Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Ross said release date by 1st Feb, so to the negative nellies at least wait until that date has passed before criticising.

By 1st it wrong to ask for a update just because the deadline is getting closer...isnt it possible that it may be before that?? Is it criticism to voice ones doubts and questions? Nothing personal mate i just disagree...when so many people are so eagerly anticipating something, theres bound to be posts both relevant and idiotic...its not negative, its just natural...
By 1st it wrong to ask for a update just because the deadline is getting closer...
Ross has given several updates already today. There's a meeting next week to finalise the release date, they know the quarter of release and Ross knows the date he will vote for.
Ross has given several updates already today. There's a meeting next week to finalise the release date, they know the quarter of release and Ross knows the date he will vote for.

And if that quarter isn't Q1 then I think people will be quite right to complain.
I'd be extremely disappointed if the quarter isn't Q1. I'm hoping for a date around 20th-28th February but wouldn't mind if it was March. However, April or May would be very disappointing.
:mad What is wrong with some of you on here ? just wait for the announcement which is most likely to be with us this time next week...

Fed up of having to read all the negative crap on here.....

I havent even managed to have a net practice due to my laptop being shite....
Ross has given several updates already today. There's a meeting next week to finalise the release date, they know the quarter of release and Ross knows the date he will vote for.

Ya i read that, that put my doubts to rest...Thanks for the help anyway :)
I mean seriously dudes don't you have smartphones ? other activities , games to play ? etc. etc ?

as for the release date announcement questions and critsism , well it's all downfall of dissing ashes2013... I remember Ross criticizing release date of ashes2013 and he many times said that no matter what this game will be here in 2013....
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Fortunately we have, but unfortunately don't have a latest Cricket game to play with.
I mean seriously dudes don't you have smartphones ? other activities , games to play ? etc. etc ?

as for the release date announcement questions and critsism , well it's all downfall of dissing ashes2013... I remember Ross criticizing release date of ashes2013 and he many times said that no matter what this game will be here in 2013....

:noway Not sure if you're taking potshots at Ross or supporting him after having read both the sentences.
common now, then learn visual c or learn to wait...

You mate, I said that with sad feelings :(..... not because of lack of patience. I already waited since past 7 years, still waiting, will wait. And about C, I'm really learning that course and hoping I will produce something.:p
using System ;
Class Hello
Public static void Main ()
Console.writeLine ("Patience is a virtue i will learn");
} //end of the main
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