Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I want it all...and I want it NOW!!!...

Pumped after pumping India.

Bring it!.:p
Disappointed in the late March release for consoles. Can't say I understand the logic in the release date. I think that it should have been released during the Ashes series. The game would have seen fantastic sales during the Ashes and then again during the T20 World Cup.
Man..such a shame, waited for long..didn't buy BF4 to spend money on this game but now I see that @BigAntStudios backstabbed PC community.

so, what about flipkart still having PC version of this game as coming soon ? now when this game will come through steam only, does that mean no other online retailer can sell this game (pc version) ?

I think you need to learn to read mate. There was no mention it would be 'steam only'. Merely, that they were utilizing Steam and that it is very likely of a boxed version.

And please explain how he has backstabbed the PC community?
Or just get both. That's the easy way to do it... Get the PS3 version, have fun... then grab the PC version off Steam for the mods when they turn up. I don't see a problem, to be honest. Majority of customers will experience the game on consoles and their experience will be just fine. The only folks gagging for a PC version are pretty much PlanetCricket clientele, making us wait for a month or two more to iron out any issues that might crop up sounds like a good bet to me.


Am I the only one that appreciates the formal grammar used in the first post. "Shall" we discuss it? I think we shall. I shall endeavor to bring indepth discussion on further use of the Kings English in all threads from henceforth...

*is 'from' is required before henceforth? Isn't that like saying, "from from now on"?
Disappointed in the late March release for consoles. Can't say I understand the logic in the release date. I think that it should have been released during the Ashes series. The game would have seen fantastic sales during the Ashes and then again during the T20 World Cup.

isn't the T20 cup what they are releasing for?
My only question echos something that MattW brought up earlier. If we get the game on Xbox/PS3 and then later on buy it on PC for the improved graphics, mods etc are we able to transfer our careers between the two?
They're clearly aiming for release on/near the T20 World Cup. How is this not understood?


@Biggs - I can afford to buy both but not sure why I should if you follow me. My plan was always to buy the PC version and then to buy the PS3 one if it justified it.

Eh, it looks like a fishing cool game. I'll buy the PC version if the mods are easy to get happening and I can muck about with Photoshop on a weekend making kits. There's my reason behind getting the PC version. If you can't justify supporting a developer producing a pretty decent looking title like this one with a couple of extra quid then I guess, that's a position to take?

now I see that @BigAntStudios backstabbed PC community.

Whut? Shhh, adults are talking.

*is 'from' is required before henceforth? Isn't that like saying, "from from now on"?

Clearly, thou dost not know for whence thy knowledge hast came.
That's what I don't get, how it's "suddenly" an issue now. Or, perhaps more accurately, given the predictable reaction why a likely PC stagger - which must have been on the cards a while - wasn't flagged up sooner?

In a parallel universe where AC13 was never released and DBC14 released 26 Dec as planned, what would have been the situation of PC then?

It would have been on run via our servers as it still does today, the switch to Steam servers and code will start on Monday.

I have pointed out the delay for PC users at the earliest opportunity, I cannot just go about releasing information whenever I like, I need approvals.

I certainly knew there would be a backlash, it's expected, however I am here to front it and am not going anywhere soon. I also openly support the decision and will not defer blame to others, this is a decision that is in the best interests of the ongoing franchise and is a financially prudent move.
I understand that but the game isn't just 20/20. There was massive interest in the Ashes and sales of the game would have gone through the roof. This would have happened again during the World Cup. Two bites at the cherry.
Is it just me or does this seem like an absolute cop out. Towards the end of march is not a release date. This is as vague as we have been receiving during this whole process. This is getting ridiculous now.
Global Cricket Tournament > Ashes

End of story.

TruBlu knows what they're doing.
Speculations are over now! "how DBC14 will release on the death anniversary(25th) of the "Don",,,,how it will not coincide with a T20 format...I guess Wikipedia was right all along with the 14th March release :yes

Argh!!! we know the month now, basically its a month(Feb) away...then March will be the month of release, hope not end of though
I think you need to learn to read mate. There was no mention it would be 'steam only'. Merely, that they were utilizing Steam and that it is very likely of a boxed version.

And please explain how he has backstabbed the PC community?

about steam thing..are they trying to link this game to steam like FIFA14 can only be played through EA Origin, though we can buy fifa from any online retailer ?

backstabbed in the sense that we (PC) community is being involved in from very days of CA and then net session betas but now we are the one who need to wait for 2 more months for this game..

I don't have figures but I can confidently claim that Cricket's most crazy playing nationals are from India, Pakistan, SL and Bangladesh and in these countries we still have most of the gamers on PC then other in that sense as well, we would be now waiting for 2 more months.
This is as vague as we have been receiving during this whole process. This is getting ridiculous now.

Do you understand what the word vague means?

By April 1st you will be playing the game on PS3 or XBOX.

That is not vague.

Get off my lawn.
I wonder how much of this was Ross's decision. Especially given that he has said on numerous occasions, that Tru Blu are the experts when it comes to selling boxes.

They are and we agree on the way forward with this title. It's easy to cop out and play the Developer vs Publisher blame game but I will be clear and say I wholeheartedly support the delay of the PC version.
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