Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

View attachment 178124 Can someone please fix this thing ASAP? It's been happening a lot in career mode. Specially during the start of a new over, my batsmen is taking stance all the way at bowlers crease. I have attached a screenshot

Nah see they prepared for this, just turn the "Ball marker display time" modifier up lots :D
After playing the game for two days in both online and offline, I decided to wait for the next patch to play the game again. Want to see what changes will come in next patch.

Batting - Whatever shot u play, there are only four directions where the ball would travel (mostly). Deep point, Deep mid wicket, Mid on, sometimes mid off. 10 or 15 degrees deflection but same direction all the time. Cover region is completely forgotten in the game and I could play only two shots to cover in whole two days.

Batsman animation or not good as 14. There are many awkward shorts (cut shots for example as most of us say/seen) which doesn't sink with reality.

Fielding - Fielders are completely slow and are so generous in giving away extra runs. On the other hand Batsmen are completely fast in running between wickets and could take singles after missing the ball and will reach the crease even before the keeper throws the ball to the stump.

Keeper/Bowler is doing unwanted jumps, slides and more circus just to collect the throw from the fielders.

Fielding radar is missing and it's not easy to place the field quickly. It feels like we have to go through a long menu to place the fielders Every time. Again field changes are not registered for all batsman & bowlers. we have to change it again and again. It is more worse in online matches. If u placed a fielder in the wrong place by mistake and the time runs out u can't change the fielder until that over is completed.

Even if u create a fielding positions in academy, it won't work properly in online game. Fielders will stand as per their wish.

Game exploits like slow bouncers are addressed in this version as well. At least in 14. We could see the circle around the ball to judge the ball speed. Now there is no difference in the circle for slower or faster balls.

There was min speed limit in 14 for each kind of bowler (Medium, F Medium, Fast). I am not sure whether it has been relaxed a bit more in 17. Medium bowlers are bowling 86 KMPH. In 14, 95 KMPH is the slowest I have seen, However it was easy to judge with circle around the ball.

Bowling Controls - I am not sure if there was any necessity to change the bowling controls for, Leg cutter, off cutter & cross seam. We could use 8 directions in anolog stick easily in DBC14. In 17, it has complicated to bowl different kind of deliveries. press R2, L2 etc, are unnecessary changes in my opinion.

Academy - The features in the academy are not easily accessible.

Even adding players to squad, creating/changing a line up for ur custom team has also become difficult.

These are few points I remember as of now. I will get back again if I remember anything more.
Bowling Controls - I am not sure if there was any necessity to change the bowling controls for, Leg cutter, off cutter & cross seam. We could use 8 directions in anolog stick easily in DBC14. In 17, it has complicated to bowl different kind of deliveries. press R2, L2 etc, are unnecessary changes in my opinion.

I have a semi-related question put to me by my wife that I couldn't answer... Why do we have so many controls for the same thing? For instance, if I want to bowl a slower ball, I can either select slower ball with the left stick, or use L2 (I think) to make it slower... Similarly, what is the point of L1 and R1 (used to adjust the pitch when bowling), how does this react with the different lengths I can bowl (IE: pressing x, o, triangle or square)? And is the function of L1 and R1 not performed by flicking the right stick earlier/later in the bowling action (the second time)...?????
Doesn't work mate on training, had same issue.

Works in the game though so dont worry

During gameplay it's the right trigger (R2) with the right stick on the PS4 (not sure about the Xbone), and you have to do it pretty quickly, like as soon as it changes to the screen where the bowler is ready to start his run-up.

Thanks guys. Yeah, I've since found it works in the game.

I have to ask though, how does something so basic make it through testing? I mean it took me less than five minutes from first starting the game to find it.
All the cameras appear to have changed since 14. It seems a strange thing to have done. @The_Pharoah i think that pro cam movement is the batsman doing that last tap thing they do in other cameras?

yeah there's a sort of last hit which is a pain but you can live through it....however when the bowler comes running in, you will notice the screen like jittering...i don't know if its supposed to be breathing or nerves or what....the head needs to be kept still. In DB14 it was perfectly still. In Pro mode, you HAVE to watch the ball right out of the hand as you know...and you can't concentrate with the camera jumping around. Its worse in the nets. I raised this a few times during the betas....but got nothing. One of the basic rules of batting is to keep your head still so you can concentrate on the ball.

The other thing is, even when you're taking out your nervousness on the bat (usually hitting the ground or your foot whilst the bowler runs in), your head still shouldn't move. I think the devs need to don some cricket gear and head out to the nets once in a while - they may have forgotten what its like to actually bat. (I did a nets session a week ago so I know).
View attachment 178124 Can someone please fix this thing ASAP? It's been happening a lot in career mode. Specially during the start of a new over, my batsmen is taking stance all the way at bowlers crease. I have attached a screenshot

lol yes I experienced this yesterday and posted it in the errors/bugs section. Thank you for posting a pic.

C'mon guys could've just re-released DB14 with the new career mode and it would've been perfect. Instead we get the above. We like to make fun of Mike Fegan for the rubbish he released as Ashes Cricket, however I'm not laughing so hard now. We're your biggest fans but will also be your harshest critics. Fix the problems ASAP.
I for one hope that down the wicket stance says in the game. I plan on tacking my guard right there against @MattW in online matches.
In DBC14 there was a pop-up (press right analog stick I think...) to view the batters/bowlers strengths and weaknesses. Unless I'm missing something, it looks like that handy feature has not been brought over to this game.:(

This, so much this!! Also they should make it available in single player matches... unless I'm really stupid (There's always hope!!) I could never bring up my batter strength/weakness in SP games!!
One of the issues I raised before hasn't been implemented ie how do I know what the bowler is bowling? It's not like you can ask the umpire. This feature mentioned above definitely was left out or forgotten.

I hate to constantly bitch but I'm playing through a career mode and all these flaws keep coming up.

I hate to say it but maybe it's a case of BA over extending themselves ie how many games have they released since DB14? thats why we don't have a polished game.
@The_pharaon I was slightly worried when they announced things like women cricket and stadiums. I feared these additions may come at cost of core gameplay elements. Gameplay is the king for me. I would rather have a leg glance instead of those things.
In DBC14 there was a pop-up (press right analog stick I think...) to view the batters/bowlers strengths and weaknesses. Unless I'm missing something, it looks like that handy feature has not been brought over to this game.:(
It also showed what type of bowler they were. In this game we have no clue what type of bowler we're about to face once you skip in Career Mode batting.
Have been playing now and then since the day 1 but loosing interest in this game as it is demanding lot of time to be invested for the set up. I am not even sure whether I will continue to purchase PC copy when it comes out because it's not addictive enough like DBC14, though it might be just me who still prefers heaven with DBC14 with Francos patch!

One of the best and strong positive of DBC is Academy to get that authentic experience in game, but this user interface in Academy is requiring lot of clicks to download. Just to download bats, 1) search 2) downloading results 3) view and download bat 4) goes back to main search for bats all over again to search and download the results from first. People with limited internet connection definitely gonna be frustrated. This is painful user interface and it's more frustrating when game crashes in 4th step while downloading and have to repeat everything all over again , really hope BA does something about it.

Definitely a great game with so much in depth features, but it's demand on time with more number of steps as mandatory prerequisite for authentic game play, has got this game down my list below DBC14. Great not addictive like DBC14, remains my first impression after playing it for more than 3 days.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned previously, however those complaining about the graphics can turn down the gamma setting and also fiddle with their tv settings a tad if need be to get a better looking result.

The suggested gamma setting when you first load up the game is way too bright in my opinion (and for my tv) and it seems to wash out a lot of the detail on the screen.
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