Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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fearsome tweak it march end and no signs of ps4 & xbox one. you guys suck man...
PC 'players' didn't have CA to themselves.

It was anyone with a PC. They're not the same thing.

I think you need a good laptop or pc to play the nets. I wonder whether your 8-year-old laptop is able to run the nets with decent fps?
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So now we have a steam release, probably the best thing they could do in my opinion, are any of the bells and whistles that come with a steam release on the cards?(workshop, cards, steam acheivements, etc.)
It runs it perfectly. A shitty non-gaming HP which I have never played a game on.
All right... I'm off to EB tomorrow to get a 'fill in' until March. Any ideas?
Because of all the people who were going to pirate the game but will instead buy it legally on consoles to avoid waiting two months?

The existence of Steam is not a surprise that came along at the last minute, piracy wasn't suddenly an issue that came up between December and now. What was the PC release plan prior to then?

An arbitrary delay just because some people might pirate it (and will pirate it regardless of when it releases - because that's what pirates do) just punishes those who will and in many cases already have bought it legally.

It really is a massive let down.

Sorry Matt, I agree with this but it's still a let down for sure. PS Do you own a console mate.
Very disappointed that the PC version has been delayed, as someone who was going to buy it on PC (having sold my PS3) I am gutted. I can understand the reasons for delay, but why has Piracy suddenly become an issue now? Piracy has always been an issue and smacks of poor planning not to have considered Steam earlier. That said, as Football Manager brand has found out that despite being on steam the determined hackers, managed to pirate FM14 within a couple of days of release.
It was a decision set in stone over the last week.

I do understand the reason for the decision,but also cant hide that im a bit disappointed about why its hasnt been thought of earlier,you guys did have plans to release on boxing day what was the plan with pc release then ?.

but on the whole i appreciate its for the good of Cricket gaming&the franchise on the whole and if it is going to give me more cricket games , i will gladly take it with the stride.:cheers
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I'm glad it's going through Steam. Obviously it would be better if there wasn't a two month delay, but I'm ok with it.

Thanks for the update.
Well, time to remove the XBOX from the closet. I hope it still works fine, been a while since I last used my XBOX. Oh well, looking at the brighter side (only for Asians :p), Steam allows regional pricing which means people in India, Pakistan will likely get the game cheaper.
does steam curb piracy ... i do see a lot of pirated steam versions on torrent sites !
don download them though !

i think its a move just to maximise their sales till piracy comes in !
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