Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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i am just saying if you apply the usual behaviour, i think they have had typically between 20 - 40 days between announcing a release date and a release date, so it would be a pretty odd departure for them to suddenly announce for example on 14 January the game is releasing on 14 December...

going by the usual behaviour and lapse between announcing the date and the date itself of other games, it would be amazing if the game wasn't released in q1, or the beginning of q2 at the absolute latest.

if you take ross at his word of we will know the date by february, and apply the latest that could mean - 1 second to midnight on the 31st of January they announce the date - the usual timeframe would still take you to late/feb early march for release.

Yeah agree with all of that and it makes sense if it plays out that way. Just saying that surely if Q1 is such an absolute certainty, why not say so? It certainly limits the 'releasing 2014' information now out to something more specific.

My point was just that there must be a chance however small that the game will come out post Q1, or wouldn't it make sense to qualify '2014'.

I have no probs with Ross or the delay til 2014 in any case, as quality and success of the title are paramount. It's just this is a release date thread, so I just feel why not discuss possibilities? :)


does this game include player records such as highest score or fastest 100, something like that

Yeah, kinda interested if there'll be records for the offline or local players too. Would be good if there was. Still seems like there'll be a wealth of content either way.
Yeah agree with all of that and it makes sense if it plays out that way. Just saying that surely if Q1 is such an absolute certainty, why not say so? It certainly limits the 'releasing 2014' information now out to something more specific.

My point was just that there must be a chance however small that the game will come out post Q1, or wouldn't it make sense to qualify '2014'.

I have no probs with Ross or the delay til 2014 in any case, as quality and success of the title are paramount. It's just this is a release date thread, so I just feel why not discuss possibilities? :)

oh there's a chance of missing q1, of course, but it depends on disasters.

same as when he originally said "no chance" of missing 2013, it was actually "no chance - except in the case of a disaster". just being more careful, i guess, because instead of saying Q1 no doubt, he's said you'll know the date by feb unless something more calamitous than ashes happens.
Track IR support for Pro Mode?

I've just read the thread about Oculus Rift support for DBC 14. What about Track IR - could it work with that? You could definitely use it to check the field out prior to the bowler beginning his run up, and to see whether the ball you just hit has gone clear of the field! It would be great! I'm sure we've all hit that solid leg glance and set off for the run immediately, only for a fielder to scoop the ball up and run the batsman out. ;)

If it can work with OR, there's no reason why it can't work with Track IR. Contrary to popular opinion, you don't have to 'train your eyes' to keep looking at the screen as your head turns; if you wish to look left, you look at the left hand of the screen, to look right you look at the right. The more you look, the more your virtual head turns. I think it would work just as well as OR, and would probably be a lot easier to implement given that the Track IR is a tried and tested method of head tracking that works brilliantly.

Thoughts, Big Ant?
This has probably been asked too, but this thread is too much to be looking back through.. Is it known whether the PC and console release will be at the same time? I want to know if it is worth taking an Xbox360 back to South Africa, or whether I will be able to play the game when it releases on my PC.
BTW whats Track IR?
Is it similar to Occulus Rift?


dafuq, whats wrong with mentioning Ross, aka BigAnt?
it would be awesome if they release the game, by 31st jan as it's my birthday
^^Nope, using USB, wired Xbox controller. Would love to know from others using Xbox controllers if they have noticed any variations in shot power by using the analog triggers.
BTW whats Track IR?
Is it similar to Occulus Rift?


dafuq, whats wrong with mentioning Ross, aka BigAnt?

Check this out:

The video starts about a minute in.

Basically, the Track IR is a small webcam like device that sits on top of your monitor. You wear either a cap with a small attatchment of IR sensors, or you can get a version that connects to a headset and the device on the monitor tracks your head movement. The more you move your head, the more the view changes. So if you wanted to look at your 10 o'clock in that video, you'd move your head a little to the left. To look at your 9 o'clock (left wing), you'd move your head a little more and to look right round at your 'six' you'd move your head to look right at the edge of the left of the screen. It sounds convoluted and awkward but if you're a flight sim fan, once you've got used it, you won't want to go back and my experience is it takes a few minutes before it's second nature: you may as well be in that plane keeping an eye out for the 'Hun in the Sun'. ;)

That video demonstrates clearly how it could work in DBC 14.

Track IR with headset attachment:


With cap attachment:

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I have noticed it sometimes but it is so hard to replicated same shot again that i cannot really compare.
:spySome of my sources tell me that this game may release any day between 13 to 17 February 2014
I know big ant will refuse this(bcz they don't want to tell it right now)..
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