Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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YOU... not @Ross.

BigAnt want the best margin/total return, not the most units sold.

That's arguable. Probably different way to look at things. Though I would give it to you on that. This was entirely my personal opinion as I had initially mentioned and did not warrant a "GTFO" comment. I think it's their (TruBlu/BigAnt's) first game release in the Indian market. Interesting to see how it pans out for them. Wish them luck.
my 2 cents not a whole difference between 3500 and 4200, discounting it wont change the numbers much rather it cuts profit of the few hardcores who will buy.
...that's what I said.

Hahaha... what? Just when I'm out, you pull me back in.

Not on a launch title where you've invested a few million on an untested franchise-builder. They're not going to be setting any records with a minimal licensed cricket product. The games success will be defined by whether or not @Ross makes his money back. His best case scenario which he's spoken about multiple times is breaking even with positive reviews. Profit would be a spectacular result and almost assure a sequel of some sort...

You don't get profit by bargain-basementing the price in India and see all those units shipping off-shore to the UK and Australia to under-cut local sales arrangements there.

When any game is talked about in the gaming's the number of units it sold that's talked about....not the sales value.
When any game is talked about in the gaming's the number of units it sold that's talked about....not the sales value.
So if they sold it for 1 pound, dollar or rupee and got record sales, the game would be more of a success then if the companies making the game actually got their money back or made a profit?
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When any game is talked about in the gaming's the number of units it sold that's talked about....not the sales value.

i think for a niche title from a boutique developer it's not the units per se. this is a cricket game, it ain't shifting 10million copies. and it's not from a major developer who can swallow a smaller margin for the "prestige" of a place on the charts or x number sold, it is purely about maintaining the future of the studio and franchise.

it's possibly hard for you guys to get, and i don't mean this as an anti-indian rant or slur in anyway, but you have to accept that 1billion people plus loving cricket does not make you a major games market, even a cricket game market, yet.
Anyway all this chat is getting rather boring tbh so ....
I've followed this page, probably since August(although sometimes I wish I hadn't)mainly because I will buy this game when it comes out and I don't really ever go in games stores so it's a good way on finding out when it's going to be released. I am actually staggered that Ross still bothers communicating at all because he's pretty much damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. It's just a computer game. Which he is producing a) to make a profit and b) because he obviously has passion about sports games. He has given away far more information than he ever needed to yet he continues to get bone questions and people whinning like he owes everyone a favour. I will be buying the game when it comes out and i will pay the price for it without complaining because that's what I do whenever I buy something from a store. If you don't want to pay the price or the game doesn't have something u don't like in it, guess what you don't have to buy it. This post is not aimed at annoying in particular but today's constant ranting just annoyed me.
What is everyone arguing about?

No one owes the developer anything. The developer doesn't owe us anything. The developer coming here and giving us info is good but is ultimately their own choice because they are marketing it also through here. I think they don't have a full blown marketing campaign but that is their decision. I know about the game so I couldn't care less about marketing at this point.

It is simply a business. The developer has the right to sell it at a price he feels comfortable. If it is a bad price point, it is one the developer has to live with.

Similarly people have the right to bitch and complain about whatever they feel like about that price point.

I don't understand why people have to tell other people they should keep quiet about the price. Let them speak and vent their frustration with the pricing which seems justified to them.

I don't understand why people are arguing about all this.
The guy that wont buy at 4200 will not buy at 3500, rather their range would be say around 2000-2500, which is very unlikely to happen any time now let alone a year later.
So why would you cut down your profits of the units you are sure to max the retailers may play around a couple of hundred rupees, to attract buyers nothing more.
But i do expect a good sales, a better one compared to previous titles and fifa.As the number of enthusiasts is increasing slowly
Units sold is irrelevant to a start-up product if it's being sold at BELOW COST in some random market. How is this even a discussion point? They're a small developer with big ambitions, they're not EA, 2K, [insert here]. They're a small studio, based in Melbourne putting a cricket product on consoles for the first time 3 years. Success will be defined by money in bank accounts not the amount of discs being sold for $10 in Mumbai....
So if they sold it for 1 pound, dollar or rupee and got record sales, the game would be more of a success then if the companies making the game actually got their money back or made a profit?
actually if a 4 million people buy yes, and the cost of making discs is pretty less.
Off topic but I need to rant: England are just shit at cricket, really shit. were 100 off ten overs for the loss of none: are now 129 for 5 off 17: Ashley Giles you cannot bowl and you cannot coach. God help us if he gets the test team.
...that's why it's been delayed in the UK. More time to get them off the couch and on the field practicing.
Off topic but I need to rant: England are just shit at cricket, really shit.

only just worked that out... lol It's shocking too see that they struggle to hit long. over complicate it everytime.
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