Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I've been meaning to post this for a long time...
It seems that for all generic USB PnP controllers (including Logitechs) some keys are mixed up... The B button on the controllers acts as the A button in the game and vice versa... The same issue with Y and X... The remaining others are working alright though and fairly this is a pretty simple problem to fix in other games with config files or emulators but it seems Cricket Academy doesn't support either... I don't think this is a pretty complex issue so can we expect Big Ant to fix this atleast in the full release? It's not a big issue but life as a perfectionist is hard enough for me :rolleyes...

Quoting from the first page, i tried my logitech controller out (logitech wireless rumblepad 2) and the buttons were not mixed up. The A B X and Y and shoulder and triggers all were working perfectly and where they are supposed to is a picture of the controller (uses 1,2,3,4 instead of ab b x y or symbols but they are placed in the right spots). Bought this controller 7-8 years ago and still works flawlessly

Will the person who created the annoying "Game will release in 2013" with no options poll create another one that proclaims "Game will release Feb 2014" poll again?

I did laugh when the poll was taken down.

On another note - will this game not release on PC Digital initially? And be on PS3/Xbox360 only initially a la GTA V or Dark Souls II? If so, that would be super annoying because I won't be buying this game for console AND PC. I game a lot on consoles but I'm looking to play this on a PC (hopefully digitally via Steam) with the controller.

Ideally it would release on console, PC DVD and digital from get-go. Put all the DRM on it but sadly piracy will happen. I don't condone it but it is a reality. Console would limit the piracy to an extent but still I'm expecting it to be on PC Feb 2014 as per the poll which should go up shortly?
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I feel a bit sorry for MattW or Barmy (I can't remember which one). They made the poll in jest only as a joke, and have been flamed for it.
You've hung MattW out to dry there. I wouldn't be surprised if we see your pay check halved, which might cause the world to explode if you believe twitter.
You've hung MattW out to dry there. I wouldn't be surprised if we see your pay check halved, which might cause the world to explode if you believe twitter.

Unfortunately Colin is in charge of the kitty and there is never anything left after his weekly Jaffa Cake Binge Fest.....
Shoulders and triggers of that don't look analogue to me. Or are they?
I remember 10 years or more ago when games would almost always be delayed by 3 to 6 months from the original release date.

I'm into sim racing and the most anticipated release coming out - Assetto Corsa - was meant to be out by Christmas 2012! It's only just been released as a Beta and probably won't have a version 1.0 release until the last half of the year.

So waiting an extra couple of months for DBC isn't that bad :)
The Sir Donald Bradman stand, conveniently, is newly renovated at the SCG, where the final ashes test is on, and where the announcement of DBC14's release date will take place this Sunday!

Well, that's what I dreamt last night anyway...

Btw, Haddin is just ridiculous!!:cheers
They aren't 'necessary' but analogue triggers are used to give you finer control of shot power.
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