Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Eh, it looks like a fishing cool game. I'll buy the PC version if the mods are easy to get happening and I can muck about with Photoshop on a weekend making kits. There's my reason behind getting the PC version. If you can't justify supporting a developer producing a pretty decent looking title like this one with a couple of extra quid then I guess, that's a position to take?

Absolutely but I don't like feeling forced into something that I was considering doing anyway.
It would have been on run via our servers as it still does today, the switch to Steam servers and code will start on Monday.

I have pointed out the delay for PC users at the earliest opportunity, I cannot just go about releasing information whenever I like, I need approvals.

I certainly knew there would be a backlash, it's expected, however I am here to front it and am not going anywhere soon. I also openly support the decision and will not defer blame to others, this is a decision that is in the best interests of the ongoing franchise and is a financially prudent move.

Hopefully that fact will be appreciated by the majority.
Barmy, do whatchu gonna do man, but nobodies being forced do anything. If you only want it on PC, then you'll wait a bit longer. That's fairly standard these days for games. I know you don't play much of other titles, but welcome to 2013. PC titles are routinely released later.

Guarantee you haven't said something positive about the T20 World Cup prior to this post.

Oh, I couldn't even spare half a shit for a T20 tournament in the middle of nowhere... but business-wise, since the whole cricket world (and wider fan base of younger kids) will be watching it, those same kids will be the ones wanting to play the hit-and-giggle cricket at home on consoles, then from the numbers TruBlu's team have run, it probably makes prudent commercial sense to aim around such a tournament if they're doing a global day one release, which sounds like exactly the sorta thing they're moving heaven and earth to make happen.

Seems all logical stuff to me.
I believe the biggest question is; what caused the sudden change from non-Steam to Steam? If Steam is the best option now, then surely it was the best option a long time ago.

Expanding on my post, the 'uninformed' impression of the news is: the game was going to be on our servers, everything was ready and has been ready for a few months, but now we suddenly realised Steam was better and have to delay it whereas it could have been ready had we realised this earlier.

Now I highly doubt that is the true story, but having some idea of the true story would help understand such a delay.
Do you understand what the word vague means?

By April 1st you will be playing the game on PS3 or XBOX.

That is not vague.

Get off my lawn.

You are a tool. So I go into the shop and say when is my game here. they say towards the end of march. Oh great that clears it up. If it is coming out for the 20-20 world cup then commit to a date for gods sake. We all know what the word vague means so stop acting like your some sort of messiah in the English language. If you dont think this is the most non-committal approach to releasing the game then you're an idiot. Imagining buying a house and being told you can move in sometime towards the end of march.....when.
Guarantee you haven't said something positive about the T20 World Cup prior to this post.

you're not saying the contortionist he changes his position to suit which way he thinks "Bigg" Ant are facing? outrageous suggestion sir...
Glad see you can't read three posts above. We're back to snide remarks are we?
Absolutely but I don't like feeling forced into something that I was considering doing anyway.

You may feel this way now but come March time temptation will get the better of you and you will buy it for PS3.
Imagining buying a house and being told you can move in sometime towards the end of march.....when.

Oh please, seriously. You're not buying a house, you're buying a cricket game. Get a grip on reality.
Oh please, seriously. You're not buying a house, you're buying a cricket game. Get a grip on reality.

And how about you release the grip on yourself. Honestly no-one can be that silly unless they have two....
I win. Next...
Once again a poor show by Big Ant. We were told we were getting a release DATE, not an estimated release.
Glad see you can't read three posts above. We're back to snide remarks are we?

throw grenades where i like...

though actually while i disagree that WT20 is a better release time than just before the Ashes (given the two biggest markets would have been at their most intense), once that became obviously a non-starter and AC13 put last year out of order altogether, the WT20 became the "next best"... while cricket nuts of whatever country will be very interested in the SA v AUS series, the average joe gamer will probably pick up more on WT20
Don Bradman Cricket 14 for Xbox360 and PlayStation3 shall be released towards the end of March 2014 to coincide with the tournament between the major cricket nations that is occurring at that time.

In order to reach as many people as possible the PC version shall be reengineered to run on Steam and shall release two months after the Console versions.

Late March Ross? Don't you mean "early September" :lol Can't wait :)
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