
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If duded, punk or myself said we didn't think the game was ready to go whenever, and the extra time was being used to fix bugs, you'd have torn us a new one.

FWIW I love the nets. I'm frustratingly poor but slowly improving. The new control scheme is great.

There is a difference between fixing bugs as they can go in a patch and the game not being ready to go. The game being played at the playsession could have been shipped. If you think Biggs and I haven't gone at it then you are mistaken, same for Barmy and I, MattW and I, etc. etc. but we move on. I have had more deleted posts than I can count and been rained in by PM on many occasions.

Could I handle things better sometimes, of course, but I see no validity nor valour in speaking up for "troll rights" and I read from your and their posts that that because I am the CEO that I should moderate my behaviour, however they and you should have free reign to speak as you please without recourse from me or anyone else. It seems to speak ill of your posse is to be a lapdog.

Anyway, it's been an awesome day for the family (Ben with the Melbourne Stars), the Ashes all but won, and DBC14's batting controls being well accepted - I am glad you like them.
Not reading the posts, unless you buggers quote them, but from what I see there was no "constructive" in there just "criticism".

I knew that once the game proves itself it would shift from the "game sucks" and "Ross sucks" to just "Ross sucks", predictable as always.

No talk of the apology, that would be a fact getting in the way of a "Troll Story".

Anyway, really glad about the release, been a positive weekend all round. Trolls can go die in their negative mire, they can't touch me at this point.

Read my posts before labelling me a prick. I have never in any in my posts labelled the game as crap. At most I said I would reserve judgement until I played it.

After batting in the nets I can already say the batting has a far better feel than any other cricket games and I being someone that only ever plays against a human opponent am already looking forward to playing the career mode in single player. That is the positive vibe I get from the game itself.
Hey Ross, you might want to update the release date on the Big Ant website, it still says "will be released some time in 2013".
Hey Ross, you might want to update the release date on the Big Ant website, it still says "will be released some time in 2013".

Thanks, hardly look at it - should get that fixed! :)
I chuckled that the readme for the Cricket Academy update still said 'this year' - at least it will be accurate in a few weeks. Nice thinking ahead there! ;)
There is a difference between fixing bugs as they can go in a patch and the game not being ready to go. The game being played at the playsession could have been shipped. If you think Biggs and I haven't gone at it then you are mistaken, same for Barmy and I, MattW and I, etc. etc. but we move on. I have had more deleted posts than I can count and been rained in by PM on many occasions.

Could I handle things better sometimes, of course, but I see no validity nor valour in speaking up for "troll rights" and I read from your and their posts that that because I am the CEO that I should moderate my behaviour, however they and you should have free reign to speak as you please without recourse from me or anyone else. It seems to speak ill of your posse is to be a lapdog.

Anyway, it's been an awesome day for the family (Ben with the Melbourne Stars), the Ashes all but won, and DBC14's batting controls being well accepted - I am glad you like them.

no I don't think you should rein yourself in at all. I've said before I prefer your approach than a shill, even if I've ended up on the wrong side more often than I'd like.

the lapdog is quite the opposite, it's not about speaking ill of others but seeing offence to you or the game where there is none and jumping on it. I'm not saying there has never been any offense - often entirely uncalled for - given in your direction, clearly there has. my point was that sometimes things have escalated because offense has been seen where there wasn't really any. and I certainly don't have a posse, nothing is more tiresome, anywhere or at anytime, than a clique, and I avoid them at all costs.

and I have never said the game wasn't finished. in fact I queried the other day exactly what duded meant by not finished, and cited the play session as an example. may not fit your narrative.

anyway, i'll leave it there - as you say it's been a good day for you and I don't want to get in to a ding-dong when I think then game is gonna be friggin awesome
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hey@ross In previous cricket games, a bowler will bowl his overs continously(ie 4 overs in a t20 game), please tell if a bowler will bowl according to the situation in DBC 14....


Ross, release new trailer:mad:mad:mad:mad
^ Personally, I don't see a problem in that (bowling full quota at once). If a bowler is most likely to get a wicket sooner than later, better to have him have a go at the batsman.
Ross since you lied about the release date twice is it POSSIBLE to add bowling into the nets? Or just a SHORT 20-20 over demo between India and Pakistan??

OR if you cannot do that, can you release game with keyboard controlls or on PSN?

Thankyou sir ROSS, don't let me down!!

@aspirin if one bowler who s bowling well bowl means its k bt all the bowlers does the same

part timers bowling in depth s nt acceptable
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