Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I'm curious about the decision process. I understand the logic of staggering the console and PC releases (although it's disappointing) but I find it very strange to say at this point that it's because the PC version "isn't ready".
Personally I have a PS3 but I want the game on PC so I will wait till May.
Its actually a 4 Month wait for PC players ! Two months is for console players
Umm... Were you meaning to quote me? I'm fine with waiting two months for this game to release, and am glad that the end of March is set in concrete. However, I wouldn't be able to stand waiting for an extra two months to get this on PC whilst everyone else is enjoying it on console. I feel sorry for PC only users as this must be very frustrating, especially if they had pre-ordered it.

Ross, I hope you are able to answer any of these questions: Why haven't you get an actual release date yet, for consoles at least? I'm not meaning to sound accusing, but I thought the point of your meetings this week was to finalise the release date. Did you recently know that you wouldn't be announcing a final date, or have you known for a while? Do you have any idea when the day will be officially announced?
Steam is an issue in South Africa, where internet connections are terrible, and people use Blackberry Internet Service because it is the best service a lot can get. I have a ten kilometer drive just to buy "data" to put on a USB modem.

So PC gaming is a waste of time here and that was confirmed by Sim City which required always online to play. That game was dreadful anyway, but everything requires huge amounts of patching now which just isn't viable here.

So I hope the Xbox release here is at the same time as everywhere else. And I hope that I am able to connect to the internet somehow via my xbox to download created players. I assume there is no editing facility on the bare Xbox console release?
Ross, I hope you are able to answer any of these questions: Why haven't you get an actual release date yet, for consoles at least? I'm not meaning to sound accusing, but I thought the point of your meetings this week was to finalise the release date. Did you recently know that you wouldn't be announcing a final date, or have you known for a while? Do you have any idea when the day will be officially announced?

Chinaman, this is merely a guess on my part but I'd imagine the lack of an actual date may have to do with international distribution and release days. If Ross were to give a date that is a Thursday in Aus, the game won't release until either the Friday or Possibly the Tuesday here, and therefore he would have 'lied', albeit unintentionally.

Again, this is just a presumption/guess on my part
Ross, I hope you are able to answer any of these questions: Why haven't you get an actual release date yet, for consoles at least? I'm not meaning to sound accusing, but I thought the point of your meetings this week was to finalise the release date. Did you recently know that you wouldn't be announcing a final date, or have you known for a while? Do you have any idea when the day will be officially announced?

I would guess about 3 to 4 weeks prior to release which means around end of Feb.
Personally I have a PS3 but I want the game on PC so I will wait till May.

Or just get both. That's the easy way to do it... Get the PS3 version, have fun... then grab the PC version off Steam for the mods when they turn up. I don't see a problem, to be honest. Majority of customers will experience the game on consoles and their experience will be just fine. The only folks gagging for a PC version are pretty much PlanetCricket clientele, making us wait for a month or two more to iron out any issues that might crop up sounds like a good bet to me.


Am I the only one that appreciates the formal grammar used in the first post. "Shall" we discuss it? I think we shall. I shall endeavor to bring indepth discussion on further use of the Kings English in all threads from henceforth...
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I'm curious about the decision process. I understand the logic of staggering the console and PC releases (although it's disappointing) but I find it very strange to say at this point that it's because the PC version "isn't ready".
Personally I have a PS3 but I want the game on PC so I will wait till May.

That's what I don't get, how it's "suddenly" an issue now. Or, perhaps more accurately, given the predictable reaction why a likely PC stagger - which must have been on the cards a while - wasn't flagged up sooner?

In a parallel universe where AC13 was never released and DBC14 released 26 Dec as planned, what would have been the situation of PC then?
Steam will get pirated, for sure, but linking in the CA makes it harder.

Fine, I'll ask the important question for PC users...

Now that Steam's confirmed, will there be a linux release, Don Bradman trading cards, Team Fortress 2 cricket helmets, and a humble Big Ant bundle?

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Or just get both. That's the easy way to do it... Get the PS3 version, have fun... then grab the PC version off Steam for the mods when they turn up. I don't see a problem, to be honest. Majority of customers will experience the game on consoles and their experience will be just fine. The only folks gagging for a PC version are pretty much PlanetCricket clientele, making us wait for a month or two more to iron out any issues that might crop up sounds like a good bet to me.

Man..such a shame, waited for long..didn't buy BF4 to spend money on this game but now I see that @BigAntStudios backstabbed PC community.

so, what about flipkart still having PC version of this game as coming soon ? now when this game will come through steam only, does that mean no other online retailer can sell this game (pc version) ?
I wonder how much of this was Ross's decision. Especially given that he has said on numerous occasions, that Tru Blu are the experts when it comes to selling boxes.
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