Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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haha you clearly don't "get it" as I was just mocking snowy as he said there is no point of discussion, if you haven't noticed I don't bash people for their opinions unlike you lot, l2read brah
:lol funniest part is all of you butthurt are hanging onto me saying "no one cares about bradman" you took it so literally because you couldn't stand the fact that I brang up a valid discussion.

calm your ego big shot, yeah I probably will fade away as I have better things to do than sit on PC all day and sweating my balls off on photoshop...rofl u mad breh

It's quite funny how upset your ego can get, you're old news just another forum pervert...there's a handful of them in every community zzzzz AHAHAH u med bled

Also one other thing which baffles me is how you lot have made out as if I said it's fact, big deal I didn't say imo it is a forum right, you couldn't wait to jump on what I said and turn it into some huge big deal just because I didn't put "imo" says a lot about the state of the website.....hypocrisy and ignorance at it's finest. The funniest part is how biggs thinks it's an ego thing whereas from my point of view I just wanted to have a discussion, you do know biggs some of our lives aren't based around this forum so that comment of yours just makes your ego shine nice and bright.

Didn't bother reading any of that tripe. You've proven yourself to be a bit of a dick lately.

There's two negative things about your user name. "Punk" is nothing to be proud of - it means you're just a punk. Skater? Really? Skateboards are for 13 year-old boys who haven't matured into men. Again, nothing to be proud of.

And by mixing the two - to become 'Punk Skater' - means you are trying too hard to appear to be cool when neither term - 'punk' or 'skater' - are cool. So you become the uncool person who is trying to be cool, when we all know that someone who tries to be cool is already uncool because they are trying to be cool.

Come back when you've grown something in the pubic region.
Any news on tabletop cricket? Will it be an Xbox game, a downloadable game on Xbox live or is it gonna be a app?
Can Punk just admit what he said about Bradman was wrong (opinion presented as fact and not as opinion) and we can all go back to discussing the Chris Gayle date
Wow wow wow, we have a fist full of mr grumpy pants in sir donalds forum today. Why is everybody on here so over-sensualtive? What is it, time of the week or something???!!! hehe. I shouldn't make a laugh about lady blobs, last time i did that i received a fish slice to the back of my scalp. Anyway, Sir Donald means different things to different folks. Yes, those boys 'down over' in Australia love him more than others but does a name maketh a man? No, he does not. It is his actions that we become judge, judy and executioner...remember, gameplay is the king.
Any idea when you will be revealing the commentary? I know you've said you don't wanna reveal too much too soon but it's something to talk about rather than askin bout play sessions/ release dates!!
Didn't bother reading any of that tripe. You've proven yourself to be a bit of a dick lately.

There's two negative things about your user name. "Punk" is nothing to be proud of - it means you're just a punk. Skater? Really? Skateboards are for 13 year-old boys who haven't matured into men. Again, nothing to be proud of.

And by mixing the two - to become 'Punk Skater' - means you are trying too hard to appear to be cool when neither term - 'punk' or 'skater' - are cool. So you become the uncool person who is trying to be cool, when we all know that someone who tries to be cool is already uncool because they are trying to be cool.

Come back when you've grown something in the pubic region.

You've just proven how ignorant and immature you are, need I say more.

Can Punk just admit what he said about Bradman was wrong (opinion presented as fact and not as opinion) and we can all go back to discussing the Chris Gayle date

I don't mind admitting it I know how important bradman is to some people and I'm not knocking that, but as I said before you guys jumped on what I said because it wasn't phrased how it "should" be and started saying I'm presenting it as factual when in reality I was just typing a topic of discussion but instead of discussing my actual point people just hopped on "omg he said no one cares"

I never once said my opinion was a fact, but it's good to see that's all people could hop on to.
Punk sk8r/Biggs/CaptionOz just kiss and make up and just maybe we can get back to the topic of the game not childish name calling:clap. PS Yes Ross how many in the commentary team, can you give us a number. PS If it's more than 3 then something else to beat Ghost code 2013 with.:rolleyes:spy


Hah! I knew I was deleted more than G4D.

I must be near 10 or so for the last month or two ross for me.:D PS did you enjoy the footy final and weekend ?
Simply put Punk sk8r, you're a moron. Your posts as a whole are about as pityful as trying to watch gone4aduck get irony and about as factual as Balkeet's "facts" .
Let's totally go for a motion to limit Biggs' posting, because he actually adds some humour to the forum rather than bitching about how his thoughts on the game and all it's facets. *note to Biggies, perhaps use 5-10 smiles per post, the lesser posters might reconcile with you*
I genuinely feel sorry for those great new additions to this forum, Snowy, Blocker and the such for attempting to reason with people like these. I guess it's always nice to know people fighting in the corner of common sense have some, so hurrah.

Oz is right to call you out on all your attention seeking through negative behaviour, t'is cute.. But wearing thin.

*cough*, uhmm, release dates!
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I don't believe Punk is right in what he asserts about Don Bradman not holding an interest for current cricket fans, however it is reasonable to have a discussion about the merits of the Ashes License vs the endorsement of the Don Bradman foundation.
A fair point but i honestly believe only the English would find the Ashes licence more appealing than Bradman on the cover. If you're a legit cricket fan outside the two Ashes playing nations surely the greatest cricketer on the cover would be more impressive than a licence to a series you have no allegiance to.

Now to get back on the thread topic, mid-late November would be a nice release time. As keen as i have been for a cricket game since June it has somewhat been toned down a little the last 2 weeks with the AFL and NRL finals.

It hammers home just how important it is to release sports games while the season is up and running.
Appreciate the sentiment Nathan, but I think we're all probably ready to move on. If past behaviour is anything to go by, don't expect any improvement in post quality, we'll just have to react to it in a more appropriate manner.

That being said...back to the topic... late November would be too late if they wanted to be out before the start of the Australian Ashes (starts 21st Nov). Really depends on how Big Ant define the 'cricket season'.
Simply put Punk sk8r, you're a moron. Your posts as a whole are about as pityful as trying to watch gone4aduck get irony and about as factual as Balkeet's "facts" .
Let's totally go for a motion to limit Biggs' posting, because he actually adds some humour to the forum rather than bitching about how his thoughts on the game and all it's facets. *note to Biggies, perhaps use 5-10 smiles per post, the lesser posters might reconcile with you*
I genuinely feel sorry for those great new additions to this forum, Snowy, Blocker and the such for attempting to reason with people like these. I guess it's always nice to know people fighting in the corner of common sense have some, so hurrah.

Oz is right to call you out on all your attention seeking through negative behaviour, t'is cute.. But wearing thin.

*cough*, uhmm, release dates!

Attention seeking? All I wanted was to simply have a discussion of the licences and how it could affect marketing the only two people who seem to have understood that were ross himself and barmy. Go and read back the posts and see who over-reacted before you start making such idiotic statements. Look at your behavior now, you can't see the big picture so you're attacking me because everyone else is and you also must be pretty idiotic to think I'm seeking attention I don't spend all day on this forum so I could care less, saying that is just another weak attack at me yet again because everyone else is doing it.

who was bitching about the game?....

Anyway before getting hot headed and making stupid posts which are beyond immature please get your facts straight.
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Be careful of calling people out on getting their facts straight...

Every 'fact' in that post ended up being incorrect (and yes, you did own up to one of them being incorrect)

I imagine that most people would have understood what you wanted to talk about when it came to licenses/marketing.

You obviously wanted to talk about the title of the game. Reasonable.

The problem is, the rest of the post was just trash, and ultimately took the discussion in the wrong direction - you were called out for it. Cop it and move on.

I agree, but how was the rest of the post trash? sure maybe due to poor choice of wording but aside from that it was a valid topic in my opinion... the only people that took the discussion off were the ones who replied in the manner they did. not me...
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