Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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If I had the exact date right now then so would you.

Im sorry man, but thats hard to believe for me...its just been too long and i know there must have been countless problems for u and your team, some of which may still be unsolved...But if u are going to announce the release date before feb 1st, i dont see y u cant announce it 5 or 6 days before that...if there is some big obstacle that u havent overcome, how are u so sure that u can pass it by feb 1st and not a minute later???
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So basically you now have 7 days to work out and announce the release date you said we would know by Feb 1st.?

I'd interpret that as "I don't have an exact date, but I do have the week and month". That way, it is possible to arrive at the precise date in the next 7 days.
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24 hours ago this forum was actually enjoyable with laughter and jokes. Get a load of all the negative nellies here now! It's australia day long weekend people!:cheers
I think the England cricket team fly back to England next Wednesday, therefore ending the whole 'Ashes Series' and so people no longer getting confused that DBC14 is the awful Ashes Cricket game. I believe we'll have some sort of big update (release date/delay???) next Wednesday.
I have partners involved in this release, they have an equal say in when it gets released.

I know what my vote is, simple as that. To the twats above that say I said it would release in jan or feb - show me the post - put up or shut up..., or even perhaps try something you haven't done before - apologise.


So basically you now have 7 days to work out and announce the release date you said we would know by Feb 1st.?

Did not see this coming when you announced we would know by Feb 1st, I would have thought at the moment of that comment you knew your release date but was just waiting to finalise various bits behind the scenes.

Can you confirm then that the game is indeed ready for us to play right now and their has been no issues with the game since Matt W played it meaning why this is dragging out to now,

I guess you missed my post where I said the builds had passed console approval?


If I knew the date back then I would have said it. FFS.


Hounded for a best guess and then hung drawn and quartered prior to the 1st feb, get a grip.
Don't assume anything. There's enough time left in January for them to get an exact date and announce it here. January's not over yet so there is no need to lose our heads anyway.

Ross didn't say "should be announced my mid Jan". It was before the 1st Feb. Why are people jumping to assumptions?
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Best to go off half cocked.... I don't remember saying 24th Jan but I must have.
Ross said release date by 1st Feb, so to the negative nellies at least wait until that date has passed before criticising.

I frequent a couple of Pro Evolution Soccer forums and I thought that fans of that series were the most bonkers in terms of wanting release date information, but after seeing what has happened in this thread, gotta say some of you guys take things to a whole new level.
There certainly is.


All I have known is the target quarter, not the exact date.
Trying to think of the next major retailing event, I know you were targeting Boxing Day because of the sales on that day but I cannot think of one moving forward. Must be frustrating for you just sitting there waiting to get your game (that I assume has gone "gold") on the shelves.
Without sounding like a 'Big Ant fanboy' I do think there are some that need to pull their head in. I don't know all the behind the scenes stuff that is going on but there are a few things we do know.

1) The game is ready to go. People have played it. Most of us have played a cut down edited version that was given to us for free.

2) Boxing Day was the release date they had in mind last year, but due to difficulties in getting distributors etc on board after the debacle that was AC13, it didn't happen.

3) Big Ant have spent millions of their own dollars and years on developing this game - and still it's only the same type of money that EA Sports spend on developing the menus on FIFA. They are a relatively smallish developer on the world stage.

4) It isn't just Ross's decision. TruBlu, Bradman Foundation, and others all make a decision on this game.

5) I could be wrong, but this is probably the biggest game that Big Ant have developed and for them, it must sell. No if's or but's, it has to sell otherwise it will be 5 years and money down the drain.

And finally (at least what I can think of for now)

6) We need to make this game a success. For many, nobody cares about what will happen to Big Ant if it isn't (sorry Ross), but as cricket gaming devotees if this game doesn't work then I cannot see another developer taking the risk on cricket again. Ever!

Don't get me wrong, I have never been so excited for a game in my life... and I'm a huge gamer. It's the first game I've pre-ordered. I get that it is soooo hard to wait for what appears to be the best cricket game of all time.


The success of the game is far more important in the long run. It WILL be released. When that is... nobody knows. It will come though.

All right, that's enough from me.

...for now. :cheers
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