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Your team was arrogant enough for all of you before the first ball in Brisbane :yes
Its the advantage of being a Scottish cricket fan really - support the Aussies when they are winning, and England when they aren't...

I'll give the Aussies credit though - in the ODI in the summer, lots of the Aussie team (Mitch and Watson especially) hung around a bunch after the game letting people get photos and autographs and stuff; which was nice. I know Johnson gets a lot of flack from people; but he actually seems like quite a cool guy...
You have to admire Darren lehmann's attitude, they've just won a great game of cricket and he's still wanting more from his guys, always wanting to improve. Unfortunately we look shot to bits. On the other hand Ashley giles saying he's not goin to shout and scream at the lads for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!! Ffs get a grip giles, get in the dressing room and fire some f**ks into em, the British obsession with losers has gone too far. We were lucky not to lose in NZ but at least we dug in, 2 home series wins and we think its ok to rest on our laurels, NZ are improving as are the Aussies, India and SA, we're goin backwards, before long we'll be struggling to beat the windies and bangledash.
that's the loss that bothers me a lot... even though i am not really a big ODI fan. just shows how poor the whole set up is.

it's fair enough sometimes you get beaten by a really good side/performance. and we should give credit to faulkener, but it just goes to show how Cook is entirely out of his depth as captain. We should never have lost that... just appalling.
HA...won something? How about everything!
Please don't get excited. Remember, this is the same team which lost in England and where whitewashed in India by 4-0.
I am not supporting India or England, but the fact is that every team is 'Lion at it's home and lamb's abroad'
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Scotland team has impressed me very much.

They've moved on a lot in recent years; and as a youngish guy (20), and admittedly with a few biases (English parent, play for a university team), I'm seeing the sport growing among average people. Its never going to replace Football and Rugby; and its never going to be big in working class communities in somewhere like Glasgow (sadly...), but its got a place, and being able to qualify for big international competitions is a part of that. We're going slower than Ireland is, and been overtaken by Afghanistan, but the future for Scottish cricket looks bright...

The big thing is this year; seeing how we develop not being in the YB40 or any domestic cricket. Its a good long term thing as it probably lets more of our big players play County Cricket; but it might hit us a bit in the short term. THe key is getting regular international ODIs - the Aussies always play us after the Ashes; I'm not sure if India are this summer; Pakistan played a two-game series before the Champions Trophy and we usually get England every so often, usually when the touring side visits Ireland instead. Its certainly more valuable all-round than a tour game against a random county!
They've moved on a lot in recent years; and as a youngish guy (20), and admittedly with a few biases (English parent, play for a university team), I'm seeing the sport growing among average people. Its never going to replace Football and Rugby; and its never going to be big in working class communities in somewhere like Glasgow (sadly...), but its got a place, and being able to qualify for big international competitions is a part of that. We're going slower than Ireland is, and been overtaken by Afghanistan, but the future for Scottish cricket looks bright...

The big thing is this year; seeing how we develop not being in the YB40 or any domestic cricket. Its a good long term thing as it probably lets more of our big players play County Cricket; but it might hit us a bit in the short term. THe key is getting regular international ODIs - the Aussies always play us after the Ashes; I'm not sure if India are this summer; Pakistan played a two-game series before the Champions Trophy and we usually get England every so often, usually when the touring side visits Ireland instead. Its certainly more valuable all-round than a tour game against a random county!

Progressing? Really? I completely disagree. I think Scottish cricket is going the way of the Dutch, relying on recruited 2nd generation players to prop up the team as there aren't enough good ones coming out of the domestic scene.
that's the loss that bothers me a lot... even though i am not really a big ODI fan. just shows how poor the whole set up is.

it's fair enough sometimes you get beaten by a really good side/performance. and we should give credit to faulkener, but it just goes to show how Cook is entirely out of his depth as captain. We should never have lost that... just appalling.

Definitely something goin on behind the scene, how can a team fall from being quality to shite so quick? Give or take one or two players its the same guys that beat India in India, which is probably the hardest thing for us to do, obviously SA are the best test side, but Indian conditions are more difficult for our guys. It's the lack of fight, completely spineless. At least in the 90s we were shite but had a go, its a lot worse having ability and no guts!! Where do we go from here? Cooks saying about all the positives!!! We bloody lost you spanner, there are no positives. Fair play Australia are on fire and faulker was fantastic but ffs wind your neck in cookie. When your best player is an Irishman you've got big problems.
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Progressing? Really? I completely disagree. I think Scottish cricket is going the way of the Dutch, relying on recruited 2nd generation players to prop up the team as there aren't enough good ones coming out of the domestic scene.

You're always going to see second generation players for the national team - England do it - but I was talking about the grassroots level of people actually playing the game, which seems to be up. Its probably different in other parts of the country though - especially in Edinburgh which is probably the biggest place for cricket in Scotland...
That's the problem... These are not "bad" players - well not all of them - but clearly this set up or this tour in particular has left then bereft of any mental strength, fortitude and ability to think on their fight.

Problem is we have had a defensive coach for 6 years, 2 very defensive captains and now especially a very by the book, unimaginative and uninspiring captain. It's clear nobody wants to "stand up" for Cook and support him, and the bowlers have little to no respect for his field placings and tactics.

The fact that he is captain because "there's nobody else" is a huge indictment of the squad, set up and system overall. Why are we not producing strong cricketers who can think for themselves and show leadership?
A problem might be that, at junior level, the captain always has to do whatever the coach says, the coach often being the umpire, so right next the players. They always have the say with bowling changes and field placings from my experience up to Under 16/17. It doesn't give the captain any confidence or room to develop as a leader (the coach also giving team talks).

Perhaps this helps at a young age, but from my experiences as a junior captain I would have preferred more space.
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